Part Two: 10.

A knock on the door made Ethan and Madilyn look up. Ethan grinned when he saw Jay, Hailey, Maggie, OA, Scola, Tiffany, Jubal, and Isobel. Madilyn smiled and held her arm out to her old friend. Jay hurried over. Jay held her close and ran his fingers through her hair.

"I'm so glad that you're okay!"

"Jay, you're squishing me!"

"Ease up, Jay. Madilyn's been through a lot," Hailey gently tugged on his arm.

"Do me a favour, Lyn," Jay said as he pulled away.

"What's that, Jay?"

"Don't get stabbed and kidnapped outside your apartment again," Jay smirked.

"I'll work on that," Madilyn rolled her eyes, "thanks so much for that solid piece of advice, Jay."

"Always here for good advice," Jay squeezed her good shoulder with a smirk.

"Hey, I'm glad you're doing better," Hailey smiled and laid a hand on her arm.

"Thank you. And thank you for coming here from Chicago."

"Of course," the blonde nodded.

"Madilyn, these are the FBI agents who found you, Special Agents Omar Zindan, Maggie Bell, Tiffany Wallace, and Stuart Scola. The Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Jubal Valentine, and the Special Agent in Charge, Isobel Castille," Ethan explained.

"Hi. Nice to meet you all. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for finding and rescuing me," Madilyn said.

"Of course," Maggie nodded.

"We're glad, all things considered, that you're okay," Jubal nodded.

"Thank you," she smiled.

"I'm so glad to see you're doing well," OA walked over, "I'm Omar but you can call me OA."

"Captain Zidan-"

"Captain?" Madilyn looked over at Jay, "do you two know each other?"

"We served together as Rangers," Jay explained.

"Ah okay," she nodded.

"OA carried you out of the warehouse to the ambulance," Scola explained.

"He also helped restart your heart when you coded on the way to the hospital," Ethan added.

"Thank you, OA," Madilyn said seriously and took his hand.

"Of course. Take it easy," he smiled and squeezed her hand.

"I will," Madilyn nodded.

"We just wanted to stop by to say hi and see how you are doing," Isobel explained.

"I'm doing well, thanks to you and your team," Madilyn said seriously.

"We'll let you rest, so that you can get back to Chicago," Isobel smiled, "please let us know if you need anything."

"I will, thank you, Isobel."

"Yes thank you very much again," Luke walked over and shook her hand.


"Mom?" Madilyn looked up.


Ethan watched as a glamorous woman hurried into the room. She was wearing a long evening gown complete with a fur shawl around her shoulders. Ethan could hear her heels clicking on the tile floor. A man dressed in a smart looking suit was hot on her heels. Ethan took a step back.

"My baby!" Alexandra shrieked as she grabbed Madilyn's arm and hugged her tightly.

"We'll let you all catch up," Maggie nodded before she and the rest of the FBI agents left.

"Mom, Mom, I'm fine!"

"Fine my ass! Madilyn, look at you! You're in the hospital! You have broken bones, a concussion, and you have one less kidney! I never thought I would say this, but you should've listened to your father and gone to Hawaii."

"Max would've found me no matter where I was. Chicago, O'ahu, Cannes. He was determined to find me," Madilyn sighed.

"Madilyn is right, Alexandra," Greg disagreed from his spot by the window.

"I was not talking to you," Alexandra glared at Greg who folded his arms.

Madilyn and Luke groaned and shook their heads. Ethan knew that Madilyn's mom and dad weren't on good terms. Apparently it had been a nasty and difficult divorce, especially since Madilyn had been so young. Luke stepped closer to Madilyn and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Mom," Luke gave the older woman a warning look, "don't do this now."

"If you're going to start a fight, just leave," Madilyn glared at Alexandra.

"Madilyn Alyssa Carson, I am your mother," Alexandra gasped and placed a hand on her chest.

"Alexandra, Madilyn is right," Jean-Claude placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, "this is not the time and place for an argument. Madilyn needs to rest."

"Merci, Jean-Claude," Madilyn nodded.

"De rien. Take it easy, Madilyn. Maybe you'd like to take some time off in Cannes? Nothing heals the soul like the French Riviera beaches." 

"Thank you. I'll think about it," she nodded, "mom, Jean-Claude, this is my boyfriend, Naval Reserves Lieutenant Commander Dr. Ethan Choi. Ethan, this is my mother, Alexandra, and her husband, Jean-Claude."

"Nice to meet you both," Ethan held out his hand.

"Enchanté," Alexandra nodded and shook his hand.

"Pleasure," Jean-Claude nodded and shook his hand too.

"How long have you been together?" Alexandra asked curiously.

"Almost a year," Madilyn smiled and took Ethan's hand. Ethan smiled and squeezed her hand. He kissed her forehead.

"Oh this looks quite busy. I'll be back later," Dr. Charles said from the doorway.

"Dr. Charles?" Madilyn tilted her head.

"Madilyn," he smiled, "I'm so glad to see you're awake and doing well. We can chat later."

"You came out here?"

"Of course. This had to have been very traumatic for you. I'm here to support you. Whatever and whenever you need".

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate that especially since you left an entire department."

"We're a family, Madilyn."

"This is why everyone loves Dr. Charles," she grinned.

"I'm going to grab us some food while you catch up with your mom," Ethan squeezed her hand.

"Okay," she nodded, "I love you."

"I love you too," he leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.

A/N: Wow. I just watched Brian's last episode on Chicago Med. Thank you, Brian, for giving us Ethan Choi for so long! It was incredible to get to see someone who looked like me on the screen in such an iconic role. We'll miss you!
