
My feet landed with a thump on the hard wooden deck beneath me as my kidnapper dropped me from his shoulder. He removed the gag, but kept my hands and feet tied so that I couldn't escape. That didn't stop me trying though. When he turned his back, I thrust my body forward, jumping towards the edge of the ship and closing the gap between myself and the wooden ramp that led off the ship and back to the docks. However on my fifth jump, I landed awkwardly on my feet, making me fall forwards and land on my stomach with a crash. The men turned and laughed hard at my misfortune, my kidnapper pacing over to me, picking me up and dragging me back to the centre of the ship where I became the crews centre of attention.

"Do you think she's the broad the Captain asked for?" a scrawny man asked from beside me, directing his question towards the rest of the crew as they eyed me up and down.

"I'm pretty sure she is" Another replied, his voice scratchy from drinking too much rum and a lack of food. "But if not... I plan to have a lot of fun with her" he continued, running a hard, course finger across my cheek and down my neck. I tensed up, pulling my face away from him and closing my eyes, hoping it was all a dream.

"Mr Fobbs! That is not how you speak to, or treat a beautiful young woman!" a low, silky, English voice rumbled from the shadows behind me causing the men to take several steps away from me. I twisted my head to see who my saviour was, but I couldn't make out any features, he was too encased in the shadows.

"S-sorry Captain" Fobbs stuttered and shuffled further away out of fear of what his captain might do.

CAPTAIN?! I thought to myself, shocked. This man, my saviour from being disgustingly sexually assaulted by eight vile men, was the person who had requested for them to kidnap me?! All of a sudden, I hated this man and wished the crew had killed me instead of allowing me to go through this.

"Release her from those bounds. She is our guest, not our prisoner" the Captain continued. The large, burly man that had carried me to the ship stepped towards me, untying my wrists and then my ankles from the rope that had been wrapped around them. I rubbed at my wrists, comforting them from the pain of the tightness of the rope.

"Welcome aboard Rosella Langley. May your stay be pleasant. Now I suggest you make yourself at home because.. well, that's what it is now." he chuckled under his breath as the crew laughed along, while tears formed in my eyes.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned strongly, fighting back the tears. I was vulnerable enough, I couldn't make my situation any worse by crying.

"Do you not recognise me Ella?" He asked, eyebrows knitting together into a frown, then he sighed. "I suppose you wouldn't... it has been almost eleven years now." That's when it hit me. Those cheek bones, the accent, the piercing blue eyes. Only two people were allowed to call me Ella and that was Penny and... Thomas Hiddleston.

"Thomas?" I asked, my mouth open wide to match my eyes. I took a step towards the very dashing and handsome man. His young adult years, most definitely served him well.

"Please, just call me Tom" he said with a smile. I almost smiled back when I realised why I was on his ship.

"What am I doing here? What do you and your men want with me?!" I cried out, stepping back to where I had been standing originally.

"I just requested your company that's all. Plus, I believe you have something that belongs to me." He growled the last statement as he glanced down at my chest, the glimmer of gold catching his eye. My hand shot the the chain around my neck when I realised what he meant! pulling it from my neck and holding it out to him in the palm of my hand.

"If that's all you want, take it. Now let me go!" I said calmly, a hint of hope in my voice that, that was all it would take for my release. Thomas took the chain from my hand and slid it between his fingers. He looked as though he was considering letting me go.

"Apologies Miss Langley, it seems that we are leaving the port now. The only way you'll get off this ship is if you swim back... And I for one wouldn't want you ruining that lovely dress of yours" he said with a sly smile as he watched the docks get further into the distance as the wind caught the sails. "Perhaps you would like to accompany me instead?" he finished as I glared at him, all hopes of escape, gone. Reluctantly I followed him to his quarters and stood in the middle of the room while he shut the rest of the crew outside.

"I hope you like it" he announced as he poured himself a drink. "This is where you'll be sleeping" he continued, gesturing around the room with his hands. I must admit, for a pirate, he did have good taste and his quarters were very well furnished, all probably stolen no doubt.

"And where will you be staying... Captain?" I questioned, noticing there was only one bed in the room. Thomas responded with a heavy laugh, clutching at his stomach as he did so.

"Why in here! These are my quarters after all" he replied, wiping a small tear from his eye and then taking a long sip of his drink.

"So I presume you intend to let me sleep on the floor like some animal then?" I asked, disliking this man more and more.

"Oh of course not! That would be very rude and ungentlemanly of me. We will share the bed." Thomas replied bluntly. It was official, I hated this man more than anything or anyone in the world. He was clearly out to embarrass me. I hugged myself tightly at the thought of what he might do to me, my emotions and thoughts must have been clear because all of a sudden he was correcting himself.

"Obviously I would respect boundaries. Indeed you are far more beautiful than I had imagined but I would never do anything like that... unless you wanted me to." he growled the last part and I shivered at the thought. There was absolutely no way on earth a pirate would be taking my virginity from me. That would be down to my future husband... who clearly had no idea I had disappeared yet.
