Chapter 4 "I exclaimed."

It was now twenty four hours since we hadn't seen Brian.

One of the police man came in the lock-up and told me. "I'm going to inject you with this so that you don't get effected by the people surrounding you, they've got severely contagious diseases. "

I knew it that he was just jabbering irrelevant stuff so I tried protecting myself from that injection, but he got control over me by adding on some other hands.

I clamoured for approximately two seconds for attention but no one heard and I dropped down.

I woke up finding myself sitting on one of the police station's chair. And I was muddled because I couldn't find a single police officer which worked there yesterday.

I jerked off the chair and inquired what exactly was happening. What they told me completely puzzled me up. They told me that, since six days, this police station was under renovation. I just couldn't understand what was happening.

I returned home with my belief of finding Brian slightly slackened. I went in his room and just pondered upon his fortunes and the respect he had earned for our family. Together with those emotional moments, I looked up for his medals.

I recalled what the big potato had told me at my first visit to the police station. He had told me that Brian had got three silver medals for Cameroon. But what I was seeing didn't approve what he said, I could only see three gold medals hanging on his cabinet.

I was repeatedly recalling  what the big potato had told me. I also remembered that he had said to me and Andrea that he had provided security to Brian's school for the swimming gala on 22nd of March. What my eyes showed me was that the three dates were, 30th August, 16th November and 11th April. There was no such date as 22nd March.

I was now deducing the whole situation. I furiously left my house and rushed back to the police station. I recalled that I'd clicked a selfie with him to cool down his temper which Andrea had left him with.

I was thanking Andrea in my mind at that moment for the first time in my life as she did something beneficial.

I handed over my phone to the police officer who actually seemed to be one;not like the big potato. And we assuredly came on a conclusion that his name was Hulk Rogers.

Now this trouble was getting more and more complicated with time.

I decided to return back home and tell the daughters and the step mother what exactly was happening. Just as I arrived home, I saw the same four-wheeler the black suited man;impersonate had climbed in. Amazingly, the car wasn't locked. When I opened the door, I discovered a photo drooping on it. The photograph explained it all.

The photograph had the big potato;phoney police officer, the black suited guy; the impersonate,  and the woman who had served me at the VRD(Vehicle Registration Department) standing together.

I exclaimed at their master plan.

I walked in my house with the photo. No sooner had I entered my house, when I heard a gunfire from outside. I went out and found a man with his face covered putting something in my postbox . When I saw him,  he ran and shouted,"postbox", repeatedly .

I went and opened the postbox and found a cover. When I tore it apart, I found a ticket to Peru. There was also a chit and it said ,"visit me today in Peru or I'll throw your son in the sharks' tank, let's see how much can he swim rescuing himself from the sharks. "

30th April,
To be continued day after tomorrow.

So guys are you excited for what is gonna happen with Danyal at Peru?
What problems and challenges he's gonna face?
You'll find it out on 2nd May.
