Chapter 3 'It'll be fine. '

'Molly!', yelled Andrea, " wear your shoes and come along with me. "

   I didn't exactly understand her reaction.
   She continued blabbering , " your father is no longer concerned about his own blood, but I just can't let things happen as they want to ,so,  brace up,  we're leaving in search of your brother. "

  I ran towards Andrea and yelled, " stop impersonating, be who you are. "

   I clothed in my coat and put on my boots angrily . And I came down banging my boots on the floor to find Molly and Stella cry. I assembled them both near me and slid my hand on their faces and told them convincingly,"it'll be alright! '

   When I was planning to leave my house, I felt that I crumpled a paper under my boots. And yes, I felt it right.The paper was glued on the floor.

   I hurriedly read what it said. It said in bold, "IF YOU WANT YOUR SON, VISIT ME IN PERU. "

    I rushed out the door, as I percieved that the glue with which the paper was adhered, was still wet.

   There I found a black-coated person who rushed into a four-wheeler and left the street. I tried running towards it but, I ain't Usain Bolt. The good thing was that I got a quick wit to read the number plate, although there was no number but a name, HULK ROGERS.

   I carried my weight to the Vehicle Registration Department; VRD, and asked them to identify this car. Their response to my inquisition completely ruined my hopes. The woman who was serving me said, " Sir, the car you are looking for had been stolen three years ago. "

   I started to stress my mind and think of some technique to look for that person suited in black. For that, I reoccured at the same place at which the four-wheeler was parked.

  When I arrived there, my heart stopped pounding and I tried to stay optimistic as every cloud has a silver lining.

  I found out that there was a CCTV camera placed on a restaurant opposite to the parking place.

  I pleased the owners of the restaurant to assist me with the CCTV footage. They didn't hesitate at all and promptly showed me the CCTV footage.

   I spotted out the suited man. He seemed to be someone from some sort of mafia. I asked them to email me his photo and with it I arrived at the police station. 

  When I reached there, I found the same guy with his beard shaved and dressed in worn off clothes.

   I couldn't control on my temper and jumped over him and got hold of his collar. The police-men surrounded me and got me away from that impersonate. They were supposed to firmly hold me away from him satisfactorily but they did the vice versa.

   I didn't exactly comprehend their response. The guy shouted out loud, "arrest this person, he was the one I was complaining about. "

I didn't even get a fraction of second for reacting, and they locked me up behind the bars.

29th April,
To be continued tomorrow.
