Shaken Warmly By The Hand

The kids and their parents were waiting outside of the chocolate factory.

"Daddy I want to go in," Veruca said.

"It's only 9:59 darling."

"Make time go faster!"

"Patience my dear child," Winnie said.

The Salts just stared at her, she stared back and smiled.

"Eyes on the prize Violet, eyes on the prize," Mrs. Beauregarde said.

"There's not even a prize yet so hush," Winnie said.

Charlie giggled.

Winnie was stunned when she saw her brother for the first time in years. They did look quite alike.

They went inside the factory.

"Take all your hats and coats and throw them anywhere," Willy said.

He took off his sunglasses revealing purple eyes like Winnie's.

"Mr. Wonka, it sure is toasty in here," Mr. Teavee said.

Willy turned around.

"What? Oh yeah, I have to keep it this way because my workers come from a very hot climate, they just can't stand the cold. Let's keep going."

They walked for a second. Violet ran up to him and hugged him. He was uncomfortable.

"Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde."

She was chewing her gum loudly.

"Oh, I don't care."

He continued walking.

"Well you should care, because I'm gonna be the lucky kid to win the special prize."

"You're quite the confident one aren't you?"

"Pretty much," Winnie said quietly.

Willy heard her, he turned to her direction and smirked. He turned back around to Veruca."

"Mr. Wonka, I'm Veruca Salt, it's very nice to meet you sir," she said with a curtsy. 

"Well I always thought that a Veruca was a type of wart found on the bottom of your foot, ha."

Her smile faded. He felt a tug beside him, it was Augustus.

"I'm Augustus Gloop, I love your chocolate."

"I can see that, I love chocolate too, we have so much in common."

He turned to Mike and Charlie.

"And you, you're Mike Teavee, you're the little devil who cracked the system, and you're just excited to be here aren't you?"

He turned to the parents.

"And you must be there..."

He was struggling to get it out.

"Parents," Mr. Salt said.

"Yeah, moms and dads."

His smile turned to sadness.


"Mr. Wonka?" Winnie snapped him out of it.

"Oh I'm so sorry!"

"I know exactly how you feel."

"Ok then...on with the tour!"

They continued walking down the corridor. Augustus turned to Charlie?"

"Would you like some chocolate?"

"Yes please."

"Then get your own."

"That's no way to treat someone," Winnie scolded Augustus.

"You're not my mum."

Winnie got mad, she was about to come at him but Charlie grabbed her arm.

"Winnie please."

"You know Augustus, I would be more than happy to give a nice hard swat on the buttocks!"

"Winnie please calm down."

Willy turned around.

"Everybody just calm down, on with the tour. And Winnie who now?"

"It's me," she said.

"You know I have a sister with exact name as you."

"It was rumored," Grandpa Joe said.

Willy continued walking. 

"The end of the tour please?" Winnie whispered to Charlie and Joe.

"Good time," Charlie whispered.

They continued walking. Veruca and Violet stared at each other.

"Let's be friends."

"Best friends."

They continued the rest of the way to the end.
