Random bullshit

Robert is 16 years old

Robert: hey dad I'm hungry

Gaege: Hello Hungry, I'm Dad

Robert: I'm serious

Gaege: No you're Hungry

Robert: You can't be serious

Gaege: of course I'm not serious I'm Dad

*Robert smile out of anger while looking dead at his dad's eyes

*Next Skit!*

*Mully came in* (Play the video up)

Gaege: welcome to bread bank, we sell bread we sell loafs, we got bread on deck, bread on floo. TOASTED, roas-

Mully: Bro STFU

Mully: Listen I just need a baguette and a brioche 

Gaege: we don't have either of those, you can get the gluten-free white bread, the potato bread-

Mully: what the fuck is gluten, take that shit out

Gaege: It's gluten free

Mully: I don't care if it's free

Gaege: I swear on your fuckin YEEZYS, If you wanna fite we gon fite

Mully: you tryna be on WORLD STAR?

Gaege: what you gonna record it?

Mully: ye, I got my dollar store camera ON

Eddie: what the fucken SITUAAAATION

Mully: what. the. fuck. do you want

Eddie: I'm the MF MANAGER

Mully: at the bread store?

Eddie: BREAD

Mully: tell him to take the MF gluten OUT THE BREAD

Eddie: I'm gonna need you to shut that BULLshit up chief, we can't take shit out the bread

Mully: why put it in the first place? I know y'all smoking that PACK

Eddie: we got crackers, no gluten

Mully: fuck crackers

Gaege: It's gluten free, you want the gluten or nah?

Mully: hell no, you better take the gluten out that damn shit 

Eddie: look we got whole wheat, gluten free, texas toast gluten free, TORTILLA

Mully: fuck all that, what bitch ass country are y'all from, WHERE THEY GOT THIS BULLSHIT AT

Gaege: Florida

Mully: I knew it

Gaege: look you can take the yeast or I'm going to call the police

Mully: I'm goin' WEAST

Eddie: nah don't call the police, I got a warrant

Mully: honestly fuck y'all, I ain't never seen nobody act like this over no bread

Eddie: what the fuck are you saying

Mully: all I'm saying is fuck y'alls bread, FUCK THE GLUTEN, AND FUCK DEM CRACKERS

Gaege: the crackers don't have gluten 

Mully: I'll take those

Gaege: ok that's gonna be 5- 

Mully: nah fuck that I ain't paying

*Mully walk to the door then leave slamming it
