My Gay BestFriend pt.2

(Y/N's pov)

My phone pinged as I was eating 

(K - Kasley C - Chloe J - Juicy Y - Y/N)

K-oi guys you awake?


J-what a miracle Chloe woke up early

K-stop on that Juicy i have a news on something terrifying

Y-what is it?

K-i just got it in twitter saying 'If you heard someone knocking on your door at night dont open it or you will be killed and also if you dont answer it one of your friend will be killed' 

C-Kasley this is not time to make jokes

K-im no joking Chloe

J-its just probably some stupid rumour

Y-yeah probably

K-ok you guys not believing me well then

C-ok Kasley i believe in you a little 

J-im not 

I finished eating and i sits on my couch to watch some movie

At 8:00 pm

I got tired so i got to my room to sleep, i opened my phone


J-what is it?


Y-whats happen on Kasley?

C-Her mom told me....


C-shes dead

Y-What?? where did she found?

C-inside of their house in the kitchen

J-your joking Chloe it no time joking around

C-im not lying *sent a photo of Kasley lying in the kitchen floor


Y-im scared guys why did this happening?/

C-i dont know guys some one knocking to my door

J-its me but im already on your closet tho

C-f**k you Juicy im no joking someone is knocking

Y-please no Chloe

J-Hey Chloe?

C-*sents a picture of her lying to the floor wit blood*

J-F**k this S**t 

Y-hey Juicy language

J-im sorry but tis is probably my last chat on you but i like you Y/N


J- i just faking to be gay to get closer to you, i fake bein gay to be friends with you and join this group 

I just seen it

J-i love you Y/N

Y-i-i i love you too



Y-wait i thought you both got killed?

J-All of what happened is planned 

'Wait he faked being gay to get close on me to be friends with me?' *knock knock*

J-its me Y/N dont worry 

i opened the door he hugs me and we cuddled to sleep.

(kind of s**t for me)
