When I wake up, I recall what happened last night. I felt a tear fall from my eyes. I wipe it quickly and look around where I was, then I remember that I had ran to Sketch for help. I would have gotten advice from Fat Amy, but she doesn't know me as well as he does. It's only 5:00 am but I want to get back to my room before Fat Amy gets up. I scribble a note on a bit of paper to tell Sketch where I am when he wakes up. I get my shoes, slip them on, and walk across the campus to Baker Hall.

I quietly unlock the door and find Fat Amy thankfully asleep. I get a change of clothes, my make up, trainers, curling tongs and my iPhone. When I arrive in the bathroom, I look at myself and a small snort escapes me. I look like a panda because my mascara and eyeliner have smudged all over my face. I can't believe I walked around the college like this!

I take a quick shower and get ready. First, I go to Starbucks and ask for my usual plus two extra shots of espresso - I'm gonna need it today because I will eventually have face Fat Amy and Sketch. I start off my day and it goes well but I avoid Fat Amy as much as possible because I'm not ready for a talk yet. I meet Aubrey and she says there's rehearsals today at 2:00. Great. I have to be near Fat Amy. Ugh! When 2:00 pm arrives, I stay away from her and whenever she comes near me, I pretend I need water or to ask Chloe something. After this happening several times, she takes the hint and leaves me alone.

Once the rehearsing is over with, I call Fat Amy over and ask her if we can walk together. She happily accepts the invitation and we say goodbye to the rest of the Bellas. I start the conversation,

'So, I know what happened last night was a real shock but I just felt overwhelmed and need some comfort.'

'I could've comforted you'

'True,' I say,' but no one knows me as much as Sketch does.'

'Sketch?' she asks.
I explain who Sketch is, how long we've known each other, and the fact that we're basically siblings.

'Ohh...okay.' A question pops up in my mind.

'Can I ask you something?'

'Urm...yeah,' she says a little frightened.

'Do you know where the Trebles' house is?'

'Yes, why?'

'I just wanna know because I want to pay that guy a little visit...'

'No, you're gonna do something stupid,' she complains.

'Im not, I promise.'

'Ugh, fine, tonight I'll show you, but I really don't wanna,' she says honestly.

'Thanks!' I give her a hug and say,' But can we go now?'


We go to the house and it has the letters 'B' 'T' and 'M' on the outside, which I assume stands for 'Barden TrebleMakers'. It's really big, but then again, there are 10 people living there. Fat Amy breaks the silence,

'You ready?' I breathe in and nod.

'Okay, go ahead!' She reaches forward and knocks. I expect her to stay with me but she flees and shouts back,

'Good luck!'

Who's the chicken now? I'm about to call her, but the door opens and a boy stands there on his Treble red jacket. He gives me a warming smile and welcome me in. I look at the small speck across the campus that is Fat Amy and walk in nervously. The boy speaks in a deep voice,

'Can I get you anything?'

He's polite... I did not expect that.

'No thank you,' I say looking around. This place is really tidy for a house full of boys.

'So, what can I do for you?'

'Urm...well, I was wondering if I could talk to a Treble...I don't know his name.'

'Can-,' the boy get interrupted by a voice.

'WHO'S THERE?' The boy replies,

'WAIT A MINUTE!' He continues,
'Can you describe him?'

'Well,' this is hard, what nice things can I say about a guy I've heard nasty rumours about? I think hard,' blonde hair with dark brown roots.'

'Oh...you're that girl that he has a crush on,' he says smiling, 'I'll show you to his room.'



'No problem.'

I remained quiet but, I counted at least 6 televisions, 6 bathrooms and 2 jacuzzis walking around. There could have been more, but we stopped outside a door. This door is very different to all the others. It has a lot dents in it and the door handle looks it's been through a lot of rough handling which adds to my many questions that are circling through my mind. I'm pulled from my thoughts when the boy knocks on the door. The same voice that said 'Hold up there's one more' at the auditions called from inside.

'Come in.'

Shit! I'm kinda scared. My heart starts beating at an abnormal rate and my hands start shaking. The boy opens the door and we walk in.

'You have a guest.' He smirks at the blonde boy and he returns it with a glare, 'See ya later!'

'Ehh, hi,' I say awkwardly. He awkwardly responds with an awkward 'hi' and he awkwardly invites me to sit on his bed next to him. Did I mention this is awkward? Anyway, I sit next to him and I look around his room. There are two beds, two wardrobes and two cabinets. He must share the room with another Treble.

'Hey, so you're a Treble then...?' Oh my god! How dumb? Of course he's a Treble! Keep it together.

'Yeah, so I'm Greg.'

Greg's POV
She's just a pleasure to look at! I could get lost in her eyes. I introduce myself and she does the same. I love her name. It's perfect! We start talking and the awkwardness decreases. We talk about our very different experiences in life, our families and what inspired us to audition for Acapella bands. Talking to her was just so easy but I hold back a lot because it feels the same way to when I used to talk to Danni, and I don't want to go through that shit again.

Brian POV (A/N: the guy who opened the door)

'Hey,' I say as I walk into Bumper's room.

'Hey, what's up?'

'Nothing, just bored and Greg's got a girl over,' I say casually. I watch his reaction: he drops his book and his pen and he's in pure shock. He sends a quick message to the rest of the Trebles to tell them to come to his room, immediately. When they arrive, I tell them what happened and Donald has a huge grin on his face. He enjoys teasing Greg the most and he will use this a blackmailing material. He's so predictable.

We come to the decision that we should eavesdrop and use a glass as a speaker, old school stuff. We can't hear anything, so we go outside the room and listen through the door.


Greg is amazing! He's everything I could ever imagine. But I need the rumours to be put at rest. How though? I ask him something else first,
'Urm...that guy that brought me here said something about a crush on me and...' I finish there because I see some panic in his eyed. Weird.

'Oh,' he laughed,' he was just joking!' I am a little disappointed and look at my shoes. He must have noticed because he put a finger under my chin and made me look at him. His touch felt like a burn but a good type of burn. The feeling spread around my whole body and I didn't want it to leave.

'I still really like you!' That made me happier and I smile .He smiles too and removes his hand from under my chin. I feel cold without his touch.

'Urm...well, there's something I've heard about you...,' I blurt out and I look at him I'm the eyes. He look nervous. He gets up and starts playing some music really loudly on his iPod. He lays it near the door and comes and sits next to me again.

'Eavesdropping,' he states and I nod.
'So, what've you heard about me?' His voice is solemn and his mood has changed from happy to uncomfortable. I open my mouth to continue.

Authors Notes:
So I hope you like the story so far. I left it kinda on a cliffhanger but the next update will come soon. Okay, byeeeeeeeeee xx
