Brutal Honesty

Aubrey's POV
When I talked to (y/n), she didn't seem upset or annoyed, she was actually in a happier mood. I need to know what happened. Ugh! But for now, I need to concentrate on the riff off tonight. I hope we win. We need to win. We have a reputation to uphold.
Greg's POV
As the trebles prepare for the riff off (and when I say prepare, I mean talk about us winning it every year), I think about last night. Nothing really happened. We kissed, we enjoyed it, Fat Amy came back and I had to leave. It's really messing with my head. She didn't even answer my question about what we are.
As the day ends, we go down to the empty pool and stand in our corners. We are directly opposite the Bellas, so I try to go to the back so I can't see (y/n). I don't know why I'm avoiding her, but I feel like it's the best thing to do right now. When the 'songs about sex' category, I cringe slightly and I just wanna escape and not do this anymore, but I have to.
'Lets talk about you and me
Lets talk about all the good things
And the bad things that maybe
Lets talk about sex
Lets talk about sex
A little bit, a little bit
Lets talk about sex'
I can feel her looking at me throughout that whole song. Admittedly, I hate it.
'It feels like the first time
It feels like the very first time
It feels like the first time'.
Beca does a rap, loses, and we win..again. I'd never thought I'd say this, but winning gets old. We run off, and I pretend to be excited to keep the others happy. (Y/n) approaches me but she can't get to talk to me because of Donald's screaming. He never changes. I like it. We go back to our house and celebrate. Donald retrieves a few crates of vodka bottles and we all drown ourselves until it felt like we just drinking water. I love it when I drink. I forget about everything wrong, and just focus on me for a change. I will instantly regret this tomorrow but, I suppose, you just gotta live in the moment. Obviously, I drink the most. Eventually I pass out and sleep a dreamless sleep.
Greg doesn't seem interested in me anymore. He doesn't come running when I look at him or if I say something. I don't what made him change. Maybe it was our crazy moment we had. Why is everything so damn complicated? And what's worse, Aubrey is being a stricter, meaner control freak because she knows that I'm not at all upset about the video anymore and because I found out that she done it on purpose to split us up. I don't think the video done that, I think the kiss did. Anyway, as the ICCA semi finals approach, we have longer rehearsals and more pressure from Aubrey to do cardio. I hate cardio.
~skip to end of ICCA semi finals~
Someone grabs my arm and pulls me to the side. It's Greg.
Greg's POV
She looks up at me with hopeful eyes and smiles, which I don't return. I've had enough. I'm going to tell her exactly what I've been thinking about all of this, whatever this is.
'Don't what?'
'Just listen: I don't know what exactly we are. Are we just friends or are we together? I don't know, and right now, I don't care either. I know you've had bad experiences with relationships, but I'm starting to think the person you were with wasn't in the wrong. I've been damaged, a lot, and whatever this is, its screwing me up. You can't keep doing this to me; kissing me then pretending it never happened. I really want a relationship, but that will never happen because it seems like all you want is a fucktoy, something you just play around with until you're bored. I'm sorry how this turned out but I needed to say that and well I suppose, this is goodbye. At least now I don't start thinking about the impossible. Goodbye, (y/n). I wish you all the best in your life.'
And with that, I walk away, tempted to take one last glance back. I give into the urge and look back. She runs down the corridor, with Fat Amy in her wake. I turn around, but then get engulfed by hugs from all the trebles. Someone that sounds like Brian says,
'You're better off without her.'
I close my eyes and let a few tears escape. They pull apart from me and stand there looking at me, which is actually more uncomfortable than you'd think. I pulled the hood of my jacket over so that it made a shadow that covered my face. We board our converted minibus and Donald drives us home. Halfway through the journey, I ask him of I could drive. He let me because he knew it would be better if I am alone somehow.
Donald's POV
It probably isn't the best idea to let Greg drive because he's really upset but I don't argue with him. He switches with me quickly and he takes control. I go to the back, and we start talking about our performance. Every now and again, we all give Greg a small glance to see if he's okay. We go back to our conversation and start laughing at the look on the Bellas face when we got through. Jesse doesn't find it too funny because we all know he has a thing for Beca. I look at Greg and notice something's different about him. He's driving very fast and it looks like he is shaking. I get up to go talk to him but then he suddenly swerves out of the way of a passing truck he doesn't see and crashes into a random wall in the middle of the deserted road. I feel the ground leave my feet and jerking forward. Everything goes black.
The guy that drove the truck's POV
I keep driving until I see a red minibus. I have my headlights on so they should see me. Apparently not, they turn sharply and go right into a wall. I stop the truck and get out. I dial 911 and the operator says the ambulance will be here in 5 minutes.
Fat Amy's POV
As soon as we came back, (y/n) ran straight to her room. Right now, I'm sitting here in Starbucks, predicting the right time I should go speak to her. It's been 45 minutes so I go up to our room. I hear muffled sobs through the door. I open it without knocking and sit on her bed. She's lying down turned away from from me. I ask her what's wrong. She tells me.
I envelope her in a hug and not say anything because Greg is actually right. I feel my phone vibrating so I back away and answer it. I give the phone to her.
'Yes? Yeah I am. I know him. Omg! Okay, yeah sure, where? Okay be right there. The trebles have crashed and we need to get there now. Greg is nearly dying and Donald is badly injured.'
'What about Bump-?'
'Bumper is fine, just a few bruises. Can you call everyone except Aubrey?'
When we arrive, we all gasp. There are police everywhere, several ambulances and a few people on stretchers. I look at all of them and see Greg on one.
'There!' And then she's gone. I go off to find Bumper, Stacie goes to find Donald, Beca looks for Jesse and the rest just take care of whatever treble they see first.
I run over to the stretcher that occupied Greg and look down at him. The sight of him knocks the breath out of me.

A/N: hope you like this one guys  it's a little short but i wanted to leave it as a cliffhanger (sorta) ok so yeah....byeeeeeeeee xx
