Valentines day❤

Justin p.o.v

I was silent the whole way home. I was holding onto the paper Raegan gave me. When I got home I went straight up stairs and made some musical.lys. After I did that I decide to go live on younow. As I was just about to press the live button I got a text from Raegan.


R: hey

---Justin goes live---

J:hey babe


J: sure

* FaceTime call *

-Justin is still live-

Once Raegan and I are in FaceTime he says

R: I just wanted to tell you I love you like a lot

I cover my face to try and hide the fact that I'm blushing.

J: I-I love you too

R: what are you doing right now?

I turn the camera so that Raegan can see I'm live on younow.

R: oh *laughs*

J: *laughs*

*they talk about stuff for hours and hours, justin is still live*

J: alright guys I'm going to hop off now, bye guys I love you all so much

Everyone comments

"Bye Justin"

"Bye Raegan"

"Love you guys"

"Noooo don't leave"

J: *laughs at comments* alright bye guys

R: byeeeee

I got of younow.

J: Raegan?

R: yea babe

J: I'm going to go to bed I'm really tired *yawn* love you

R: alright babe love you too

I hang up the phone and put on comfy clothes. I browse thought Instagram and twitter. I soon fall asleep.

*still Justin's p.o.v

I wake up to hear my phone go off. I pick it up and see a lot of texts from Raegan.

R: happy valentines babe

R: love you❣️

R:answer me you butt

J: alright fine I'm here happy valentines day baby I love you

R:love you too

J: I really want to see you I miss you so much😩

R: I know babe only after a couple more months

J: ugg that's too long

R: hey go look outside

J: um okay?!?

I put down my phone and walk outside.


Raegan p.o.v

I put my phone back in my pocket and stand at Justin's door. I slip over to the side, so when he opens the door he will see a note and a box of chocolates.

The note says:

I promised, so here I am, I love you baby boy❣️

I wait until Justin opens the door. He picks up the note. I walk up to him and grab him into a hug. I kiss him on the cheek.

"Babe how?" He asks

"Hey you can never break a promise" I say

"I love you" he says

Happy Valentine's Day guys!!! What your favorite valentines days candy?? Mine is probs nerds rope😂-
