Chapter 28

"You're lucky," I said while looking over at Adeline at her vanity, her hands working to braid her hair. I let out an exhausted sigh while dropping my head on her bed, my brain no longer able to retain any more information.

"How?" She asked, a confused smile most likely on her face. I lifted my head slightly, my eyes rolling as I was met with her smile.

"Because you're not taking this test again." I answered. Adeline was a few points away from receiving a fifteen hundred on the test, meaning another hundred would've given her a perfect score.

Looking back, her Mom pushed her to study a lot so she could apply for early admissions for college. It was only a matter of weeks before she received her congratulation letters or not.

"You did good last year," she said as I felt the bed dip, "you'll be fine."

That was a lie.

"I'll try," I muttered before closing my eyes. Every time I study over at Adeline's place, or anywhere in general, I have a strong urge to quit and take a nap.

"Come on," she said in a sing-song voice while shaking my shoulder, "just a few more minutes."

"Adeline I'm not studying anymore." I stated while sitting up. We bickered childishly back and forth before her Mom stood in the doorway.

"Hey, mom," Adeline said after hearing her mother clear her throat.

She gave a tight lipped smile while resting her elbows in the palms of her hands, her crossed arms showing an unwelcoming body language. "That..." she paused, "Cole is downstairs. He'd like to talk with you."

I looked over at Adeline curiously, her interest and curiosity peaked by her mother's words. "O-Oh, okay." She looked back over at me while standing up from her bed, "I'll be right back."

She scurried out of her room behind her mother, leaving me to myself in her room. I pushed my books aside and scrolled through my phone as I waited for Adeline to return.

"Oh, and Cameron's here." Adeline said as I heard her enter the room. I saw Cole wall in out my peripheral, the unhappy look on my face masked before I looked up at them.

"What's up, Cam?" He asked, a certain glint in his eyes silently showing he was up to something. I gave a fake, tight lipped smile in return, his lips only curling up into a faint smirk.

Mrs. James called Adeline again, a small sigh leaving her body as she excused herself from her room. "Why the long face?" Cole asked with a devilish smile, his weight causing the bed to dip as he took a seat.

"You forced into having sex?" I confronted while standing from her bed, the close proximity of our bodies making my skin crawl.

He rolled his eyes while resting back in his elbows. "No. Adeline was very compliant. Would you like to know more?" He asked with a cool smirk.

I shook my head slowly, "what's your problem?" He looked at me uninterestedly, "you've played her more times than I can count and then you coerce her into having sex. What's your point, Cole?"

"Cameron," he said softly while moving his elbows out rest on his thighs, "I don't know why you're so concerned about my relationship, but if you could really fuck off it'd be much appreciated."

I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it as he held a finger up to his lips. "Shhh...we don't need Damon finding out you kissed at that little party do we? I'd be a-shame if word got out about you cheating."

"I didn't kiss Grayson," I sneered lowly while crossing my arms. "And the fact you think Damon would believe any bullshit from your mouth is more than funny."

"You'd be surprised at how convincing I can be." He stood from the bed, the few inches he had over me causing me to tilt my head up at him. "I've gotten Adeline back each time haven't I?"

I glared at him, the pit of my stomach feeling sick after he winked. Coincidentally, Adeline returned and questionably looked between the two of us. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, babe," Cole said while pressing a kiss to her lips. "Cameron was just leaving though." The look in his eyes practically dared me to try and go against what he said. I nodded my head and moved to pack up my textbooks in my book bag.

"What, why?" Adeline asked while walking over to me, much to Coles dismay as he eyed us while he slumped against the frame of the door.

"My mom called. She asked me to come home." I lied while throwing the strap over my shoulder.

"Oh, uh okay. Tell her I said hello." She said before giving me a hug. It didn't sit well in my stomach from the time I left the James' household to when I pulled into my own driveway.

I quickly walked up the driveway and opened the door, the sound of the television filling my ears as I sat my stuff down. "Hey, I'm back— Derek?"

My eyes look at Derek's long body sprawled out on the couch. "Hey!" He happily said before standing and engulfing me in a hug.

"What're you doing here?" I asked after pulling away. I was trying to figure out how I missed his car in the driveway, although my mind is clouded with a plethora of things right now.

"I'm out for break," he said while sitting back on the couch. "How many more days you have left?"

"The rest of this week and like a couple days after that." I answered, the thought of leaving the state for Thanksgiving break exciting me.

"Mom got you something earlier, she put it up though if you're hungry." He said. I smiled and gave a soft 'okay' before walking upstairs. I made sure my curtain was still shut, as I didn't open this morning, before grabbing some clothes to take a quick shower.


"I know a few of you have testing this weekend..." I heard the teacher speak from the front of the class. I couldn't really register what else he was saying as I felt beady eyes on my back.

Chemistry class is a complete hell, and I can't stop myself from counting down the minutes each day. I moved the strap of my book bag over my shoulder, myself being the only person moving.

Our teacher eyed me suspiciously, his lips parted as if he was going to speak, but the bell beat him to it. I pulled away from the desk and bolted towards the door, the thickness of the air in there suffocating me.

It wasn't the fact Grayson was overlying bothering me today, but the exact opposite. He couldn't have been quieter or more standoff-ish if his life depended on it. It made me more uneasy than anything he's previously done, and that's saying something.

"Hey," Kristen said as she came out her class, her eyes glaring as she looked past me. I turned my head to see Grayson in the swarm of people, his eyes glancing over at us before he kept walking. "Did he do anything today?"

"No," I said while shaking my head, "that's what's bothering me."

"He hasn't done anything and that's...upsetting you?" She asked as we walked down the stairs, her eyes showing her confusion.

I sighed, "no, but...I can't explain it." I felt frustrated as we made our way into the parking lot, the chilly air hitting our faces immediately, causing me to throw my hood on.

"If he's not doing anything maybe he's finally taken a damn hint. If it's bothering you so much, you need to go tell somebody."

"Tell who? What am I supposed to say, my teenage neighbor thinks I'm cute and likes me, because that's all it's gonna look like." I exasperated.

"Not if you tell them what he said that night, that was ridiculous, Cameron."

"They'll just see it as he said, she said." I uttered as we walked towards our cars. Adeline waved at us as we neared, the attention of the guys soon following.

"Whatever," she sighed. "I doubt they'll see it that way, but you need to get out of your own head and say something if it continues. Got it?" She sternly said, her voice low enough so the others wouldn't hear anything.

I just nodded my head, not really having much to rebuttal with. I stood in between Damon's arms as we all talked for a few minutes, the cold air causing us to shiver. I turned the heat on immediately, my hands feeling as if they'll crack any moment.

I drove home in silence, which in hindsight wasn't my best idea as I only thought about Grayson more. I groaned and laid my head against the steering wheel for a brief minute before exiting the car.

"Hey," I tiredly said to Derek as I entered the living room. He lazily smiled over at me, his eyes never leaving the television screen. Seeing he's not up for much conversation, I wandered into the kitchen and looked through the fridge for something to eat.

"Mom's cooking tonight, she doesn't want you over eating." Derek commented as I took a seat on the couch, a bowl of chips in my lap.

"Okay," I held out. "It's just chips you know?" I let out a light chuckle, the sound quickly dying out as Derek just stared over at me blankly. "Never mind." I mumbled under my breath before fixating my eyes on the television.

At least ten minutes had gone by and I was growing bored by the game showing on the screen. "How's Caroline?" I asked since I haven't seen her like that. Derek repositioned his arm behind his head, his lips pressed into a hard line as he ignored my question. "Derek?"

"What, Cam? What?" He quickly answered, his tone spewing with annoyance.

"What's your problem?" I asked back, my tone heavy as I sat up straighter. He sighed loudly while running a hand down his face, the few words leaving his lips being mumbled by his hands. "Excuse me for asking a question." I sassily said before walking out the living room.

After dropping my bowl in the sink, I briskly walked upstairs and grabbed my laptop before making a bee-line for the door. "Cameron?" I heard Derek ask from behind me somewhere, although I ignored him as I grabbed my book bag and keys. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Out." I said before opening the door and closing it hard. I dropped my things carefully into the passenger seat before getting in the car myself and driving off. Not much to my surprise, Derek blew up my phone with texts that I didn't bother to answer. I planned to just study and work in my room, but I don't particularly feel like being home with home.

Pulling into the library parking lot, I texted Derek my location before walking into the quiet building. There were maybe ten cars in the whole lot, so I knew it was going to be even quieter than usual. Taking a seat at one of the small, secluded tables in the back, I opened my laptop and got to work.

Over two hours had passed since I glued my butt to the cushioned seat; my fingers cramping and my eyes drooping as I pushed myself to keep working. I rubbed my forehead tiredly before gathering my things up to leave. Everything was quiet as I drove back home; the silence more comforting than I thought it would be in this moment.

"I just wanna go to bed." I thought out loud to myself after a yawn. I feel more and more drained with each day that passes, and I know that's not healthy for my own sake. Pushing past the front door, I was immediately hit with the aroma of food and soft chatter. I made my way upstairs and changed into black sweats and a white tank top, before trudging back down into the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom-" I cut myself short, my mind suddenly alert and out of its hazy state as I see the Froyer family. "H-Hello, everyone." I stuttered out while looking everywhere but at Grayson.

"Hey, sweetie," My mom said, "come get a plate." I shyly nodded while making my way around the counter. Mrs. Froyer directed Danielle into the living room where she could watch the television, much to my dismay because now there were enough seats at the table.

I placed small bits of food on my plate, my eyes looking downward as I made my way over to the table. Mr. Froyer sat at one end of the table, the mother's on both sides of him with their sons beside them, leaving me to sit at the other end.

My leg bounced under the table as I took quick glances at him eating, his eyes not looking my way one time. I swallowed the lump in my throat so I could eat, despite me just licking around everything.

When did she say they were coming over tonight? I can't recall and I surely don't want them here right now. Another thought raced to my mind, it being an explanation for Grayson's 'normal' behavior. He had to have known he was coming over tonight, so he kept quiet and away from me at school.

The more thoughts that entered my head the more I forgot about bringing the fork to my lips, and not just dragging it around the plate. "...Cameron?"

I looked up quickly, all eyes looking over at me. "Y-Yes? Sorry..."

"No worries," Mr. Froyer said. "I had asked if you're taking the SAT on Saturday?" I nodded my head and shoved a piece of chicken in my mouth, not really trusting my voice to not stutter or crack.

"Wonderful," Mrs. Froyer said while picking up her glass. "Do you think you could give Grayson a ride if need be? I'm not sure if he'll still have his car Saturday." She said, her tone clipped as the last sentence was directed towards her son.

"Um, y-yeah sure." I agreed against my better judgement.

"Is that all you got, Cam?" My mom piped up and asked, her eyes fixated on my barely filled plate. I open and closed my mouth before pressing them in a thin line and shrugging, not really having anything to answer her with.

"I can get her more," Grayson said, "if you'd like?" He looked back and forth between my mother and I, my nails digging into my covered thighs as my mother answered for me. Grayson smiled while grabbing both our plates and walking over to the island counter.

I kept an eye on him the entire time, not really sure what his motive was to fix my plate. "Here you go," he kindly said while placing the plate in front of me.

"Thanks," I quietly muttered out before picking my fork up. I hesitantly ate, my lips only moving to eat and respond to small questions throughout dinner. I had figured they'd leave afterwards, but twenty minutes later and they're still here.

We had all migrated into the living room like last time, some mindless movie on the television that body was really paying attention to. "Can I use your bathroom?" Danielle asked from beside me. I gave her a confused look, my head turning slightly towards the direction of the bathroom, "somebodies in that one."

"Oh," I said, "okay, follow me." We slipped away from the chattering adults and entered the quietude of the upstairs level. "Here you are," I said before leaving and walking into my room.

I moved my laptop to the vanity and connected it to the charger before doing the same with my phone. "How was the library?" Grayson asked, his low voice startling me as I jumped. He stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets as he entered my room more, his eyes looking around as if he's never been here.

"What?" I asked after thinking about what he said.

"Your little study session," he began while sitting down at the foot of the bed, "how was it?" I stared blankly at him, my subconscious trying to figure out how he knew about my whereabouts.

"How'd'd you know where I was?" I asked while discretely backing towards the door. His hazel eyes were watching me closely as he gave a toothless smile.

"For starters, you just confirmed it." He playfully said, as if we're having some friendly conversation. He cleared his throat, "you should stop walking back unless you want to hit the wall."

My movements halted as I turned my head to see I was close to the edge of the wall. "How'd you know where I was, Grayson?"

"Your mom told us when we got here, geez." He said while laying down on his back.

"My mom didn't know I was at the library." I said, his head turning slightly so he could look at me. I kept my expression as straight as possible while arching a brow. "Were're s-stalking me?"

"Cameron-" he said through a chuckle.

"It's not funny. You're sick for following me around, Grayson! What is wrong with you?" I said before quickly walking out my room. I felt something latch around my wrist before I could make it to the steps, his strong grip pinning me to the wall.

I took in a shaky breath as he looked down at me as if I was sick or something. "Are you feeling good?" He asked while moving his hand to feel my forehead before I smacked it away.

"I'm not following you." He continued as I let out a dry chuckle, my eyes glancing between his and the bathroom down the hall.


He wasn't pressing me against the wall hard, more so like a child that must stay still to listen to their parent. "Don't move," he said as if he knew my thoughts, "she's not even in there."

"Grayson, get away-"

"Derek knew where you were going, correct? You don't think he told your mom when she got here or something? I'm sad you think so low of me."

I gave him a dumbfounded look as he stepped back, his head shaking in sad disbelief. "Think? Grayson, I don't know if you're too incompetent to understand the shit you're doing, but I don't need to think about how low you are."

He glanced at me behind his lakes, his jaw tense and tightly together. His head turned towards the right slightly, the sound of the steps creaking gaining his attention. "You don't feel hot or anything, maybe you ate something earlier." He said, my brows furrowing quickly.

He placed his hand on my forehead again but I was more confused as to what he's talking about. "I'll tell your mom you're not feeling good, you should go lay down." He said in the same voice while pulling me off the wall slightly.


"Hey," Derek said as he came into view at the top of the stairs. "What's wrong?"

"She said she felt sick and had a headache," Grayson spoke, "I'm trying to get her to lay down."

Derek looked over at me briefly before slowly nodding at Grayson. "Yeah, I heard you a little from the stairs. I'll take care of it, thanks though."

"Yeah, no problem. Feel better, Cam." He said before walking away down the stairs. I didn't want to be here with Derek either as I still didn't feel like talking to him. "What hurts?"

I dumbly looked at him, his question ignored as I walked towards my room. "Cameron?"

"Do I look sick? No, and I don't particularly want to talk with you, Derek, so leave me alone." I shut my door hard and locked it, my back pressed firmly to it as I crossed my arms.

I walked over to the vanity mirror, my face looking a little lighter than normal as a single tear ran down my cheek. I wiped at it harshly before walking over and folding myself into a fetal position on the bed.


"How you think you did?" Damon asked as I wrapped my arms around his middle, my head resting against his chest as he rubbed my back.

"I hate testing," I muttered after letting out a sigh. He chuckled lightly as I watched the rest of our posse made their way over to us, their faces showing a mix of emotions. "How'd you guys do?" I asked, earning a groan from Tyler and Hayden.

"How the hell did Adeline do so good on that? I promise you I just bombed that." Tyler said while taking a sip of his water. We all felt the same way more or less, but I know we all just want to get out of here. "And I'm at school on a Saturday? I could be sleep."

"Your bighead would be on the game with this one." Kristen said while referring to her brother. "You guys wanna go get food?" She added, earning a 'yeah' from everybody.

We exited the library with a few other students and began walking down the hall, for once the space not being crowded with a ton of students. My keys rustled by my side as I swung my lanyard, my mood dropping as realization hit.

"Cam!" I heard Grayson call, causing us all to stop in our tracks and look over at him. Damon's grip on my hand tightened as he jogged his way over to us. "You ready to go?"

"To go?" Kristen questioned, my head turning only to be met with her brow raised and eyes narrowed. Everyone else looked equally as confused.

"To go where?" Damon asked, his eyes locking on mine as he tried to figure it out for himself.

"Home," Grayson nonchalantly answered for me, "she's my ride." Damon's brows furrowed instantly, his expression silently telling me to explain.

"You drove him here? Really?" Kristen asked me in disbelief, "what part of you should stay away from him don't you understand?"

"Kris," Hayden said sternly, "tone it down."

"I don't have my car," Grayson deadpanned as if it was the obvious. I felt the words come and go as I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"You could've walked here for all I care." She stated. "How does your problem have any thing to do with her? And why did you just offer to take him here?"

"His mom asked me to give him a ride-"

"And you could've declined." She cut me off. "I get you're a good helper or whatever, but you don't need to do any favors for him or his family."

"Will you shut up?" Grayson dragged out in an annoyed tone, his eyes rolling hard as Kristen crossed her arms over her chest unfazed.

"You don't talk to her like that." Hayden spoke up, his stance growing a little straighter as he stepped closer beside Kristen.

"Hey, hey," Tyler finally spoke, "y'all need to chill." His patience sounding like it's gone as he looked at each of us. It was bad enough I had to deal with Grayson everywhere, but this back and forth bickering isn't helping in any way.

I felt my hand being rubbed against, my head snapping up and locking on Damon's emerald eyes. "I don't want you driving with him." He said, hesitation and concern evident in his tone as he side eyed Grayson.

"Well, unless you want to take me home, I suggest we should go." Grayson butted in, a small grin on his face as stared Damon down.

His jaw tightened as he took in a deep breath. "Will you please...shut the fuck up?" The two of them looked as if they could go at it right now, and that's the last thing I need on my hands. I forced Damon to look at me, the anger in his eyes dissipating slightly.

"I'll be fine. I drove him here anyways... I-I'll just meet up with you later." I said, hoping to ease the situation. Kristen scoffed and shook her head in disbelief before turning and walking down the hall. Tyler looked at us before walking after her.

Hayden places his hand on Damon's shoulder, probably another gesture for him to not do anything irrational in this moment. The look in his eyes was skeptical, but there's nothing I can really do to change the situation.

"I'll be fine," I said, his head barely nodding in agreement. I placed a quick peck to his lips before walking with Grayson down the hall. I tried looking for Kristen and Tyler while we were inside, but we were now by my car and still no sign of them.

I sighed before getting in the car and driving off. The only audible sound was the radio, and even I tuned that out as I drove down the road. "Are you really not talking to me?" Grayson asked for the third time, my response still being mere silence. "You're being real childish, Cam."

"Me? Childish?" I asked while glancing between him and the road. "Says the idiot who came up to the group of people who don't like them and proceeded to start shit! I told you to wait by my car and I'd meet you out there, but you couldn't seem to do that simple task."

I caught a glimpse of his hand bawling into a tight fist before laying flat against his knee. A dry chuckle was the only thing to escape his lips in response, a sly grin also plastered on his face. The rest of the ride was uncomfortably silent as neither of us said anything else.

Pulling into my driveway, I quickly jumped out the car, not even caring he was still sitting inside. I must've not heard the car door close as I was met with Grayson standing right in front of me at the hood of the car.

"Move." I said, my tone cold as I tried moving around him. With each step I tried to make, he copied and blocked my path. I let out a huff as I closed my eyes and tried to at least keep my composure, being my patience was long gone. "Grayson, move."

"When are you gonna stop holding back?" He asked as he braced his hand on the hood of the car, his head leaning down to come closer to my own.

"What exactly am I holding back, Grayson?" I asked dryly while holding the bridge of my nose. His fingers brushed against my jaw and I flinched away quickly, my eyes shooting up to his.

"That silly peck he gave you was nothing." He said, completely ignoring the question. His eyes were fixated on my lips as he licked his own, "he has nothing on what I could give you. Not a damn thing."

His eyes were dark and almost covered by how enlarged his pupils were as I shoved him back. All the effort in the push wasn't much as he barely moved back. My eyes looked him up and down in disgust as we heard his name being called.

Looking over my shoulder, Mr. Froyer was standing just outside his door, the long frame still being held in his hand. "Your mom's waiting, lets go." He called.

"Okay!" Grayson called back, but Mr. Froyer made no efforts to move. I wondered how much he saw of what just went down...if he even saw any of it. Grayson looked down at me and held his arms open for a hug. "I suggest you come hug me," he mumbled out, his lips barely moving as I hesitantly hugged him.

"Wave to my dad when you let go." He whispered, the sound of him taking in a deep breath very audible in my ear. My skin ran cold as he let go and began walking over to his house, my hand meekly waving over at Mr. Froyer.

Grayson looked over his shoulder, his hand waving back at me. A seemingly friendly gesture to someone looking from the outside in, but my skin grew colder as he smirked and winked my way.


- one of my favorite chapters so far so I hope you all like it, too !! I planned for this to be up earlier today but the last section decided not to save so I was sort of frustrated 😭

- shout out to my friend who didn't take my stupid outburst about it not saving seriously 😂 ! this version is similar to the original, but I like this one more so YAY!

- I hope you all enjoy ! like, comment, vote and thank you for all your comments and support so far. ❤️ xx
