Chapter 26: Baby??

As I turned down the hallway to get to class, I met Stephanie. She was on her way to my locker so we could walk to class together before Audrey came to create a scene.

"Hey, what's got your panties in a twist?" She asked when she saw I was frowning.

"Uggh,I'm so tired of Audrey"

"What did she do this time?"

"Can you believe she actually said I was sleeping with Jayson?"

"Ew "

"I know right."

"So what did you tell her?"

"I gave her a piece of my mind and walked out on her"

"She never learns, does she?"

"Just forget about her and let's get to school, the bell will go off any moment from now."

"Sure. Shall we?" She held out her arm, elbow out and I giggled before hooking my arm in it. We both laughed and made our way to class like a groom walking down the aisle with his bride just after they got married.


"So was the ride with your dad like yesterday? Or this time, you conversed a little."

"I didn't come with him.' She had a puzzled look on her face so I continued. "His car wasn't starting so I came with Jayson."

"You came with who?"

"You heard me Steph."

"Wow,you guys are really becoming close or what do you say?' She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I almost rolled my eyes.

"Oh please, I only sat on his motorcycle because I had no other option. I would have been late if I hadn't come with him."

"Wait, you came by motorcycle?"

"Yes,Jayson doesn't have a car, remember?"

"He does. He just doesn't like using it. He used to drive to school at first,especially during sophomore year."


"Yes. For someone who lives opposite to him,how come you don't know?"

"Maybe I never really noticed."

"Okay,enough about Bradshaw. I think I'm going to catch Gale today."

"Oh my God,really? You still think something is up? Where is he even? I have to give him a good scolding for leaving me in the rain the other day"

"He didn't pick you up?" I shook my head in the negative. "That confirms my suspicions. He goes somewhere else and he won't tell me"

"Have you asked him about it?"

"Yes, I asked him yesterday. He just brushed it off with a lame excuse that we was just busy with some things and it was stressing him out and blah blah blah."

"Okay...... So how do you plan on 'catching' him?"

"I don't know. I was thinking I would just secretly follow him to find out where he has actually been going to and who he has been meeting."

"Steph, you know that is very risky. If whatever you're suspecting him of turns out to be false and he finds out you don't trust him,you know the harm it can put your relationship in right?"

"What do you want me to do then Kay? I'm suspicious and he's not telling me anything that will make me trust him so what else do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, but I still think Gale is a good guy."

"I'm his girlfriend Kayra and I'm saying his behaviour is strange. I just don't want to start thinking he's cheating but with the way things are going, if I don't find out,anxiety will kill me."

I sighed."Alright fine. Do what you want? But if things go wrong, don't blame me."

"You're supposed to support me Kayra."

"And I do support you. I just don't want you to do anything that at the end of the day is going to make you unhappy."

"If I don't do this, I'm not going to be happy. That's for sure."

"I already said you can go ahead and do what you want."

"I will."


The bell rang immediately after that and we threw our trash into the bin before going to class.

Gale's POV

I dropped Kayra off at her house after school. She was angry that I didn't come to pick her when I said I would so I apologized and she finally agreed to forgive me if I take her out for ice cream.

Kayra and food. I shook my head.

I was currently taking Stephanie home too. She was beginning to suspect me and she even asked me about it yesterday but I told her it was nothing she should be worried about. She didn't believe me,it showed in her expression and the way she started to behave towards me. She didn't say anything during the ride after we got to Kayra's house. I didn't say anything too until I turned into her driveway.

"Thanks for the ride babe",she said and gave me a peck before she got out.

At least she still calls me babe

"You're welcome" , I smiled and reversed unto the street before driving off to my own house.

When I got home,a surprise awaited me. There was a car parked in my driveway and I wondered whose it was since it didn't belong to any of my parents. I parked behind the car and took out my keys but the front door was open already.

Oh well,it may be my mom or dad after all.

Little did I know it was neither of them.


"Oh hi Gale. You're here now,good."

"What the hell are you doing in my house? And how did you even get in?"

"I used the key under the door mat at the back door."

Of course

"What  do you want?"

"I just came to take the money personally because you were keeping too long."

"I told you I would bring it to you myself. What is your problem? What if someone walks in and sees you here?"

"Shhhh. Speak softly, Emily is asleep."

As if on cue,a baby started cooing and I turned in the direction of the sound to see a stroller.

"You brought the baby?"

"Correction,our baby. And yes,I brought her. There was no one else at home,my mom has gone to work so I can't just leave her there without any supervision."

I sighed but before I could say anything, I heard the front door open and someone walked in.

Stephanie?! Why is she here? She's not supposed to be here. What am I going to do now?

She was surprised to see Lesley who just smirked at her.

"What's going on here? that a baby?" She asked still not being able to comprehend whatever she saw. Even I didn't understand whatever was happening so I don't blame her.

"Oh hello Stephanie",Lesley spat out.

That was the moment I knew I had messed up big time.

And that was also when Emily decided it was the best time to cry.

Heaven,help me!

Tan tan taaaan🤯🤯🤯

So....did anyone expect that? Gale has a baby with Lesley. Hurayyyy💃💃💃 *receives glares and eye rolls from everyone*

Okay okay, ignore me🤭🤭but what do you think of Gale now? How do you think he got involved with Lesley without Stephanie knowing in the first place?🤔🤔 And they even have a baby??😱😱 Wow. You're free to leave your thoughts and guesses in the comments🙃.

Ow poor Stephanie, she must be heartbroken right now😥💔.

Well,let's see what happens next😋.

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote.😊

Love y'all 😘😘

