Chapter 20: Dinner at the Bradshaws'

"Kayra!!!" I heard my dad scream from the living room.

"Coming!!" I hollered back. I smoothened the front and sides of my dress and checked my hair, neatening my ponytail. I wore a simple dress and flats. I was afraid that I would overdress or underdress because I hadn't been to my dad's boss's house for dinner before. Heck,I hadn't been to any dinner before!

When I was satisfied with my look,I grabbed my small purse which contained my phone,my handkerchief,some lip balm -I didn't like dry lips- and a pack of pocket tissue wipes.

I didn't see why my parents were in such a hurry since the Bradshaws lived just opposite to us. We were literally just going to cross the street.

When I got downstairs,they were both ready and waiting for me. We left the house and I locked the front door and put the keys in my purse.


A woman in her middle ages opened the door for us. She had shoulder length blonde hair and blue for blue eyes. She had on a warm smile as she opened the door which revealed a set of even white teeth.

"Oh hello,you must be the Summers. Please do come in"

"Good evening Mrs Bradshaw",we greeted her.

"Oh you can call me Ruth tonight."

A man who undoubtedly was Jayson's dad met us at the living room area. He was dressed in a long-sleeved blue shirt tucked in a pair of jeans. He extended his hand to shake my dad,then my mom and after,me.

I scanned the house with my eyes. I didn't mean to be rude or anything but they had a beautiful home and I couldn't help myself. Their house was bigger than ours. Their living room was almost twice ours and it appeared they had more rooms than we had upstairs. They had fancy furniture. Nonetheless,it was very comfortable. The entire atmosphere of the house was very welcoming. I'm sure Mrs Bradshaw was the one who kept it that way.

"You're just in time for dinner", Jayson's mom said disrupting my 'house examination'

My dad handed the wine we had brought as a little gift to Mr Bradshaw,he thanked us and disappeared into one of the rooms, probably to store the wine safely.

"Come on,the dining room is right this way",she led the way and we followed her.

The dining table was big enough for eight people. There was a little vase in the middle of the glass table. And the table was set with plates,cutlery and drinking glasses. All that was left was the food.

"Make yourselves comfortable,dinner will be ready in a minute."

We smiled and took our seats. My mom and dad sat next to each other and I sat opposite to my mom.

True to her word,Mrs Bradshaw came back a minute later with two food containers. I got up to help her and she smiled at me. She went back to the kitchen and brought a glass bowl which contained salad and three ladles.

"I'll just ask Jayson if he will be joining us for dinner",she said.

I sure hope he doesn't come down,that will make it so uncomfortable, eating at the same table with your school's bad boy who happens to be your lab partner who at the same time seems to hate your guts.

She disappeared again and Mr Bradshaw took his seat at the head of the table. Few minutes later,Mrs Bradshaw came back with with her 18 year old son behind her.

When he entered the room,I froze and I don't even know why I did. I mean it's not such a big deal,my parents were invited over for dinner and he happened to be the hosts' son. That's it

Immediately he saw me,he frowned.


Don't worry,I'm not glad to see you either.

"You two know each other? That's great",Mrs Bradshaw was more excited about the dinner than everyone else.

"We go to the same school",I replied and added under my breath,"and take biology together". Unfortunately,she heard the second part.

"Oh biology,that's nice."

I just nodded.

"Okay. Jayson here won't be joining us for dinner. But he just came down to greet you."

"Hello Mr and Mrs Summers". Oh so he can be polite.

"How're you doing?"

"I'm fine",he answered.

"Okay,it's great to meet you." My dad said.

"Likewise sir". He responded and said something to his mom before he went back upstairs. Mrs Bradshaw took her seat next to mom. We prayed and we served ourselves.

My dad was the one to speak first,"Mr Bradshaw, I am really grateful for the promotion you gave me and for inviting us over for dinner. I will be sure to not let you down and to carry out my responsibilities to the best of my abilities."

"You're welcome, Henry. I know I made a good decision and I'm trusting that you won't disappoint me. I love how you work, your diligence and commitment to your work, always making sure things are done right and even your zeal towards your work. You  deserve the promotion and you've earned it. Keep it up,Summers"

At this point, I was proud of my father. Although I'm not surprised,he's quite a workaholic.

"Okay okay enough office talks at table. Let's enjoy the meal". The food was really good. I enjoyed every bit of it.

"So .....Kayra right?" I looked up.

"Yes ma'am."

She giggled, maybe because I called her ma'am. She did ask us to call her Ruth tonight but I just met her,so I think it would be a little disrespectful to call her by her first name.

"How's school? With Jayson in your class and everything"

"Oh come on. How am I supposed to answer this? Why is she even asking me? No offense but it's not like it's her business.

"School is okay. Nothing new"


That was pretty much the end of the conversation. There was a little chit chat but not anything major and soon enough,we had all finished eating.
