Pt 2: Oh no no

I was chasing after, the rain too, as If sensing my racing heart seemed to pick up the pace.

This is all my fault
I should've told her
I should've told her earlier

"Annabeth! Wait!" I yelled, trying to catch up with her.

She'd walked out of the mansion under the pretext of having something else to do.

It was until Rachel physically shoved my frozen body into action that I raced after her.

"Go to hell!" she screamed, picking up the pace. The rain soaked her,turning her white shirt almost transparent.

"Please! Let me explain!" I begged, trying to catch up with her. This suit was so tight,
and the fact that it stuck to my body with the rainwater didn't help my movements.

"Why?!" she turned to me, her eyes like daggers straight to my heart, "So you can lie to me?! Play with my feelings?! What was I just a fling for you?! Something to do as you waited to walk down the aisle?!" she screamed at my face, tears rolling down hers.

"No," I whispered," Annabeth please. I wanted to tell you. Please believe me,"I begged.I felt pathetic.

"Then why didn't you?!" she cried, savagely wiping her tears away with her palms.

"I was scared! Scared that you would hate me. Scared that...."

"Scared that what?" she asked, looking at me with pure madness, "Scared that your fiancé would find out me?"

I shook my head, "No...she knows about you. I told her the second I knew, the second I knew that I felt something for you. She and I are completely platonic,"

Annabeth let out a mirthless laugh, "Oh yeah? Tell that to the 5 carat ring on her finger. How stupid do you think I am?!"

"I promise, with every inch of this heart," I laid a hand over my chest, "That I'm telling you the truth. I don't want to marry Rachel. She doesn't want to marry me,"

"Then why?" she asked, analysing me

"Our fathers. We're a business arrangement. If we get married, they're business will merge. And it's to ensure they stay merged," I explained.

"Was any of it real? Between us?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, almost lost in the rain.

"You're the only one for me. I promise. You were always the only one for me," I promised, telling her the words I'd been dying to say.

"I believe you..." she decided after five minutes of gruelling silence.

. She shivered, bringing her hands around her body. We were both soaking wet, standing in the middle of an empty street.

I gave her my my jacket, which even though was wet, would offer her the tiniest bit of warmth.

"But," she threw the jacket around her shoulders, "If you ever keep anything from me again...I'll actually kill you"

I cupped her cheek, relief flooded me as my own tears stung my eyes, "I promise. I promise I'll never lie to you again," I smiled

"You better not," she whispered, taking a step forward.

Silence filled us, only the pattering rain around us seemed to move. I was stuck, the world faded around Annabeth and I. Like we were the only two people on the planet.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered.

She gave me a small nod, barely percievable. I cupped her cheek with my hand, it was slightly damp.

The rain picked up pace, falling faster and faster, matching my racing heartbeat as I leaned in, her face was a hair's breadth away when she surged forward, wrapping her arms around my neck.
She tasted of salt, mixed with rainwater.

I kissed back with unbridled vigour, pouring my feelings into the kiss, hoping Annabeth would be able to read it all. Afterall, she was always the smart one

Annabeth pulled away too quickly after her lips landed on mine. I almost chased after her, barely managing to stop myself. Tearing my gaze away from her lips.

Annabeth still had her eyes closed, lips parted gently. Her quick short breathes were making her chest rise and fall rapidly. A few strands of hair were falling out of her messy braid, framing her face with golden curves. And when she opened her eyes, my breath hitched.

"I love you, you idiot," she breathed, covered in the now pouring rain.

I looked at her, only one coherent thought forming in my mind.

Thank Gods

"I've been in love with you since forever, wise girl. You're the only one for me,"


Kiss scene again, written by the amazing Urmi_22 cause I'm a potato

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022!!!!!
Hope y'all can achieve your resolutions! Mine is to post more often 😂

(Posted jan 2nd 8:32 pm while procrastinating on doing Economics)

Stay tuned!!
