16/12/2019 - At Chennai

Shiva's P. O. V :

I walked to the terrace to avoid the gossiping crowd. Anjali ran behind me.

I caught the parapet wall and was holding myself up. The Sun had already set and the wedding Hall was about to be closed.

Anjali turned me to her side and helped me wipe out the remaining blood from my nose and mouth. I felt like wailing aloud but I couldn't.

I was still hoping for this moment to be my bad dream.

A small tear rolled down my eyes.

" Men aren't supposed to cry. What wrong did you do? " Anjali asked me.

" I went overboard, I shouldn't have dragged his relationship into this. " I said looking down.

" You weren't lying. By the way , he started it Shiva. He would have slapped me if you didn't stop him. Anyone would have done the same if they were in your situation. " She said.

And I remembered Karthik throwing harsh words at Anjali. Anjali came here trusting me and it was my duty to make sure that she doesn't get disrespected.

" Also, don't you have the right to demand from him? He works for you. It's good that at least now you saw his true face. " Anjali said.

" It's not like that. I was only angry that he didn't value me as much as he valued Aparna. I was just expecting that respect. I really don't know what went into him. " I said.

" You are being very innocent Shiva " Anjali said.

" What? " I asked her.

" You are being very considerate of others. You don't know where to keep whom. That's why you are suffering. Even now, you want to trust your friend again. You are not ready to believe me that Aparna is two timing with you and your best friend! , you would only believe when you see it with your own eyes! Look down! " Anjali said and pointed at the backyard, which was two floors below us.

Aparna and Karthik were hugging each other. I couldn't see their face clearly from top. But it was definitely both of them.

" That girl is a bitch! " Anjali said and I couldn't hear any of her words after that.

A loud sound was blaring inside my ears. I instantly turned around and walked out of the premise.

I took the lift and went straight to my bike. Anjali didn't follow me behind this time.

I drove madly, as far as I can go.

The image flashed in front of my eyes again. I was trying to remove the harrowing thoughts from my head, but I couldn't.

All the good times I had with Aparna, suddenly felt awful. I was regretting trusting her.

When Karthik was throwing around pick up lines I didn't care, when Anjali tried telling me, I didn't care, but I was the fool in the end.

The girl who I thought was the perfect one for me, ended up breaking my life.

I knew that everything was over between us, I am engaged, but why this pain is so hard for me. I didn't do any mistake, but why do I feel like dying, while Aparna is out there being happy.

If she can do this to me, then I can get married without guilt. I thought she was having a hard time to move on, but it was only me who was actually still caring for her. she doesn't deserve it.

I cried my heart out and went back to my home around mid night.

As I opened the house door, I saw Anjali's face right in front.

I hugged her and vented out all the remaining hurt.

After few minutes, Anjali pushed me a bit and looked at me.

" Are you over with it? " She asked me.

I nodded my head silently.

" Look Shiva, you are a very talented person. You don't need such people who don't value you. You can run that office without them. You are the boss. How can you ever forget that? " She said.

" I don't know " I said in dull tone.

" How much profit did you get from your last project and how much did you pay for these people? " She asked me.

" Everyone got around 10% of the total profit " I said.

" You got the same 10% ! Are you insane! You can easily find even more talented people who will work under very low salary than your so called friends! You need not be dependent on them. It's your office, your decision should be the final! " She said.

I didn't know why I was finding comfort in her words. Her words are very selfish. But why am I feeling that it was what I needed exactly. Was I really a fool all these time?

" You know what, I am thankful to God that I was here to help you at the right time. Imagine how people would have used you if I wasn't here to support you! " Anjali said holding my hands.

I couldn't feel the warmth. My mind went back to the last time, I felt that. And I didn't want that to happen again. Maybe I couldn't find warmth in her hold, but I can learn to adjust myself.

This is what I can do now.

I smiled at Anjali and she smiled back at me.

Anjali then left for her hometown. She repeated nearly a 100 times that I should talk to her everyday and that I should never avoid her call. I promised her and she left with a happy face.

I walked back to my room and fell on my bed.

Though I had Anjali all the time with me, when I was in my locked room, it was as if I had no one.

That weird feeling was being alone confused me. I texted with Anjali the entire night and still felt void as soon as I threw away my phone. It wasn't that I was longing to see Anjali, but it was a strange void, that I didn't know how to fill up.

I cried myself to sleep at last.

I slept the next day entirely and woke up only by evening.

My parents had left to my home town to give invitations to the relatives there.

I tried calling Hari, but his phone was not reachable for the entire evening.

At night, I got a message from the material supply store.

" Due to unexpected situation, we are sorry to inform you that we are cancelling the sand, steel and cement contract with your firm. " The message read.

I ran my hand through my hair.

The material supplier to my firm was Karthik. He owned that store.

I threw away my phone in frustration. I started calling all the contacts of material suppliers I had.

All their costs were nearly 20% higher than what Karthik supplied.

I finally confirmed the contract with another supplier with high cost, as I had no other go. We need materials to be sent to the hema project site next week.

I felt like I was in an unknown forest, all alone. But this is a new opportunity and I can really survive this.

The next day I went to the office and it was no more a lively space. Aparna along with two interns were working.

I walked directly to my seat without glancing at Aparna.

Aparna walked to my seat with the project file in her hand. Her face was pale and she looked weak. I also knew that I shouldn't fall for this weakling trick. She is trying to convince me that she is suffering more than me.

" Shiva, I worked on the design yesterday. The old plan for the office project had a major mistake in lift location. And then the car parking was placed wrong. I have changed that and also I have added a small courtyard to let in natural light into the office. The client is also someone who likes letting in nature. " She said in a blank tone.

I took the file from her hand and looked at her design idea. She has taken this project under her control too. Just like the previous one. I can't let this happen.

" Send the old plan " I said and gave the file to her.

She looked at me shocked.

" Go! " I said. She took a sharp breath in and stared at me.

" This is unbelievable! Are you asking me to send the plan with that mistake? " She asked me.

I stood up from seat and turned towards her.

" It has mistake or not, do what I tell you to do! " I shouted at her.

" I won't! " She said and threw away the file in her hand.

" Have you forgotten that you are working under me! Do as I say! Send that old plan that I drafted! " I said.

" I won't send a plan with mistake under my name! " She said.

" Fine, you have two choices, send the one that I did, or get out of here! " I said.

She shook her head and looked at me.

" Is this the real you? This project is the next break through we need. Are you ready to risk this for the sake of proving your worth to yourself ? Are you really yourself ? " She said as a small tear escaped her eye.

" This is the fucking real me, now go do your job or get lost from my sight! " I said.

" Fine, I am done. I am done with your silly insecurity. This over confidence will pull you down " She said and walked back to her seat. She started packing her bag , her hands shakily threw everything inside.

" Really, do you think that I can't run this office without you? I need no one who doesn't respect me! I can bloody still win with someone better or worse than you!" I shouted.

She wore her bag and walked to me.

" It's not about this four walls and the computers, it's about the people. It is always the people. You have lost what can't be easily gained! " She said.

" If I put up a small poster outside, I would have a queue of people who would damned do your job without trying to dominate me! " I said.

" Good luck in trying to replace everyone you threw out! " She said and walked out.

I threw my fist on my table and yelled loud at her. But Aparna walked out without giving a second glance at me.
