Pigeonthistle walked with Dawn's Light at sunhigh the next day. River's Fish was stalking carefully behind them, one of Dawn's Light's two kits hanging from his mouth.

The kit he was holding was like a reflection of the blue furred cat behind them. It was a silvery blue kit with a stubby kit tail and cute little paws. Dawn's Light held her other kit in her mouth. That kit has swirls of silver and gold on it's blue fur.

The kits were considered nameless and would be granted a name when they became either a Boundary Keeper or a Hunter. Right now they were only known as Shadows because they were shadows of their parents. The first kit born would be named Night Shadow and the second would be known as Moon Shadow. If Dawn's Light had had a third kit they would have been named as Star Shadow and a fourth, Sky Shadow.

Dawn's Light and River's Fish had told Pigeonthistle a bit about Clanlife in Water beside the Trees.

There was a Third Cat, taking over for the Clan when the leader or deputy announces they are having kits. They act as Medicine Cats it seemed and they get involved with names after their training is finished. Third Cats are appointed by Deputies and go into the Deputy stage if anything happens to that Deputy.

There are Newcomers and Enders. Newcomers are the kits entering training that have a special stage of training where they get the boring stuff finished before they can go into Ender training. When you are an Ender, you either train under a Boundary Keeper or a Hunter. If you are training under a Boundary Keeper, you are named as a Boundary Keeper and defend the outskirts of the territory for the rest of your life. If you train under a Hunter, you become a Hunter and feed the Clan for the rest of your life.

He'd been told Dropped Acorn was the Keeper of the Boundary Keepers and Lizard Scale was the Keeper of the Hunters. Smoking Hill was the Third Cat.

Pigeonthistle would be starting as a Newcomer and he would become Leaf Shadow as soon as he lays a paw on the territory.

Dawn's Light had promised she would name him Pigeonthistle when he fit into the Clan, but she thought her Clanmates might accept him better if he had a Newcomer and Ender name.

River's Fish watched him with narrowed eyes as they padded on a windy moor. Pigeonthistle couldn't help himself. He bristled his fur and growled at the Clan Deputy.

"Could you maybe not stare at me like that!" he spat.

Dawn's Light stopped dead in her tracks and she looked at River's Fish with a worried look in her eyes. River's Fish seemed to go into a shook because he didn't do anything for a while. Then he jerked into reality and his the fur on his back that had been raised lay flat. The Deputy grinned.

"I like this one," he said, talking around Night Shadow. He then continued walking and slid past the pair. Dawn's Light stared strangely after him but then he gaze softened into a sort of love. He flicked her tail and followed her beloved mate.

Pigeonthistle trotted after her and then she turned to look at him.

"Welcome to Water beside the Trees," she said, her kit muffling out some of her words.

It looked exactly like ForestClan territory, but completely different. The trees seemed to be a lot louder than in his old Clan and the grass and leaves under his paws seemed more soft and damp.

There was a sudden yowl and three cats burst out of the tree line.

"Dawn's Light! River's Fish!" the lead cat wailed, coming to an abrupt halt just in front of the beautiful queen.

"Why, hello Dropped Acorn, Tall Oak and Bee Rain," Dawn's Light said, acknowledging all the cats before her.

The leader, Dropped Acorn, was a pretty brown and golden dappled she-cat with a fully brown face. She had stubby legs with a huge, fluffy tail. Her face would round and her big eyes young and hazel.

Tall Oak was a tall and seemingly graceful she-cat with golden fur. She had one darker golden patch looking like a leaf on her back leg. She had usually long legs and loomed above Pigeonthistle and her leader.

Bee Rain was a silver tom with stripes of dark grey. Half of his face was dark grey and the other with light grey. One of his eyes were green and the other was golden. The outline of his eyes was golden. His fur seemed fuzzy and his tail was high and slim. He had short legs and was shorter than Pigeonthistle.

"Who is this?" Dropped Acorn said excitedly. She seemed a little young for her potion as Keeper of the Boundary Keepers.

"This is Leaf Shadow he is joining Water beside the Trees," grumbled River's Fish.

"And who are these little fellas?" the young she-cat said basically bouncing on her paws.

"Night Shadow and Moon Shadow," said Dawn's Light, flicking her tail to each of her kits.

"Ahh, good choice in naming them after dark," Tall Oak nodded thoughtfully.

"Huh?" Leaf Shadow asked.

"Oh," Dawn's Light set Night Shadow on the ground and spoke to him. "We name our kits after a specific thing to signal they are littermates."

"Yeah," Dropped Acorn bounced, "My Newcomer and Ender name was Breeze Shadow, my sister," her expression became clouded and pained, "she was Wind Shadow. She never made it to a Hunter. She trained under Smoking Hill when he was a Hunter."

"Wind Shadow died in an accident with a falling tree," Bee Rain whispered.

Leaf Shadow almost jumped out of his own skin. He hadn't even noticed the tom come up behind him.

"Woah!" he yowled.

Bee Rain and Tall Oak burst out laughing and Moon Shadow mewed in River's Fish's jaws. Dropped Acorn watched until the tom and she-cat were finished before meowing to Dawn's Light, "we should get them to Smoking Hill."

Dawn's Light nodded in agreement.

"Come on then," River's Fish said in a muffled voice.

The five cats with the two little kits swinging in their jaws, padded into the thick line of trees. The falling leaves tickled at Leaf Shadow's nose and he let out a sneeze. Bee Rain purred with delight. The tom was only a little younger than Leaf Shadow and he was still acting like an excited kit.

"So, where do you com from?" Dropped Acorn moved back to walk beside him.

"ForestClan. It's past the fields. I met Roses and Conan there. Do you know them? Roses is very friendly and Conan is... well let's just say he's Conan."

Dropped Acorn nodded, "Do you have any family? How do things work in ForestClan? Do you have a mate? Sorry, did you have a mate? Do you have a Clan leader? Or is that just us?"

"Woah, that's a lot of questions. I have a sister called Smokepaw and one little sister and a little brother. Badgerkit and Dovekit," he sighed. "I miss those two. Um... we have Apprentices, which is like Enders and Newcomers but just rolled into one. We also have Warriors which patrol borders and hunt for the Clan."

"So you don't have Hunters or Boundary Keepers?" the Keeper interrupted.

"No, Warriors hunt and patrol."

"Woah! So cool!" Bee Rain exclaimed.

"Yes, I suppose. I don't have a mate. I was granted my Warrior name only a few moons ago. I'm to young," once more he thought about Camopaw. He wonder if she even cared he was gone. "Uhh, we do have a Clan leader. His name is Longstar-"

"You mean you did have a Clan leader named Longstar," Dropped Acorn interrupted once more.

"Yeah," he said in a small voice. "I did have a Clan leader named Longstar."

"I'm sorry," Dropped Acorn said after noticing he was upset. "I didn't mean to make you sad."

"It's fine."

Dawn's Light pushed through some ferns and the huge clearing opened out in front of them.

Leaf Shadow's jaw dropped and he had to sit down to take it all in.

"Welcome to Water beside the Trees."
