Soul eater?!

Sam's P.O.V~

I went for a walk around town, looked at somethings. Helped out at a orphanage. Today was a pretty good day. As I was walking, I heard a scream. I ran to where it came from and saw a women, hanging on the wall with something sticking out if her torso. As I slowly walked further, a blue thing came out if her.
"Mmm yummy soul" I heard.
"Soul?" I asked out loud. This thing heard me and then charged at me. I got into my battle stance, my weapons ready. I got a upgrade on my weaponry. I have a obsidian sword with a leather blade. I NY other hand I have a machete, with the same metrial as the sword.
"I need more souls!" It said, he swung at me but missed due to me jumping and landing on his back. I stuck my machete in the back if his neck and he screehed. I was thrown off and my sword was stuck up on the roof.
"Is this thing from soul eater?" I got up and started to climb the wall when this dude came down, along with a girl. They both just looked at the thing and it stared back.
"Souls....MORE!" It started running towards the two when the dude turned into a Death Syth.
"Soul? Maka?" I whisper to myself, climbing to the top of the roof. I grabbed my sword but once it was in my hands it turned into the Syth that undertaker has, but more bloody looking. It had black vines going up the handle with blood red roses on them. The Syth glowed a bit, then stopped. I walked to the edge of the building to see Maka down on the ground, soul in his human form, well his arm was the blade but yeah.
"Hey!" I yelled. Both of them looked up.
"Huh?" Soul said. I smiled a razor smile (My teeth are actual razors) and jumped off the building.
"No! don't! You can't kill it! YOR HUMAN!" That made me mad a bit so my body trned to fire.
"I AINT HUMAN!" I yelled as I cut the thing In half. Soul just stared at me. I walked towards him.
"Who do you think you are k iwinh who's human and this not?! I Have no soul!" Mama groaned and sat up holding her head.
"What happened?" she asks as she looked at me.
"You have no soul, how can that be?"
"Well....Considering the fact that we are in the 1800's and this is black butler the anime AND I died.....I don't know" they stared at me like 'wtf'.
"Nothing, we should get going Maka" Soul said walking back to the ally.
"If you ever want to visit, just say these words"_ Maka handed me a piece of paper with some Latin on it.
"You seem like a perfect Meister at DWMA, all you need is a weapon and your good to go"
"But, I don't work well with others"
"Its called trying" They both said before disappearing back to their world.
"How the hell?" A random stranger walked by and stared at me.
"What?" I barked at him, he ran off.
