Linda, Linda Honey Listen

Heyyy what's up? I would like to know how I am doing in my stories so comment on this update and tell me which one I am doing good on. Thanks. So, as of now, I am moving somewhere else in Wisconsin. Who knows a city called Kaukauna? It is by Green bay. I am moving there to KK(Kaukauna). I have a new laptop so I will be updating still. Does anyone wanna do a banner for any of my stories? I understand if you don't, I am bad at doing them but I try. I will try to make one okay? I am going to make a facebook page called MushuTheWriter and I will make sure the first five people be admins or something like that. I will update this later.

Update: I couldn't handle the school there. the classes were 75 minutes long. I am back in monroe now and I have the chromebook back so updates will be easy.
