.Chapter 7.

I hopped from bush-to-bush until I was close enough to hit them at least once. After about a few minutes of tailing them, I decided it'd be the right time to strike. I swiftly jumped from the bush, and swung my leg into the first one's neck. He fell to the ground choking but quickly got up and held my neck up to a tree. I was struggling to free myself so I tried to kick my leg up and hit his nose. I was successful and he let me go.

"Hey! Who do you think you are?!" The second shouted in agony. I didn't respond until I approached the three of them. The first who I had kicked in the nose had fainted. I suppose the neck hit was hurtful enough. Possibly he panicked.

"I believe my name would be Koda. Koda Collymore, here to send you to the hospital. You know, all ink runs out eventually. I suppose you had a shorter supply," I quickly hopped onto one of their shoulders, just standing there. My eyes started to glow a bit as I forced a rock from the ground. Almost big enough to be a boulder.

The third one pinned me to the ground after realizing what I was doing. I started kicking him in the gut but he wouldn't lay off. So I manipulated a few smaller rocks, they all landed right on his head. I dug my nails into his skin, blood would seep from his arms in each spot. It started snowing, I felt the cold air go right into my nose.

"Stop! If they have more of the Collymore's here, we're in something deeper than we should be!" One of them shouted. The guy stopped pushing on my shoulders so much, he grabbed my hands and quickly pushed them together without letting me go.

"If that scrawny kid's dad shows up, we're done for," I heard another say.

"I know, let's take him captive or he'll tell his parents," The guy who was holding me hostage said quickly.

"You know I'm only going easy on you three right?" I added trying to be snobby. The scratch from that bush earlier started to burn. The guy holding me landed a punch right on my eye, so I kicked his shins just before he was going to talk.

"OW- You little (Word)," He shouted and quickly socked me in the nose.

"What in the devil do you think you're doing!" One of the guys shouted.

"The kid is being a smart (word)!"

"Shut up and tie him to a tree or something, we won't be coming back, " The one from before grumbled.

"Aw, whatever," The one in front of me sighed and swiftly tied a rope around my hands. He swung the rope over and over again until it was tight onto the branch.

"Listen, kid. If you can't even get out of that rope, then I highly doubt you're able to beat even one of us in a fight," The one I had given a hurt nose said quickly with a smirk. He had just woken up I presume.

"Alright. Well, if you're going to leave...I think I will go tell everyone it's safe for them to emerge from the house once again," I said, smirking. My eyes were closed, and one of them came up to me. I could tell. Anyone could, the breath was indescribable, a terrible smell. I couldn't stand it.

"Stop breathing on my face. Your breath could make a flower die in an instant," My eyes opened quickly, glowing a bright red. The ropes melted off my body as I watched the man back away slowly.

"Don't underestimate people you don't know yet," I hopped onto his shoulders, he looked as if he had just seen a ghost.

"So. Leave. Or, you can say farewell to the other guys. And die," I spoke calmly as I peered into his eyes. I could tell he was a bit scared. I grabbed hold of his head not letting him answer me. My hands tightened, the other two had been gone for a minute yet. I took a deep breath, and readied myself for what I was about to do.

"Please! Please don't kill me! I'll do anything," He pleaded.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you," I responded and tightened my grip.

"I have a family! Please, I want to see my little girl again. Let me go! I swear I'll never come here again," He said. I had to ponder this for a minute. If he has a kid, I wouldn't want them to end up like me. Without family to be there for you.

"Fine," Quickly I took out a dagger. I wanted to intimidate him.

"But, I swear if I ever see you again. I'll kill you. And your friends. If I hear you've touched someone. I'll find you," I whispered before getting down.

"So! I'll escort you out, shall I?" I clasped my hands together and started towards the gate.

"Leave," My eyes gave off a glow as I watched him timidly trot outside.

"Koda-" Someone whispered behind me. I quickly turned around, pinning them to the ground without saying a word.

"Relax! It's me," It was Callahan. My breath started to cloud, and the ground grew closer. My eyes shut and I couldn't tell what was going on. God, my head hurts. I felt someone try to lift me, and I lost consciousness.


Thank you so much if your still reading this haha- Please tell me if it's good.
