.Chapter 3.


"Yeah... It's not the best name but it's okay," My ears faced forward after he said that. Wait, I shouldn't be slacking off...



"That sounds like I girl's name!" I couldn't help but laugh, and even though it wasn't always a girl's name it was still funny because he showed me the way it was spelled. E-R-I-N, like how girls would spell it, I think it was pretty funny that some seven-foot tall guy would have a name that's so feminine. But I suppose mine is to...

"It does not!" His face turned a bit red. I kept laughing for a minute, but I did stop eventually. I knew I had to get to work so I stopped myself before I got carried away...

"On more serious terms, I need to work so don't distract me any longer," He nodded and kept quiet while I watched the gate. About an hour had gone by, and I hadn't moved the entire time, my bones were stiff. Man, it's not gonna feel good once I get out of this position...

A car? It's very small, blue, and it was black that went around the doors. I quickly hopped down and stood in front of the car. Erin was still in the tree but I couldn't worry about him.

"Roll down your window!" I tried pushing my voice to sound deeper. The window rolled down, it was a woman with her hair slicked back. It was a strawberry blonde, she had a suit on, but she also had a 'Get out of my way' look on her face.

"State your business," God, my legs hurt and I knew I couldn't move fast or I'd fall and then get hurt further later for not catching her if she's trying to rob this place or something.

"I'm here to see Mary, Mary Gilford. Have you seen her around?"

"Yes, but you're going to have to walk up to the house. I need to escort you to make sure you're not a threat. The woman sighed and got out of her car. She snapped her index and thumb together, and two men got out of the backseat. One got in to drive away and the other handed the woman her bag and got back into the car. She had so much control over them, and for what reason.

"Okay, well follow me please," I stretched my legs, but only subtly so nobody would notice.

"Who are you. I haven't seen you around any other time than this," The woman's voice was stern when she spoke. Almost like my mothers.

"You have no business knowing,"

"I suppose you're right, but Mary is very important to me and I come here almost every day. I think I'm entitled to know who you are," She sized me up with a disgusted look on her face.

"My name is Koda,"

"Koda? As in Collymore's son..?" I nodded.

"No-way, you're too scrawny. You look like you haven't eaten for the past week,"

"I haven't," I looked at her, she looked back.

"What's the matter,"

"Nothing, I just expected your mother to raise someone a bit more healthy looking. You don't even look like a child. You are extremely skinny, you've got bags under your eyes, you've got the belt as small as it gets on your pants, and I can tell your face is paler than that. Why don't you wash your face and let all your bruises see through. They aren't covered well so why waste the makeup," I got a bit nervous just then, she knew everything! She probably is some spy sent from my mom to [word] me off!

"Sorry for not being up to your standards," I tried to keep calm; this lady was so annoying though!

"But my mother raised a child who could beat almost anyone in any sort of fight,"

"Let's just go inside,"

I pushed the door open and we both walked in.

"Mary! Are you up the stairs?"

"Oh! Just a moment Violet!"

"Okay!" The women smiled a tad. Wait, was Erin awake or was he...crap! I left him outside in that tree! He's probably woken up and can't get down for all I know. Actually he probably tried to get down and fell on his stupid cute face. Wait what? No he's ugly, I mean yeah. He's so annoying too...

"Alright, ready?" Mary came down the stairs.

"Thanks Koda, can you fetch Erin really quick?"

"Sure," I turned around and walked outside. Once I had gotten to the tree where I had been before, I saw that Erin was still asleep. What an idiot.

"Wake up!" My tail wrapped around the branch and soon enough I was on top of the branch.

"Mary wants to speak to you! You have to get up," He nearly fell off when I yelled the first time.

"Stop yelling at me!" Erin rubbed his eyes and slowly got down. I just stood there and waited for him to let go of the branch.

"You're a baby! just drop, you're only about five feet from the ground!"

"That's high!" I suppose he saw me get down after a few minutes because he gripped the branch tighter thinking I would pry him down or something. Of course I did though.

"Get going!" I kicked the back of his shins.

"Whatever," We both started back to the house. Once we had gotten there Mary got really excited. I wonder why...?

"There you are," She said.

"I was thinking you should come with us to pick out a new suit," I looked at him, I hadn't noticed what he was wearing. It was just a plain dark red hoodie, though the sleeves were only quarter length. He also had on ripped skinny jeans, but they frilled at the end and only went down to his shin's...

"I went yesterday, when you took me and Violet to the big mall,"

"Oh great! So you can stay here while Violet and I have a girls day! We are going to get our nails done matching," Erin looked at me just then, I realized the color of his eyes. They were quite pretty. One was a deep blue, almost like the ocean. The other was an electric-looking yellow. Wow, I wish my eyes were like his. I could get lost in them for hours if I wanted. Wait what..? That's weird, don't say that.

I could feel my face getting heated so I walked outside to cool down. Just before I could do so, Mary had to say something of course. I didn't turn when she started talking however.

"Koda! Just a moment please," She clapped her hands together and started speaking again.

"Can you maybe teach Erin some of the things your parents have taught you? I think he would enjoy learning some special techniques," Mary was basically burning a hole into the back of my head, so I turned because I knew she was waiting for a response.

"Sorry, madame.." She cut me off.

"Just call me Mary, please,"

"Okay, um. Mary, I don't think that is really the best idea. My parents have taught me things I don't think anyone should know at my age. I do so think that it would be a tad traumatizing if I did,"

"Oh, well maybe he could teach you things instead? Like about cooking? He does really like to bake,"

"Baking and Cooking are two different things," Erin sounded serious, I assume he does take cooking seriously then.

"Yada yada, well me and Violet best be going though,"

"Okay.." The two of them left and me and Erin were left alone.


I started walking away after he said that, of course he followed me.

"What," I turned around to face him before I went outside.

"Can I come?" Of course he asks that.

"Sure. Just don't cause any trouble or I'll leave you in exactly two point three seconds flat," He looked surprised, I don't know why. That time was pretty slow compared to my older brother's time for getting away. His best is one point two i'm pretty sure.

"That doesn't even give you time to stand up! How do you do that!?" I just looked at him, is he stupid? It's not that hard.

"Whatever, let's just go," And we did. I took him to a different spot this time. I had to watch all three gates too because all of the security guards followed Mary. This is going to be hard the rest of the day.
