Abnormal Weather - Part 1

(A/N: While I am writing about the series, I won't be writing to the whole story. Which means I won't be writing about each episodes, only the selected ones. Storm and Lantern the main point here, and they will get their own arc. Because Starfire the only one who have not arc focus on her, I decided to write one for her. This story starts during Season 2. Extra note; this is not OC x Starfire. Storm will get his own girl, though unfortunately, not among the characters from the series.)

In the new age of the Superhuman Society, this world is on going in their evolution or revolution in life. While the most of the world's population are normal human, there are rise of metahuman, the extra terrestrial, and even more unknown beings that come to life. But the eyes of everything are mostly focus to toward a group of young heroes.


In the forest, during the night, the moonlight shine across the area where it is not filled with too dense trees. But in a pathway in the forest, there is one individual who is walking there. It is a teenage boy, with his head and face covered by his hoodie.

???: This is much more boring than I thought. Just simply ride the wind, and take where things go around...

He groan and keep walking, as the cloud suddenly formed into the sky and slowly slowly into rain. After a while of walking, the boy stops and look ahead.

???: Are you kidding me?

Just in front of him, there is large bear that come out from the woods and growl at the boy. He snickered and look at the bear, as his eyes glows terrifyingly at the bear. The bear sense that the boy is much more of a threat for him, making the bear slowly backing away from him and disappear back into the woods. The boy smile and walk into the woods as well, and just disappear right away into the darkness.


Few Weeks Later...


At Jump City...

Jump City is a large city in the United States, located between San Francisco and Boston. This city inhabit lots of people here, all normal and metahumans, even other kind of extra terrestrial beings. To the people here, anything weird isn't that weird at all because they are used to it in this life. Plus, incidents in this city are basically common, literally almost daily.


As the cars are moving on the road, the people walking at the pathway, it all stopped when a truck suddenly thrown at the road and explode. The people start panicking and running away, even those in their vehicles abandoned their own ride just to get to safety. Coming out from behind the smoke, it is a large golem like monster.


This guy is one of the few common villains in this city, Cinderblock. He is a golem like being that constantly fight against the local hero team. Despite having a vocal cord, his own low intelligence prevent him from speaking normally.

Cinderblock: Raaah!!

He grab another car and throw it away, causing it explode when hitting another car.

???: Stop right there, Cinderblock!

He stop throwing fits and turn around, and sees a group of teenage hero who is the team who protect this city.

《Real Name: Richard John "Dick" Grayson》 
Team Leader》

《Real Name: Koriand'r》

《Beast Boy》
《Real Name: Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan》

《Real Name: Rachel Goth》 

《Real Name: Victor Stone》
《Second in Command》

These team of heroes called themselves as Teen Titans. Led by Robin, these group are well-known throughout the city, possible the even the whole state. Teen Titans have been fighting against multiple crimes in this city and make sure the citizens of this city able to have a peace at times.

Robin: This is where you stop, Cinderblock!

Beast Boy: Dude, you really have to come back and destroying things against? Remember the last time we throw you to prison?!

Cinderblock: Raaaahh!!

Cyborg: Looks like you just made him mad.

Raven: Let's get this over with quickly.

Starfire: I agree with Raven, so we all can have lunch together!

Cinderblock: Raaaahh!!

He grab one car and throw it at them.

Robin: Titans, go!

As they dash ahead, the car crashed onto the road and explode. Robin take out some daggers and throw it at Cinderblock, but the golem easily blocked the daggers. Starfire's eyes glows in green, as her hands glows in green with her ultraviolet energy before she throwing starbolts at Cinderblock. He grunt and block away slowly, before turning aside and sees Raven. Her eyes glows in white as she slowly raise her hands with black energy covering her hands.

Raven: Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

She have the other cars engulf in the same dark aura and sent them flying at Cinderblock, causing some explosion.

Cinderblock: Ugh! Rahh!


When he turn aside, Cinderblock sees Beast Boy transform into a triceratops and lunge toward him. Once reach him, Beast Boy crash into Cinderblock, and he caught his horns while get stopped by the golem. But from under the "shield" of Beast Boy, Cyborg jump out and turn his right hand into his sonic cannon.

Cyborg: Booyah!!

He shoot a bright blue beam at Cinderblock, sending him skidding back from the attack and stopped when his back hit a truck. Cinderblock hold his head and shake it, before growl in anger. Cinderblock turn to the truck and lift it with his arms, before throwing it at the Titans.

Robin: Look out!

As they jump away and avoid the truck from crashing onto them, Cinderblock take that chance to escape and runs away.

Starfire: Robin, Cinderblock is escaping!

Robin: Cyborg, our ride!

Cyborg: Got it!

He runs ahead and bring in the team's car, or more precise, Cyborg's car, the T-Car. They get into the car, and head on to chase after Cinderblock.

(Time Skip)

Once they reach the outskirt of the city, near the forest, they found where Cinderblock enters the forest. Cyborg stops the T-Car and parked it beside the road, as the team gets out and look at the large path, crushed rocks and fallen trees that Cinderblock have caused.

Robin: Okay, guys, fan out. And try to look for where Cinderblock might be hiding.

The team nod at each other and they split up, though Starfire asked what "fan out" means before Robin told her it means they should split up for the search. Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy search from the air, while Robin and Cyborg search from the ground. Robin walk through the fallen tree are, but the fallen trees slowly getting much lesser.

Robin: Looks like Cinderblock is taking this slowly to make sure we didn't follow him.

He take out his Titan Communicator, and contact others he found a trail. Not long after, the team gathered with Robin and join him in the search.

Robin: Remember team, we need to take on Cinderblock and find out what is he really looking for.

Beast Boy: Aside causing property damage, going on rampage for no reason, and going to be sent to jail all over again? Hehehe. Yeah, I can see where this is going to.

Cyborg: But this time, let's sent him to a permanent prison.


When they heard the loud boom, they look ahead and sees a cloud of dust formed not too far ahead of them.

Starfire: What is that?

Raven: Looks like we got much than just a Cinderblock.

Robin: Titans, proceed with caution.

They walk ahead slowly and reach the opened area, which was caused by the "explosion."

Beast Boy: Whoa, this kinda look wicked!

They look around and sees most of the damage there. As the smoke slowly clears, they sees Cinderblock, on the ground and defeated. While the team is surprised by this development, what they surprise even more is that someone is sitting on top of Cinderblock as if nothing happen.

???: *yawn* I expecting more, but this is really disappointing.

The boy stand up and drop down onto the ground, scratching his head under the hoodie and notice Teen Titans who just arrived at the scene.

???: Well, you guys are late. *point at Cinderblock* And seriously, what is so hard to take down this guy?

While still surprised by this, Robin is the one who break the silence from his team side and step forward.

Robin: I don't know who you are, but thanks for taking down Cinderblock.

???: You can take him, I'm not interested in weaklings.

Beast Boy: *whisper at Cyborg* Did that guy just call Cinderblock "weak"?

Cyborg: Yes, I heard it loud and clear.

???: Now if you'll excuse me, I will be leaving now.

Robin: *turn to the boy* Wait, what?

???: I have no business with either of you, nor that golem guy. See you later, and good luck with whatever heroism that you're doing in daily life.

He simply wave at them before leaving the area.

Beast Boy: Who the heck is that guy?

Starfire: He is sure to be a mysterious person.

Once they called the police, they able to take Cinderblock back to prison. The team actually surprised that the mysterious boy easily beaten Cinderblock like he was nothing, even having some cracks all over his body.

(Time Skip)

At the Titans Tower...

Not long after, the team returned back their home, the Titans Tower. Literally everyone know where they live, though mostly the stronger people are the ones that trying to break in due to the tower's security system. So unless they let others in, the security system won't triggered. Well, unless there are certain someone who can hack into their system quite easily.

(Living Room)

The living room is the place where the Titans always hanging out with each other.

Like they always do, the team are hanging out with each other there. Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy are playing video game, Raven is meditating and Starfire is cooking food. Not Tamaranean food, just normal food.

Starfire: Friends, what do you wish to eat today?

Raven: I'm fine with anything.

Starfire: Oh, that is glorious. I shall make preparation for our lunch.

Beast Boy: Oh, you're not going to beat me! I am the king of the race forever!

Cyborg: Hah! As if! I will be winning in this kind of game!

Robin: ...

Though he is focusing on the game, he just keep thinking about the incident. In the end, Cyborg wins the game.

Cyborg: Booyah! I won!

Beast Boy: Damn it! Next time, I will win it for sure!

Cyborg: Nu-uh! I still win! *turn to Robin* Did you see how I beat Beast Boy?!

Robin: Not really.

Beast Boy: Dude, you good?

Robin: Yes, just been thinking about that guy. Like how did he easily beat Cinderblock and everything.

Cyborg: You seriously going to believe him? Cinderblock probably lose his footing and fell down!

Raven: Don't think you thinking way too much?

Starfire: Please, Robin, unburden yourself. We all do feeling curious about the boy.

Robin: Cyborg, did you make a background check?

Cyborg: How should I do if I don't know his name? Though about the forest where he live is at now is technically have weird rumors around it.

Beast Boy: I actually heard about it, too.

He take out a soda can and take a drink from it.

Beast Boy: For weeks, there has been weird weather there. Like it would rain so suddenly, and stopped because change into hail or blizzard. There even one time where the whole forest get into a drought.

Starfire: Such a mysterious phenomenon. I never know that Earth have such kind of weather.

Cyborg: Actually, we don't. Weather doesn't change that easy unless it is... tampered with.

Beast Boy: So you're saying someone or something is tampering with the weather? But everything in the city is fine.

Cyborg: Not the whole city, but only at that forest. And it literally happening right now.

He change the screen from video game to the surveillance camera from a nearby tower that pointed at the forest. They sees a large cloud formed and causing light rain there.

Robin: It's raining there. And even at this afternoon when outside is pretty hot?

Cyborg: Wanna go and check it out again there?

Robin: Hmmm...



Back in the forest again, it is raining. At one of the cave there, the boy from before is lying down on a couch.

???: Hmmm... I wonder why did I make it rain. I still can make it sunny, but is too hot. And I can't make it snow because it is in the middle of summer.

Inside the cave, there are quite lots of items and normal devices such as house applications, even snacks, arcade games and vending machines. Like just say this boy know how to keep his stuff there, and even have generators to use the electric items. If not using the generator, he can use his power to generate the needed electricity for his life.

(Next Day)
(Jump City)

In the streets of the city, it shows the boy is walking around the area. The boy bump into a person, and he quickly apologies for it. Though it shows he actually just pickpocket the person, only just take the money rather than the whole wallet.

???: That was easy.

He walk to a nearby food outlet, ordering some soda and hotdogs. After buying the food, the boy eat his hotdogs and drink the soda from the cup.

???: Nothing more is good as some breakfast in the time.

???: And I never thought I'd be meeting you here.

The boy turn around, and face to face with the leader of the Teen Titans, the Boy Wonder himself. 

Robin: You know pickpocket isn't a good thing to do.

???: And?

Robin: That's a crime.

???: *grin* It's not a crime if they don't know about it.

Robin: And you think you won't get away with it.

???: I'm one hundred percent I do.

He finish the hotdogs and the soda, throwing the wrapper and cup into the trash can. The boy smile again before jump in a great height, landing on a small building's edge.

???: And if you wanted to stop me, try catch me first!

Robin take out his grappling hook and shoot it at one of the sign, and get to the roof building along with the boy. Robin rush toward the boy, throwing some punches and kicks at him, though the boy easily block the attack using only minimal movements. They keep moving until they reach the center of the roof.

???: Heheh. You're not bad... Boy Wonder, no, Robin, I presume?

Robin: Nice that you actually know me. And mind telling your name?

???: Name, huh? Even if you asked, there isn't a real meaning behind it.

He grab his hoodie and take it off, revealing his face and his hair waves as the wind blows.

Storm: I don't bother to tell you my real name... But I'm Storm. Just a person who moves by the wind, but as dangerous as a disaster. *smirk* Pleased to be your acquaintances.



At the distance area in the space, a single green light is seen to be travelling in fast rate and seems to be heading toward somewhere in the galaxy.

To be continued...
