When the Frisbee Attacks

Cyborg's P.O.V:

After Beast Boy and Raven left, I noticed how quiet it got in the kitchen. Robin wasn't obsessing over anything, and Star wasn't kissing him, or jabbering about going to the mall with Raven...or something like that.

It had been a few minutes in silence, but then I heard yelling.

I listened closer, trying to make out words, but there wasn't anything. All I could make out, was Raven's voice.

I heard a door open, and then close, so I looked up, seeing Raven with a distraught look on her face.

"Did you and Grass Stain have a fight?" I asked, worried for my life.

She nodded before sighing,"What have I done...? I overreacted..."

Robin looked at her in confusion,"What did you over react about?"

Raven stayed silent for several seconds before she opened her mouth,"I was overreacting about- Wait... Beast Boy!"

She teleported out of the room, leaving me to run after her. I could sense her on the roof, and I widened my eyes when I put two and two together.

"No! Stop Beast Boy!" I shouted as I ran through the door of the roof, seeing Raven looking down over the roof. I walked up behind her, looking down as well, wondering what she was looking at.

"Listen! I'm sorry!" Raven shook, and I could tell she was crying softly.

I saw Beast Boy plummeting down to the ground. I growled as I looked at him,"You're a coward! You can't come talk to us before you go off killing yourself!?"

I saw Beast Boy getting closer and closer to the ground before...

I closed my eyes as I waited for the sound of body hitting home, but opened them when I heard flapping.

I looked into the eyes of a green parrot.

"You think I would kill myself over a little fight!?" it squaked.

The parrot then flew behind me and turned into the green titan.

I shuddered,"What else were we supposed to think?"

Beast Boy looked down at his feet as Raven stood up,"I guess you do have a point...but did you ever think that I just needed to clear my head?"

"You do that by jumping off a roof!?" I shouted at him, visibly seeing him flinch. I knew then that yelling wasn't the answer,"Sorry..."

The green boy looked up,"The wind helps me clear my head...I was thinking about leaving...but now that you guys think I would kill myself, I don't think I should leave."

I looked down at Raven, who hadn't said a word this whole time. I saw tears on her face, and I widened my eyes when I saw her run up to Beast Boy, giving him a passionate kiss. I saw this as a good time to leave, so I slowly side-stepped away, running down the stairs and into the kitchen to finish cooking breakfast.

Beast Boy's P.O.V:

I felt relief wash over me as I realized that Raven wasn't mad, but relieved. She pulled away, but I pulled her back, not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier..." I murmered. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I don't think I'm going to be able to be a good parent..."

Raven looked up at me with tear stained eyes, making my heart clench in pain. I had done that to her. Me.

"I'm sorry too..." she smiled softly, and I pulled her closer to me, her body grinding against mine as we pulled each other into an embrace...

-----TIME SKIP-----

"C'mon Raven! Have a little fun now and then!" I laughed as I threw the frisbee to her, Raven not even trying to catch it.

We had been playing frisbee with the other titans, and Raven was really close to being done with pregnancy. She had found a spell in her spell book that allows her to hide her stomach...or in other words: a disguise.

Raven narrowed her eyes playfully at me as she picked the red frisbee off the ground and put a little of her black magic on it. I gulped in fear as she threw the now black frisbee at me, the frisbee coming at me with full force. I flinched when it got an inch from my face, preparing for the worst, but then opened my eyes slowly to see the frisbee a few inches from my face, still incased in black magic. The frisbee wacked me on the head before falling to the ground, once again red.

Me and the other titans started laughing, but I shot up when Raven groaned. I looked at Raven, seeing her kneeling on the ground, one hand on her "flat" stomach.

"Rae...!?" I asked in fear as I sped up to her, kneeling beside her.

She looked up at me with fear in her eyes, before hissing into my ear,"It's coming..."

I widened my eyes, but then put on a mask as the others showed up,"It's just some stomach cramps... Too much food before playing I guess...! I'll take her home...you guys can keep playing if ya want."

They shrugged and went back to playing their game. I bent down next to Raven,"I gotta get you to the house..."

I picked her up bridal style as she protested,"Beast...I'm more than capable of doing this on my oooohhhhnnn...!"

I looked down at her as she groaned again,"Not on my watch. Let's go home..."

We had decided on not knowing if it was gonna be a boy or a girl, just because we wanted it to be a surprise.

I was mentally freaking out, but I font think Raven realized yet. I got her to the house...muttering curses under my breath when I couldn't find my key in my pocket. Raven just used her magic to unlock it, and I rushed her in, closing the door with my foot before heading up the stairs. I brought her to our bedroom, laying her down on a chair in the corner. I got the sheets-which we were gonna use for the birth process-out of the closet and started putting them on the bed, the thick padding on the sheets making it fluffy and thick.

After I got the sheets on, I got Raven and set her on top of them, starting to undo her cloak for her.

She grabbed my hand as I reached for the button,"No. I can get it myself."

I nodded and respected her wishes, heading downstairs to get a bucket of water and a washrag...

Sorry it's short! I'm almost done with this book though...and I promise the back chapter will be WAY longer than this one. Hope you like the story!
