
Beast Boy's P.O.V:

I laughed as me and Raven walked through the streets of Jump City, soon stopping at an old house.

"You wanna check it out?" I asked, smiling.

"What do you think?" Raven smiled back, and I felt my heart leap when I
saw it.

"Let's go then!" I ran into the building, dragging Raven with me. I heard her laugh, and I thought that it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

"Wow! It's so big! I wonder who used to live here!" Raven sighed as she climbed up the stairs, me following her.

She walked into a hallway, and then looked around at the doors.

"Let's here!" Raven led the way and she walked into a large bedroom...only with no bed or furniture. She walked out onto the balcony and sighed as she looked at the city in awe.

I could see the sparkle in her eyes, and I smiled happily. I put my hand and my pocket, grasping the small box in it. I sighed and walked up behind Raven, putting my other arm around her shoulders.

"This is beautiful, Beast Boy... I wish we could do this stuff more often..." Raven sighed.

I smiled as I pulled her closer to me, making her face me.

"Raven..." I started, grabbing her hand in mine. "I've felt...a connection since we first met...and I know now...that I love you. I love you more than I ever thought I would possible...and I cannot say the same thing about Terra. We've been dating for about six months now...and I finally think we should take the next I bought this place... And I just wanted to ask..." I got down on one knee and pulled out the box, opening it. "Raven...will you marry me?"

I saw her face scrunch up in confusion, then a big smile was planted on her face.

"I love you!" she cried as she ran into my arms, hugging me.

I smiled and pushed her away, then pulled her back in for a kiss. I slipped the ring onto her finger, then sighed as we parted and continued to look at the blinking stars, our hands locked together.

"So...when are we going to tell the others?" Raven asked, interrupting the silence.

"Do we have to...? They didn't even know that we were dating... Who knows how they would react of we just flat out told them that we're getting married!" I sighed.

"You're right for once..."

I smiled and looked back up at the stars, Raven doing the same.

-----TIME SKIP-----

I smiled as the wedding started, Raven coming down the isle, her dad beside her.

We had decided to do a small wedding...and the other titans didn't even know about it. It had been maybe a week after I had asked Raven to marry me. We had decided to act like everything was normal...and I liked it that way. I saw Raven's sister sitting on the ground, a smile planted on her face.

I gave Raven my hand, and her dad started the ceremony.

He started out with the vows, and we said them quickly, as Robin was calling us to a crime alert.

I ignored it, as well as Raven. Nothing was going to ruin this moment.

"Raven, do you take Beast Boy as your husband?"

Raven looked me straight in the eye,"I do."

"And Beast Boy, do you take Raven as your wife?"

"I wouldn't take anyone else in the world," I smiled as I locked my gaze with Raven.

"Then by the power envested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride..."

I smiled and leaned into Raven, our lips colliding.

I hadn't felt more happier than I did at that moment, and I loved well as my new wife.
