
Kate p.o.v

Okay Kate you can do this, just tell him. I see him at his locker. I came to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me in confusion.

K: Can we talk, it's important.

He nodded his head. We went to the empty classroom.

L: What's up?

K: I need to tell you something.

L: Okay.

I took a deep breath.

K: I'm pregnant and the baby is yours.

His eyes widen.

L: Fuck, what do we do?

K: I do not know, but I am scared.

I started crying.

L: Hey don't cry everything will be fine, I'm here for you.

I was surprised he took this so well.

L: Thanks.

I wiped the tears that fell down my face.

K: I have a checkup after school so do you want to come?

L: Sure. Do we meet in the parking lot?

K: Okay.

The bell rang. Leo and I said bye and went to class.

The day passed slowly. I've been thinking about pregnancy all the time. I was taking my stuff out of my locker when Stacy came, she was my bully.   

S: Hey nerd.

K: What do you want Stacy?

S: Hey be careful what you are saying.

One of her minions pushed me onto the lockers.

S: You're nothing, nobody likes you. Why are you still alive? If I were you I would kill myself.

I started crying.

K: Please let me go.

S: I do not know, this is fun.

L: Leave her alone.

Stacy turned around and Leo stood there.

S: Leo it's Kate, we hate her.

L: I do not hate her, and now leave her.

Stacy looked at me.

S: This isn't over yet.

And they left. I ran and hugged Leo. But as soon as I realized what I was doing I pulled back.

L: We should go.

He says nervously.

K: Yea, thanks by the way.

Leo nodded and we went to his car. The drive to the doctor's office was awkward. When we came we waited a bit, but we were soon asked in.

DO: Yes you are pregnant. We need to do an ultrasound, but it's still too early.

I nodded. Now that I know it's really true I'm even more scared.

L: Thank you for everything.

Leo and I left. We sat in the car and I went towards my house.

K: What will we do?

L: I do not know, let's think about it before we do anything.

I nodded. What now?
