Part 6: Lost Your Touch?

( Hey guys sorry it's been a while. Exams and writers block, definitely not a good mix. Probably shows in my writing as well :/ sorry this is not the best chapter but hopefully you will still enjoy it. Next chapter won't take as long I promise! Thanks and enjoy :3 )

The words 'What. The. Fuck?!' Formed into Grell's mind as she was carried and practically thrown onto the bed. Since when was Undertaker so forceful? She opened her eyes to look up at the man who had locked the door and was now straddling her, 'well that escalated quickly' not that she was complaining, I mean come on, a hot guy is straddling you naked. Would you complain?
Her thoughts were interrupted once again as Undertaker engulfed her in a passionate kiss, their lips moving in sync as they battled for dominance even though they both seemed to struggle. Undertaker was becoming irritated with this, after all he was a very competitive man and he wanted to win this little game of theirs, but she was being so damn stubborn! He decided on a different method, by breaking the kiss abruptly and leaving Grell panting. Her breathes were ragged and her eyes glaring at him slightly, now she was irritated "just to let you know undie dear, I am not so easily dominated..." correction, no one has ever been man enough to try and she refused to let that change.
Grell was after all quite the dominant woman, a real stubborn mare that the mortician was eager to break, although he knew it would not be easy it was a challenge he was happy to accept much to her suprise. Said man hovered over her body and placed both hands either side of her head "hehe I should hope not kitten, that would be a real shame", Grell glared at him again not liking how he teased her, well she wouldn't let it phase her "although if you keep me waiting darling I may get bored" he laughed "so impatient today m'dear... well I best not keep you waiting too long then" with that he brought his face down to capture those luscious lips once more, loving the taste of her as he explored every inch of her mouth. Enjoying the sensation he gave her as she moaned under his touch, she slowly pulled away as she shuffled up to the headboard of the bed. Drawing the Undertaker to her with a beckoning finger, if he wanted to play she was happy to oblige although she wasn't sure what type of tricks he had up his sleeve for her "punishment".
Undertaker followed her summons and made his way over to her again, straddling her once more and began trailing hot kisses down her collarbone, Grell moaned softly tilting her head back "mm..." no she would not give in "aw it's not fair that I'm the only one moaning here" smirking she tried to flip the two of them over but before she had a chance Undertaker had pinned her down by her arms "hehe nuh huh m'dear" he spoke with a slight sadistic grin, not gonna lie it definitely turned Grell on. Her face must have given it away because he chuckled and held her wrists over her head "it's still a punishment kitten, hehe although I do love it when you squirm" keeping her restraint with one hand he usd his free hand to reach down the side of the bed. "Wha..." immediately shutting her mouth she watched wide eyed as the silver haired man picked up a pair of handcuffs. 'Well this just got more interesting' the woman kept her thoughts to herself as she watched her new lover cuff her wrists to the bed "ooh undie dear... I believe I am seeing a whole other side of you tonight" "hehe you wanted me to be creative kitten" his voice turning gruff as his breath brushes her ear, sending shivers of pleasure and anticipation through her body "I did indeed, I wonder if you can keep me satisfied though? ..." there it was again, that tone that was clearly taunting him, after all she did feel the need to taunt him, since she was eager for whatever he had in store for her and Undertaker could tell. "Such a persistent woman" he spoke hovering over her body and slid one hand from the read heads wrist down to rub at the wet spot between her legs causing a moan to escape her lips "hmm i see someone is excited hehe, you're already so wet kitten", she blushed and bit her lip to stop any more moans that may emerge, "shut it old man..." "old man is it? Hehe experience wise perhaps" chuckling he began kissing his way over her exposed breasts, leaving bruises and bite marks along the way.
This was not what Grell expected, was this meant to be her "punishment"? Or was he just all talk and no trousers? Hehe not that he was wearing any... either way Grell was starting to believe this once legendary badass had lost his touch, not realising what else the insane reaper had in store for her. Releasing her breasts the Undertaker quickly grabbed her legs, spreading them apart and positioned his own legs to keep them apart, he then proceeded to trail kisses down her abdomen, stopping just above her sensitive spot below the waist. Wanting to have a little fun before the real punishment began he kissed, licked and nipped all around her thighs and above her womanhood leaving Grell a panting mess. "Dammit undie don't tease!" "Hehe but this is a punishment kitten" with an evil smirk he looked at her now soaking womanhood (I'll stick with calling it that for now xD) "hmm you might be enjoying yourself a little too much hehe" he spoke running his tongue lightly over her womanhood making Grell moan loudly from the contact and she bit her lip. "You're such a prick undie"

( Oops cliffhanger, sorry guys but I wanted to ask your opinions on how this is going :) feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. Next chapter will be the actual punishment so I shall leave you with this for now mwahaha. Thanks for the support ^.^ xx )
