Part 2: Suprise Me

Undertaker watched as Grell started undoing her shirt, damn she was taking her time! Clearly she was trying to taunt him and it was working for he was slowly losing patience, he just wanted it off already. Thinking of a way to get it off her quicker he thought of doing it himself, after all he was nothing but a gentleman insane or not "allow me milady hehe" his tone turning slightly more husky as he popped open each button with his nail and Grell gasped now pouting at the loss of one or two buttons "that was my favourite shirt... a little eager are we?" the mortician just smirked "hehe you looked like you were having some trouble with those bothersome buttons" naturally he wasn't going to admit that it was driving him more crazy than usual... and he's pretty far gone as it is. Now that she had discarded her work shirt, undertaker could see more than ever, it was a good thing his bangs were still in place because he was sure he felt his cheeks warm up a little as he let his eyes wander, as a reaper she did not wear the traditional Victorian underwear which kept the majority of women covered, nope this woman was standing in front of him in a lacy black and red bra, one which he had to admit... was pretty damn hot. He didn't realise how long he had been staring until Grell spoke up breaking him out of his daze "like what you see do you?" obviously he did since he hadn't spoken or giggled for a few seconds and that made her smirk, she felt sexy under his gaze. Feeling less nervous than she was and more eager to get under the hot water... and possibly hot man in front of her she slid her skirt off with ease revealing even more ivory pale skin and stepped closer to him, now like this Undertaker was positive that he was a little hot under the collar as he answered her question with a now husky deep voice "maybe I do... what are you going to do about it? Hehe". Despite being a rhetorical question Grell felt the need to answer regardless "well a shower would be a good start, oh allow me to help you with that" with a seductive smile the crimson reaper dragged her index finger along the V line of the Undertakers waist and unbuckled his leather trouser belt, just to make sure that she had the upper hand at least. The contact made undertakers breath hitch as he held back a slight moan, watching her unbuckled his trousers he smirked "well thank you m'dear but I am perfectly capable of doing that myself hehe" with that his trousers fell to the floor giving Grell a better look, and she definitely liked what she saw "I know, I just thought I would save you the trouble. Would you prefer I didn't?" that mischievous tone was back as she pouts at the giggly mortician in a mocking way not really caring if he wanted her 'help' or not.

Smiling at her undertaker shrugs not wanting to take the bait and he turns to open the doors to a surprisingly big shower, enough room to fit 4! "ladies first" he says gesturing to the open shower, Grell smiles her thanks and removes her underwear before walking past him with a wink. Now in the shower she instantly relaxes under the contact of hot water "oh that feels good..." "Hehe does it?... does this make it better kitten?" Undertaker whose voice had now turned completely silky with a hint of lust took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her bare waist causing her to gasp at the feel of his hands on her bare flesh "hehe yup much better actually" she purred and grabbed the soap turning around in his arms "still need my help? Or are you capable?" hehe oh now he had the upper hand? This should be fun if he played his cards right "oh I believe I could use that help m'dear, I'm too stunned by the beauty in front of me", Grell stared at him... has he been learning pickup lines from Druitt or something? Damn that was lame! Rolling her eyes she rubbed the soap over his muscular arms "damn and you were doing so well" "hehe too much?" he asked her with a smirk grazing his lips knowing full well how much she hated those types of comments, well he had to irritate her in some way, would have been a boring experience without a slightly irritated Grell. "Soppy sod" she mutters as she moves her hands cleaning his well-built body, which surprised her since he seemed so scrawny with his layers of clothing that he always seems to wear. Rubbing the sweet smelling lotion over him and occasionally letting her nails drag purposefully over his skin causing undertaker to let out a soft yet ragged breath "there you're done" Grell grinned and turned slowly giving him the false impression that she was leaving, which seemed to work considering she once again felt a pair of arms snake around her waist "hehe where are you going kitten? I believe a shower is a two way thing..." he spoke lowly letting his breath once again reach her ear sending a shock of pleasure down her spine and it was Grell's turn to shiver "oh yeah heh my mistake"" she says pushing him gently against the wall as if they were in a small space "you may proceed to wash me" a mischievous glint once again shining in her bright green Shinigami eyes as Undertaker picked up the soap and lathered it all over her, gently turning her around to wash her back working his way through the muscles and kneading them gently. He turned her again and to face him as he worked his way to her shoulders massaging them relieving the woman of tense muscles, feeling like she was in hot guy heaven she lets a slight moan escape her lips making undertaker smirk "that feel good kitten?" "Mhmm you are clearly good with your hands Undie" she purred, the teasing tone still in her voice "makes me wonder what else your good with..." deciding that she was having too much fun with this game she begins to drag her nails down the man's stomach stopping just above the waistline "hehe entertain me Undie" choosing her words carefully curious as to where the elder reaper would go from there.

Undertaker gasped from the contact of her nails, oh? So she wanted to play it like that did she? That was fine, undertakers don't do subtle anyway "how do you like your entertainment milady?" reaching his arm around he blocked her exit from the shower, not that she had any intention of leaving but you can never be too careful with this one, and he dragged the nail of his index finger over the back of her exposed neck to return the favour. He can be quite competitive when he wants to be but so could Grell, in a calm and smooth voice she smirked "surprise me" whether lucky or unlucky for the Undertaker the crimson reaper clearly lacked any subtlety at all as she wrapped her arms around his waist and grinded slightly against his member gaining a surprised gasp from him as he pushes pinning her to the wall "a surprise eh? Hehe I think I can do that" before Grell could utter another syllable Undertaker smashed his lips onto hers. The look on her face told him she was definitely surprised but Grell refused to push the man away, in fact she was enjoying herself so she smirked into the kiss and grabbed a handful of his hair for better grip "good" mumbling she bites his bottom lip tugging on it slightly, 'clearly she likes it rough' the thought made Undertaker chuckled wanting to return the favour by nibbling on Grell's lip gaining a soft moan, but a moan non the less. Deciding he liked the sound she made he deepened the kiss running his tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance, which naturally she denied him so he settled for biting on her lip instead. It was then that he remembered something that she mentioned not too long ago, since those two always seemed about anything and everything. Pulling away from the kiss he stared at her, grinning at her sudden need for breath "was it not you who said that sex in the shower was good? Hehe" how would she react to this he wondered as he smirked grabbing her ass pulling closer to him. The red head blushed the colour of her own hair but kept her composure not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her flustered "did I? hehe I don't remember saying that" which was a complete lie but oh well, she chose that moment to wrap her arms around his neck playfully tugging at his hair "and watch those hands Mr" purring mockingly she once again twirls the locks of silver hair around her fingers, "watch them for me" his reply was simple but had a hint of mischief behind it making Grell wonder what else he was planning in that crazy mind of his, not that it mattered any way, she had her own plans after all.
