8. Ease is meant for me in deathbed

"Is everything alright? You look kinda crap" Maryam greeted me as she sat besides me in lunch.

"I'm fine" I sighed rubbing my temples. Period migraines. I hated them.

"What's up noorah?" Maryam asked bumping her shoulders with mine. "Is khalid overworking you?"

"No. It's just that I'm having a headache" I replied.

"Oh god! You need to take a leave. I know how bad headaches can be" she said as she ate.

"Top it up with your periods" I groaned and she gasped.

"Now that's worse"

"Tell me about it" I mumbled.

"Are you not going to eat" she asked her mouth full, I tilt my head to look at her and shook my head.

"No appetite"

"That's not it. Something else is wrong too. I've been watching you this week. You seem tensed" Maryam spoke sipping on her apple juice.

"It's nothing Maryam" I smiled.

"No there is something. You can talk to me about anything Noorah. I thought we were friends!" Maryam exclaimed.

"We are!" I replied turning myself towards her.

"Them promise me you aren't holding something from me" she raised her eyebrows.

"My landowner wants my family to move out before the end of this month" I mumbled looking down at the table. "I'm looking for a place to rent out and live but so far I've got nothing and I have only got a week more before I need to move out"

"Oh Noorah" Maryam sighed.

"I'll figure it out. Don't worry inshallah" I looked at her and smiled.

"How about you speak about it to Mr.idrees? I'm sure he'd be willing to help" she said looking at me seriously.

"I rather not burden someone else with the task I'm suppose to carry" I replied.

My phone beeped just then indicating my break time was over. I turn it off and turn to Maryam who was looking at me, I smiled bumping my shoulder on hers before standing up. She smiled back.

"You've got so much inside that you don't share Noorah but then I pray for you and god to give you ease everyday" she said and I smiled. My heart melted at her words.

"I'm grateful for you Maryam. I always will be" I said before I walked hurriedly to my floor.

"Ms.ibrahim coffee" His voice boomed as he walked past my table into his work room. I sighed and stood up moving towards the elevator and hurried to the cafe to grab a cup of coffee. My lower abdomen ached and I slightly groaned. Taking the cup of coffee I made my way towards Mr.idrees room. I knocked on his door thrice and entered when I heard his distant voice.

"Your coffee" I mumbled as I placed it on his table but a pain shoots through my abdomen again that my hands shake and I drop the coffee and it splashes across the table and all over Mr.idrees.

I gasped as I witnessed what had occurred, my pain throbbed but that was not what was on my mind it was what I have created. A disaster. The desk had many paperwork's and everything had coffee splashed on them and worse was Mr.idrees. His white shirt had stains of coffee and he was fuming.

"I'm sorry" I stuttered fumbling with the papers trying to get them off the table.

"Miss.ibrahim" Mr.idrees gritted and I bit my lips.

"I'm sorry. I really am, it was an accident" I whispered tears brimming my view.

My eyes clashed with his and he looked at me as my lips quivered and my hands shook.

"This papers were of an important contract and your carelessness ruined them. I was supposed to be signing them with the designated coma; y in an hour" he spoke, his voice dangerously calm.

"I'll do it for you. I'll type them out" I said stressing myself.

"And if you don't?" He asked looking at me intently.

"You do as you please" I replied.

"An hour" he sighed. "Ms.ibrahim you've got an hour to type these papers and print them for me or you'd be fired"

I nod and hurried off outside to my work space to get working. My hands typed as fast as I could causing pain to shoot through my veins but I payed no heed. I couldn't lose my job. I needed it, it was the only source of stable income I've got and if I was to lose this then there'd be nothing for my family.

"Hey Noorah?" Maryams voice entered my room.

"What's up Maryam? Why are you here?" I asked not looking from the screen.

"Well, you had no lunch and that bothered me so I got you some coffee and a sandwich from Starbucks and some painkiller" she spoke and I smiled although I didn't still look at her.

"You didn't have to you know" I said as she dropped them on my table.

"Well I wanted to. But why are you working so hurriedly?" She asked crossing her hands and looking at me.

I glanced at her from my peripheral view and replied; " i accidentally dropped the coffee cup on Mr.idrees and his papers that need to be signed in an hour and if I don't print them out in an hour he'd fire me"

"But noorah you are sick! Let me talk to him" Maryam exclaimed and I shook my head.

"No don't Maryam! I'm almost done" I told her and she frowned.

I typed out the final paper and put it on print and sighed, my hands were aching and I couldn't move them, I flinched.

As if on cue Mr.idrees walked out of his room dressed in a fresh suit. He glanced at Maryam then me and then at the food that was on the table.

Maryam unknown to the fact that our boss was watching us grabbed my hand and examined it with a deep frown.

"Look at your fingers Noorah! They are swollen. Do you wish to a,who's pain yourself? Your sister just spoke to me and she told me you skipped dinner last night and then breakfast today and then You did not wish to have lunch with me and then you did not want painkillers for the headache that you are having and now this! You are practically starving yourself for what? Get yourself killed. You woman!" She huffed.

"Maryam" I tilted my head slightly to motion that Mr.idress was out and she looked at me or more like glared.

She frowned and then turned towards the door to see Mr.idress standing there witnessing her yell at me. Maryam immediately straightened and breathed in.

"Good evening sir" she gave him a nod and Mr.idrees returned one.

"The papers are ready" I said taking them off the printer and filing them.

Mr.idrees took a few steps towards my table and I handed him the file. I watched as he looked through the papers and then afterwards he looked at Maryam.

"I guess you have work that awaits you ms?" He spoke and Maryam immediately rushed out not replying to him leaving me alone with him.

"You can leave for today. It would be fine if you make it at afternoon tomorrow, I won't be coming in the morning and you won't be needed to" he said and I gave him a nod.

He glanced at me for a few more seconds and then with a nod he left. I sighed and slumped on my seat. Taking the painkillers that Maryam had dropped I chug them down with my coffee.

Then packing the sandwich into my bag, I leave work to home. But rest. I knew that I'd never be able to breathe in ease until the day I'd be in my grave.
