3. The start of the beginning


Nervousness creeped within me like an ivory creeping through ones windows. My hands turned clammy, my heart was beating out of its ribcage and I wasn't even in work yet.

I run my hands through my messy brown hair. untangling the tangles as I look through my closet looking for something to wear.

I received an email two days ago giving me an detailed explanation on my work and timings and my outift."Religious obligations allowed but professionalism in outfit is mandatory" it read.

So here I was looking through my closet looking for something that would be modest and as well as give me a professional look.

"Need help?" Ayman popped into the room.

"Yes please" I sighed and sat down on my bed as Ayman walked in and rummaged through my closet.

"We really need to get you some good pari of clothes" she said with a frown and she studied my dresses.

"Inshallah" I mumble.

After a few more rummaging finally Ayman dropped a black skirt and white shirt along with a black cardigan on my bed.

"Match it with a ivory hijab" she said with furrowed eyebrows. "Yes ivory hijab would be great"

"Okay ma'am" I said smiling. I open my arms out to her and she rolls her eyes but nonetheless she walks into my embrace.

"I'm grateful for you Ayman" I whisper in her hair and she sighs.

"And I am for you. Thank you noor for sacrificing your life for me and ma and Yusuf" she said.

"Don't say that. You guys are the only ones I have and it's my duty to be there and stand up and do whats necessary to keep the family going" I say as we pull apart.

"But.." she says but I hush her with my fingers on her lips.

"Now now hush, go get dressed for school. You are getting late" I said.

"Shoot" she shrieks and runs out of my room to hers and I shake my head with a small smile grazing my lips.

"Have you got everything?" Mum asked me as I entered the kitchen all dressed with my shoulder bag.

"Yes I guess" I replied.

"Look at you, I'm sure the cute guys all will be begging for your number. All thanks to me" Ayman said with a hijab flip.

"Ayman" Mum Warned and Ayman winks at me before rushing to pack her school bag.

"Salam" Yusuf rushed into the kitchen with his tie dangling across his shoulder and his hair tousled.

"Look at you Yusuf!" Mum exclaimed.

"Why?" He asked gulping down juice from the carton.

Mum makes a disgusting face and ruffles his hair trying to fix it.

"Did you not sleep last night?" She asked.

"Umm" he stammered.

"You didn't" she stated.

"Sorry mum" Yusuf grinned.

"Ya Allah!" Mum sighed as she helped him with his tie.

I shot yusuf a look and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm ready!" Ayman walks back into the kitchen all dressed for school.

"The bus will be here any moment" I said looking at my watch and as if on cue it arrived and honks thrice.

"Salam you all! See you all later. FeeAmanillah" Ayman yells as she rushes to the door.

"Walaikum salam, be careful" Mum calls out from the kitchen.

And I sipped on my coffee and my mum placed Yusuf his breakfast. We ate in silence until a car honk was Yusuf's cue to leave.

"Careful" I called out as he gave us salams and rushed to the door.

"He will be inshallah but you look a nervous mess" she raised her eyebrows and sigh.

"Just a little nervous" I mumbled putting my cup on the dishwasher.

"May Allah give you strength" she says .

"Ameen" I mumble.

I gather my bag and files and leave to the door with mum walking besides me. I stop my the front door and turn towards her. She smiles and I sigh.

"Make sure to lock the front door. Ayman and Yusuf booths got a spare key and if I'm not wrong i will be back only after they are. I've got lunch prepared and I'm the microwave so heat it up and eat that on time and then I've also arranged your medicine so take them. They are on the dining table. I've prepared dinner and put it on the freezer inshallah I'll be home to heart it up and then have ur phone besides you at all times. Be careful" I say and she laughs slightly.

"It's funny how our roles all reversed" she said with a small sad smile. "I should be the one saying all that to you and here you are saying them to me"

"Ma" I said and kissed her forehead. "My hayath. Stop worrying yourself and relax amd de stress yourself. I'll be fine and what's written was written by the best of writers so there is goodness In it. Stop being bitter like Yusuf and ayman and start looking at things in the brighter side. Allah is with us and He tests those He loves so Khair" 

She nods and pulls me into a hug and I smile in her embrace. I pull apart after a few seconds and take in a deep breath. 

"Assalamu Alaikum" I bid farewell.

"Walaikum salam. Fee Aman-illah" she says and with that I'm out, the cold air hitting my skin.

I've got thirty minutes before work starts and I did not want to show up late on my first day of work so I walked hurriedly to the bus station and just as I arrive the bus did too. I looked out of the window admiring the view as everything only lasted a second. People zoomed past, buildings zoomed past and so did trees and nature. I was lost within the my thoughts that I didn't realize I had arrived until the bus driver pointed it out to me. With a small wave to him I hurried off the bus and walked from the station until I reached the Idrees company.

"Ten minutes" my timer read. It takes a ten minutes Walk from the bus station to work and I looked at my watch and it showed that I was three minutes away from my work durations start. I took longer strides and entered the huge building with a few more people hurrying and just as I reached the elevator there stood the young man who had interviewed me.

He looked as if he was waiting for me. I gave him a nod of acknowledgement and he returned one as he checked his watch. 

"A minute late and you would have been late for your first day of work and perhaps fired too" he said as a from of greeting.

"Well that's one way to greet a new employee" I thought but did not utter a word.

"Follow me" he said and with that he got into the elevator that was being held by an employee for us and I followed suit.

We stopped by first at floor one where managing happened. It was the management. Then he took me to the second floor which was the accounts department, the third was the human resource department and the fourth was the marketing and fifth was the sales department and the sixth floor was reserved entirely for the cafeteria and the seventh was the board room and meeting rooms. Eight was the customer service and ninth was the development department and finally tenth was where I was going to work. As we walked into the tenth floor I took a moment to look as it was different from the other floors. 

The windows were all glass just as the others were but no blinds were put. Light emitted from every part of the floor. A room made of glass stood at the end of it. The door was black and the blinds of the room had been shut from every side. So this has to be the room of the young interviewer besides me. After all I'm going to work for him. And outside his room was my work space. There was nothing fancy in my work space. There was a table and chair and a book shelf and a little further from my table was a couch with a circle coffee table.

The man walks into the room whilst I stood outside. The door shut was he entered and he took some long moments inside as I stood outside wondering what to do. Just when my legs began to ache and I moved towards the chair, The door opened and he held it and gestured for me to enter. 

I walked past him into his room and turned towards him waiting for him to give me what was required to be done. He raised his eyebrows as he walked towards me and stood besides me. I look at him and he looks ahead.

"Sir, Ms. Ibrahim" he said. 

And then did I turn towards the desk that stood in the middle of the room with pride and there was a young man sitting on his seat, his shoulders hunched and his head buried within papers. And when he heard his voice. He looked up and our eyes clashed. His soft hazel ones with my dark browns. He sat up straight and then did I notice his apparent features. His jawline was sharp just a touch would cut you it seemed. A slight beard grew on them. He seemed tall now that he was upright. His hair was a a dark shade of brown as the sunlight hit it, it seemed tousled  and soft. I jerk to reality and give a nod of acknowledgement and he returned one.

"If the man Besides you is handsome then this one is the definition of fitnah" my thoughts whispered.

"This is Mr.khalid" the man besides me spoke. "Khalid Idrees. He is the chief executive officer of the idrees industries and you Ms.Ibrahim will be working for him" the man said clearing everything out.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I greet and Mr. Khalid looks at me for a moment as if he was studying me then nods.

"Walaikum salam" he responded.

"Now that you are familiar with everything I'd take my leave. Have a good day and good luck"the young man spoke and he turned to Mr. Khalid and smiled and moved towards his desk. Mr.khalid stood Up and they both hugged.

"Hope to see you soon saad" he said and the young man smiled.

"In Shaa Allah" saad, the young man replied. And with that he walked out of the room leaving me with my boss.

Mr. Khalid turns towards me and nods before going back to his seat.  "Your work for today has been printed and left on your table. Do everything that the sheet says and your good to go" he said.

As I make way to the exit he stops me. "Yes?" I ask.

"Your number on my phone" he said not looking up from his work sheets. I made my way towards his table and took the iPhone that he had already unlocked and typed in my number and saved it and with that I exit and make myself comfortable with my work space and get into working hoping to do my best in what was given.

I've got a long day ahead. I sighed as I read the tasks given on the sheet. Well works going to be interesting for sure.
