Goodbye my love

As the story reached 2k votes and every chapter has more than 1k views I have to upload in between my exam day. Please enjoy.

The only way fox can break the deal is fox death.” Taluipa's last words echoed again and again in Rang's head.

He had to choose between two most crucial choices, in order to save others he had to kill himself or if he chose to save himself he'd had to put other in danger. To put it blankly if he wanted to save someone he wouldn't be able to unless he kill himself first.

“Why now, why?” He squeezed his eyes tightly. “Just last night I was in her arms and everything was so simple then why now?”

Am I not worthy of love.” He couldn't help but wonder, since he was a child this thought was always at the corner of his head but he never confronted it untill now.
It was not a question, it was his reality because whenever he was close to being loved the nature had its mysterious ways to snatch that love away from him.

If he had found out about this some weeks earlier he wouldn't hesitate for a moment to kill himself but again if it wasn't for Hjejin he wouldn't be having this discussion with himself because before he always put himself first, above all the people. Everything was about him; his melancholy childhood, his abandonment, his pain but now it was all about her, her and her. He wanted to be with Hjejin forever, maybe he was being selfish but for once in his life it wanted to have what they had together. Was it too much to ask for?

He wanted to scream but he couldn't find his own voice, he was traumatized, the thought of leaving her was beyond agony and the only way to stop that was to kill someone he loved all his life; his brother Lee Yeon. Everyone always thought he hated his brother but all he wanted from Yeon was to say that he was sorry that he abandoned him but that never happened.

The words of that despicable man who let the imoogi eat his own family was still tormenting him, that man wanted Yeon to be dead because the imoogi wanted that and the truth was he was the reason imoogi was alive today.

“Damn that imoogi!” Lee Rang cursed out loud and he started walking aimlessly.

A huge sigh that burden his whole body escaped from his lips but still it didn't unburden his heart, all the guilt was piling up in his head and the truth about guilt was you couldn't undone the things you'd done you and your feelings are the constant reminder of it. A sudden cry broke out that caught Lee Rang attention. “I'm sorry, Appa!”

His senses became alert, the voice was very familiar, his eyes searched around the place but before Rang could find him or know what was happening a small figure bumped into him.

Shocked he looked down. “Geomdong!”

“Ajhushi! (Mister!)” The child whined, his face had red swollen marks of violence on him.

“Did he get into a fight?” Lee Rang thought to himself but he dismissed that thought quickly because Geomdong wasn't someone who would pick a fight with someone.

A man rushed out of the alley and shouted. “You brat. Get back here.”
After hearing that Geomdong hid behind lee Rang as the man ran towards them.

Lee Rang closely looked at the man he was holding a spatula in his hand, he was wearing red luxurious shirt and gold chain.

“Don't annoy me. I will kill you.” The man threatened Geomdong.

Didn't quite understanding what was happening he asked the child. “Who's this?”

“My stepdad.”

The man tried to snatch him out from Lee Rang but before he could touch him Rang twisted his hand and pushed him away.

Lee Rang gradually understood the situation and asked him. “You choose, you asked me for help and I'll make sure you never have to see him again or I'll just go my way.”

That reckless man came again. “Hey! Do you know him? Why are you butting in our family matter?”

That damn man, Lee Rang thought. If he listen to his voice one more time he would probably rip him in half but he had to controlled his anger instead he annoyingly said. “Quiet. I'm waiting to hear his response.”

“What are you? Geomdong's stepdad blurted in fear. “Are you a cop?”

Ignoring the man Lee Rang looked at Geomdong who grabbed his blazer and squeezed it tightly. “So... I...”

“Soo Ho, answer wisely. Got it?” His father interjected.

“I have to go home.” The child finally managed to say, of course he didn't wanted to go home but what a child could do.

“Okay.” Lee Rang unclasped his from his blazer and started walking away.

Lee Rang could hear his crys as his dad dragged him away from his collar, he hated when children cried, maybe because it reminded him of himself when he was child; sad and vulnerable.

He didn't know what made him turn around, maybe it was the care he felt for that kud who had been abused, or he just wanted to do some kind stuff before killing himself or it was the complement he wanted to hear from Hjejin after she learnt about his actions. Whatever it was at the end he saved Geomdong.

As he was dragging his father he looked at Geomdong. “No,” He thought “the child of his tender age shouldn't see this. He quickly grabbed the phone and dialled Hjejin number but she didn't pick it up.

“Of course she must be busy with work.”

He called the second person who came to his mind, Kim Yoori.

Yoori who was eating her borscht (traditional Russian dish) which Shin-Joo made for her. When she heard her phone ringing she knew it was Lee Rang, no one called her except Rang and Shin-Joo.

She quickly answered the phone. “Mr Lee.” She chimed, her smile forming from her ear to ear. Shin-Joo noticed it and couldn't help but wonder why she was so fond of that man who was trying to kill his own brother.

[Yoori, wherever you are come and get Geomdong.]

“What” Yoori asked.

Lee Rang wanted to take this man to police station but what was the point in that, he would get discharge and torture the kid again so instead he took him to Kwon Hae-ryong. (CEO of broadcasting company and ground cherry maker)

Rang threw him on the floor when Hae-ryong came downstairs. “What's this?”

“What else? A fresh human. Quickly turn him into a ground cherry for emergency food.” Lee Rang surveyed his living room, he'd moved the ground cherry pot somewhere else.

Before he changed the man into a ground cherry he asked Lee Rang if he wanted to watch and Lee Rang did.

Lee Rang saw as the man's body turned into black smoke and changed into a cherry. Hae-ryong picked it up sniffed it, closing his eyes he remarked. “What an evil soul. He was in and out of prison–” He opened his eyes. “Oh! Did you saved a little kid.”

Rang half smiled. “I need at least one good deed to defend myself with when I enter the Afterlife.”

“Why are wasting your life like that for a brother who abandoned you.”

“He never abandoned me, he said he never did.” Lee Rang was being emotional but he couldn't help it.

Kwon Hae-ryong smiled and walked towards the tea kettle. “You know... imoogi met Yeon today and he told him about 3 hostages; Ji-Ah, her parents and you. So where do you think Yeon is right now.” He smiled as he sipped his tea and said. “You've been abandoned once again.”


“Then go see for yourself. He will always choose that human before you. Always.
You are just a disposable.”

“Shut it!” Lee Rang screamed and left Hae-ryong's house he could hear his laugh from behind. He took out his phone and called Yoori.

[Yes, Mr Lee.]

“Let me talk to Shin-Joo.” He started his car.

[What? Shin-Joo?]

[This is Shin-Joo.]

“You know, right? Where's Yeon?” He asked hurriedly.

[He went to see Ms Nam.]

“So where.” He shouted at him in anger.

[I'll call you back with an answer.]

The call ended and Lee Rang accelerated his car. He had to know, HE HAD TO.

He called Yeon multiple times but he didn't picked it up and when he finally saw Yeon he was driving away with that human woman.

Our deal expires in 24 hours.

Lee Rang sat alone in his car when his phone rang, it was his brother. He smiled. “Yeon.”

[Where are the ground cherries? Ji-Ah parents are trapped in there.]

“Is that why you called me?” he said in disbelief.

[Did you saw it or not?]

“I did.”

[Where are they?]

“I don't know that much but I can help, meet me tomorrow—”

Yeon ended the call before Lee Rang could finish his words. “When I'll be probably dead.”

Lee Rang clenched this phone so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He slammed his hands on the steering wheel.

He knew he would be dead by tomorrow, what should he tell Hjejin, maybe he shouldn't tell her anything if she wouldn't see him for some days maybe she would forget or inquire about him and then after finding out he was dead she would probably cry and then move on with her life, find someone much better, marry them or maybe not.

He sighed. “I should see her for the last time. She deserves it— no I need to see her for the last time. Maybe I should end our relationship.”

“Relationship!” He laughed, tears rolling down his eyes. “What do we even have I'll just tell her to call it quits and broke her heart just like I always do.” He burst out crying.

After 15 minutes he was standing in front of her apartment. He walked into the corridor and knocked on the door. He was just going to see her for the last time and leave but when the door opened he couldn't help but stare at her.

Hjejin stood there with her damp hair, black half sleeve shirt, sweat pants and phone in her hands. She smiled, that damn alluring smile of hers. “You are here, I was about to call you. What you wanna eat let's order together.”

She stride back into her room while looking at the restaurant option in her phone, she turned around when she didn't hear Rang follow behind. She checked behind and there he was still standing on the door.

“Come inside. Why are you standing there?” She walked towards him. “Were you crying?” She stopped in front of him and put her phone above the shoe rack beside the door.

“Rang look at me.” She caressed his cheeck.

He drew her closer to him, his head on her neck, holding her waist tightly. “Hjejin, please hold me.”

Without a delay she wrapped him around her body as he fall on his knees.
For some moment they both remained on the floor like that. After he loosened his grip on her waist a little she took his face on her hand.

“Everything is fine.” She kissed her left eye and proceeded to kiss the right one. “I'm here, it's gonna be alright.”

Her neck was warm, it comforted him but her words comforted him more. How was he supposed to end this, obviously they didn't have labels for their relationship but it was the purest relation he had with a human.

“Hjejin, I have to tell you I respect you alot more than anyone I ever met and I care deeply about you that's why I never wanted to lose you.” Lee Rang looked at her eyes and hesitated. “I lov— please be kind to yourself and—”

Before he could finish her lips brushed his. “I know Rang and I love you.”

Rang was shocked by her words but as her lips devoured his, he knew every word she'd said was true. He grabbed her neck and pulled her more closer to his face, there kiss got more deeper and deeper, there hands were all over each other's body when he stopped and stood up leaving her panting.

He gently picked her up and embraced her. “Meet me in my other life so we can be together.”

“WHAT?” She flinched at his words. “Are you breaking up with me? Did I do something?”

He held her face between his hand and kissed her above her lips. “No,” He chuckled. “how could you? You are perfect. Goodbye my love.”

He kissed her at her forehead and left. Hjejin who was stunned watched him go why couldn't she move, she cursed out loud. He was using his powers on her.


Before you guys stop reading please answer a simple question.

I'm thinking of writing another fan fiction as this one is going to be completed soon in 5-10 chapters. So the new fanfic is kpop fanfic and no there will be no fanfic of bts or blackpink because they already have so many potential fanfic.

I'm have 2 fanfic ideas.

1) Exo kai and Red velvet Seulgi

2) Mamamoo Solar and Mamamoo Moonbyul.

Please comment what would you like because you guys are my only friends.
Or you can message me on Instagram "writerkukretiiii"and give suggestions and story ideas.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you <3
