Chapter 9

Hello everyone, 

I hope everyone is doing well, safe and sound .

Funny story: You see, English isn't my first language; I actually grew up speaking French. I have to thank a school friend for my English skills. She had this crazy on-again, off-again relationship, and whenever she was mad, she'd only speak in English. So to be a good friend, I needed to learn and fast. After hours of TV series, movies , books and forcing myself to use it in my daily life, it started to become easier for me not only to speak but also to write in English. So that was my little "Tranche de vie" as they say in french (litteral translation : slice of life ) 

I hope you enjoy. And don't worry - I've included translations for you all!


Jisoo had never really enjoyed celebrating birthdays. When she was young, she couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about getting older, and sometimes found the attention a bit too much. Now in her 40's, Jisoo's feelings about her own birthday hadn't changed a great deal – if anything, she was even less interested in marking the occasion.

As her birthday came around each year, Jisoo did her best to dodge any kind of celebration. However, despite her attempts, her friends and family would occasionally plan surprise parties or insist on going out to eat. With some reluctance, Jisoo would join in on these gatherings, having cake and opening presents just to please them. But deep down, all she really wanted was to spend her special day cozied up on the sofa with a great book or simply catching up on sleep.

However, her 8-year-old son was a different story; he genuinely loved making a big deal about birthdays. He excitedly came up with surprises and inventive ways to make her feel extra special on her big day – from handmade cards to impromptu living room performances, Ji-Ho made sure for the past three years, each year topped the last and he was the only person she loved celebrating with.

And today was no exception, she heard his small feet pattering down the hallway towards her bedroom door. Jisoo kept her eyes closed even as she felt him jump on her bed and snuggle under the covers next to her. "Happy birthday, Eomma!" Ji-Ho exclaimed. Jisoo opened her eyes, feigning surprise and delight at Ji-Ho's enthusiastic greeting. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Are you sure it's today?" Jisoo teased.

Ji-Ho giggled, "Of course I'm sure, Eomma! I've been counting down the days! Two days after New Year" he said, eyes shining with excitement.

"Why are you up so early?" Jisoo asked after seeing 7:37 am on the clock.

"I couldn't sleep anymore; I was too excited!" Ji-Ho replied, bubbling with energy. He wriggled out of her embrace and scrambled to his feet, running back to his room, leaving Jisoo to wonder what he had planned. Moments later, he returned with a small box wrapped in crinkled purple wrapping paper, decorated with a lot of Hello Kitty stickers.

Handing it to Jisoo with a proud grin, he stood back and watched her unwrap the gift. Inside the box was a charm bracelet full of cute trinkets – a small heart with the word 'Eomma' engraved in his hand writing on it sandwiched between two J's for their initials as well as a tiny book, a coffee cup and a camera. Jisoo looked at the bracelet with a mixture of surprise and appreciation, her eyes welling up with tears. "Ji-Hoya, this is beautiful, where did you get it?" she whispered. Her son's face lit up with pride as Jisoo carefully fastened the lovely bracelet around her wrist.

"Jennie Imo took Ye-Jun and me to make your gifts! She said she took you there once, a very long time ago!" Ji-Ho revealed.

Jisoo's eyes sparkled as she recalled the day long ago when Jennie brought her to that quaint little shop during their Unnie's day out while filming Blackpink House. They had made rings for each other and charm bracelets for the maknaes. "Thank you for making this for Eomma! It's the best gift I've ever got!" she beamed.

"You're welcome, Eomma, but you say that every single year!" Ji-Ho responded.

With a laugh, Jisoo playfully pinched her son's cheek and responded, "That's because you keep coming up with better gift each and every year"

"Okay" her son replied. "So, what do you want to do today?" he inquired.

Jisoo thought for a moment, looked at the genuine excitement in Ji-Ho's eyes and made up her mind. "Well," she began, "Halmeoni and Harabeoji are expecting us for breakfast at 10 am, then we have to pick Ye-Jun up and go to Mi-Soo's party. After that, we can come home and snuggle on the couch for movie night."

"But Eomma, you can't celebrate a birthday without cake!" Ji-Ho insisted, his concern evident.

Jisoo smiled reassuringly "Don't worry, baby! Your Soojin Imo and Lisa Imo send Eomma cakes every year. And I bet Jennie Imo will have a cake for me when we drop Ye-Jun off."

"Okay" Ji-Ho said dragging his mom by the arm to get her out of bed.

Jisoo smiled at her eager son and just followed. After taking a quick shower and applying some light makeup, she opted for a casual outfit of dark blue jeans, a cream-colored shirt, and a snuggly purple sweater. Her phone had been buzzing non-stop for quite some time, so while Ji-Ho got dressed, she finally decided to check her messages.

There were dozens of birthday wishes from friends and family, including her Blackpink bandmates and staff members from their agency. She chuckled at a video message from Lisa, who burst into a birthday song with a comically high-pitched voice with her five-year old daughter, Maëlle, in French "Joyeux anniversaire, Joyeux anniversaire tatie Soo, Joyeux anniversaire."

The little girl was practically a mini version of Lisa, with the same cheeks, rounded face, and lips––but she had inherited her father's striking blue eyes and dirty-blonde hair. Lisa spent her time living between Paris, Bangkok, and Seoul, making Jisoo miss her sister dearly.

Just before Jisoo's divorce became public knowledge, Jennie and Chae had whisked her away to France for an impromptu getaway – all four friends spent nearly three whole weeks with Lisa during that visit. Although life had changed quite a bit since they'd become mothers, those few weeks were reminiscent of their carefree days back in the dorm when they would gossip late into the night; singing their hearts out; indulging in good food and wine; and snuggling up together whenever they could.

Jisoo managed to reply to a bunch of messages before Ji-Ho came out of his room, sporting a matching color outfit – dark blue jeans and a purple superhero long-sleeve tee. Seeing him dressed in her favorite color for her birthday made Jisoo's heart swell with love for her son.

Arriving at her parents' house, Ji-Ho excitedly bounded up the stairs and into his grandparents' embrace while Jisoo followed close behind, sharing warm hugs with her mother and father. As they sat down to enjoy their breakfast, Jisoo noticed that her mother had taken special care to include all of her favorite dishes, even the labor-intensive ones that she knew she rarely made these days. The food tasted just as satisfying and comforting as she remembered, her mother's cooking always had a magical effect on her. She glanced at each of the faces around the table - her sweet and inquisitive son, her loving and supportive parents - and felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for these simple moments they were able to share together. The conversation flowed easily with Ji-Ho and his grandparents chatting excitedly about his plans for the day.

Soon, it was time to head out and pick up Ye-Jun to go to Mi-Soo's party. Ji-Ho was chatting excitedly in the car while the driver navigated through the streets of Seoul. When Jisoo and Ji-Ho arrived at Jennie's house, they were greeted in the living room by Jennie and YeJun, along with Rosie and her adorable six-year-old daughter, Ara. The living room was decorated with a purple birthday banner, balloons, streamers, and flowers. Everyone, including Lisa and Maëlle on the iPad stand near Jennie, was wearing party hats. Chae was holding a beautifully decorated birthday cake for Jisoo. She felt her son let go of her hand and rush to stand between YeJun and Ara, eager to put on the hat that Jennie handed him.

"Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da ; saeng il chuk ha ham ni da ; sarang ha neun Soo Imo, Unnie, Eomma, tatie; saeng il chuk ha ham ni da" the group sang enthusiastically as they presented her with the cake.

Jisoo was clearly touched by the surprise and the loving smiles from everyone around her. She bashfully hid her face in her hands while everyone held their breath, waiting for her response. Finally, little Maëlle broke the silence, exclaiming: "Maman, le vœu de Tatie Soo est trop long." (translation: Mommy, Auntie Soo's wish is too long).

Lisa laughed warmly as she looked at her adorable daughter, and Jennie couldn't help but join in. Following in her mother's footsteps, Maëlle became the top polyglot among the second generation of the Blackpink family. At school and with her dad's relatives, she spoke fluent French, communicated in Thai with Grandma Chitt and Uncle Bam, used English at home with her immediate family and Blackpink aunts and cousins, and even picked up a bit of Korean from her Tatie Soo.

With a grin, Lisa responded,"Elle a beaucoup de choses à demander." (Translation: She has a lot of things to ask for)

Taking a deep breath, Jisoo closed her eyes, made a silent wish, and blew out the candles on her cake. Her face glowing with happiness.

Once the clapping died down, Maëlle couldn't contain her curiosity. "Tatie Soo, what did you wish for?" she asked. "Un bébé comme maman?" (Translation: A baby like mommy?)

Jisoo laughed at Maëlle's innocent question as Lisa blushed, Rosie's jaw dropped, and Jennie teased, "Non ma chérie, elle doit trouver le papa d'abord." (No honey, she has to find the daddy first.)

Jisoo understood enough French to know what Jennie said. With a playful glare at Jennie, she decided to end the conversation by replying to the sweet little girl, "To see you soon!"

"I wanna see MaeMae too, Lili Imo!" Ara chimed in eagerly.

"Me too!" Jennie, Rosie, and the boys exclaimed in unison.

"Maman, moi aussi je veux les voir! Ils me manquent!" Maëlle pleaded with her mom, giving her the most adorable puppy dog eyes. (Translation: Mommy, I want to see them too. I miss them!)

All eyes were on the screen as they watched Lisa whisper something to her daughter. Maëlle's face lit up with a huge grin, and both of them pressed their fingers to their lips, signaling that it was a secret.

"When will I get to see her, Eomma?" Ara whined a little.

"Soon, Ara-yah! I pinky promise." Lisa reassured her. She had initially planned to visit Seoul for Jisoo's birthday, but when Maëlle fell sick right after Christmas, Lisa had no choice but to change her plans and extend her stay in Bangkok. However, she was determined to attend Jennie, YeJun, and Ji-Ho's birthdays in just a few weeks and surprise them all.

After that, Jisoo was showered with lovely presents from everyone. YeJun gave her an adorable charm bracelet featuring little flowers, a heart, and a star. Lisa surprised her with a candid photo of Ji-Ho and herself snuggled up together while they were asleep a few months back, where she was hugging him and her lips gently touched his forehead – she had no idea this photo even existed. Jennie handed her a first edition copy of her favorite Korean children's book that Ji-Ho loved too. Rosie gifted her the autographed vinyl she had mentioned once many years ago. Not to be outdone, Ara and Maëlle expressed their love with handmade cards and drawings. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Jisoo hugged each of them tightly and blew virtual kisses to Lisa and Maëlle through the screen.

As the gift-giving wrapped up, Jisoo thought it was about time to leave for Mi-Soo's birthday party. She couldn't recall the last time she actually saw Haein in person on her birthday. Sure, they were diligent about texting each other, but they never really had a reason to get together and celebrate in person.


Seoul January 3rd, 2023

Jisoo decided to celebrate her birthday in the most true-to-herself way possible: in the comfort of her cozy bed, wrapped in warm blankets. It was a simple and relaxing day, just the way she liked it. Throughout the day, her closest friends and family reached out to her with heartfelt birthday wishes.

Every couple of hours, Jisoo would wake up to read the kind words, and reply with love and gratitude. She was grateful for their understanding of her unique way of marking the day. Once she replied to each message, Jisoo would happily cuddle back into bed and drift off to sleep again.

That was without counting on the constant activity of managers and assistants delivering gifts, flowers, and birthday cakes from companies she collaborated with or her close colleagues, Jisoo knew she would have to either post about these presents or send thank you notes later. However, that issue would be left for January 4th Jisoo to tackle.

As per her usual style, Soojin didn't think the rules applied to her. When she woke up late in the afternoon, she found her living room transformed into a dream birthday set-up fit for an 8-year old. Soojin was sitting on the couch next to an enormous Hello Kitty doll, surrounded by themed balloons, cake-shaped inflatables, and pink bows adorned with "sweet little lady" written on them. The walls were lined with pink and silver star balloons while a projector displayed cute characters and a "Happy Birthday" message below it all. She had truly gone all out.

The kitchen island overflowed with food: three birthday cakes – including two Hawaiian Hello Kitty-themed ones – a heap of sandwiches, and bottles of Hello Kitty-branded orange juice filled every inch of space! Before Jisoo took a quick yet soothing shower, Soojin clicked numerous pictures of her best friend posing with the cakes, balloons, and Hello Kitty dolls still in her PJs. After freshening up, Jisoo put on black jeans paired with a stylish black and white cardigan with golden buttons. She was now ready for more pictures and later a birthday dinner with her parents.

Jisoo did have a boyfriend, and ideally, they would have spent the day together. But with filming picking up again after Christmas break, their time together became few and far between. She knew he didn't have much wiggle room in his schedule, but she also knew there was some. She just wished that today, of all days, he could have made some time for her. She never directly told him how much she missed him and that she wanted to spend her birthday snuggled up with him in bed as she would soon be back on tour.

He did call her right at midnight between takes to sing "Happy Birthday" and sent flowers and a heartfelt love letter the next morning to make up for his absence.


It's incredible to think that our love story started just a few years back with a simple letter on my birthday. Little did I realize that such a sweet, innocent gesture would grow into the amazing connection we share today. Having you in my life is nothing short of a blessing, and I am grateful for each and every moment spent together.

As we celebrate your 28th birthday, I can't help but be amazed by the incredible person you are – a person who illuminates every room with her infectious smile and brings joy to all those she encounters. More than just your captivating beauty and intriguing quirks, it's your kindness, intelligence, wit, humility, and bravery that truly set you apart.

The year 2022 has undeniably been full of monumental achievements for you, and watching your unstoppable drive to achieve amazing things only makes me admire you more. Navigating through these exciting times without losing your bright spirit and upbeat attitude is nothing short of inspiring.

Now, as we celebrate your birthday together for the second time in a row, I feel so grateful to be by your side on these special occasions.

I can't wait for many more birthdays with you. May this new year bring even more unforgettable experiences and victories for you.

Happy birthday, my love! Here's to the amazing woman who fills my heart with so much joy.

Yours always,

Your loving boyfriend

Jisoo was touched by the sweet gesture, yet the letter brought tears to her eyes. She wished she could tell him that he wasn't actually spending her birthday together with her like he said. Despite having no doubts about his love for her, their relationship was getting increasingly harder to navigate due to their limited freedom, need for secrecy, physical distance, and conflicting schedules. Deep down, she hoped they could weather this stormy season in their lives – together.

When she returned from her parents' place, Jisoo took a quick bath and went back to bed for the night. She thought she might even break her personal record of sleeping 19 hours in a 24 hours' period. Jisoo's sleep was suddenly disrupted by the sound of Dalgom barking. At first, she thought she was dreaming when she heard a familiar voice saying, "Shhh... Dalgomi, I haven't lit the candle yet." As she opened her eyes, the cutest scene unfolded before her: there was her boyfriend, crouching next to her in a Hello Kitty birthday hat, holding Dalgom who also had on an adorable little Hello Kitty hat for dogs. And there was a purple cupcake with a black candle on top, just waiting to be lit.

Haein's infectious laughter filled the room as he tenderly lit the candle, passionately singing 'Happy Birthday' to her. Jisoo gently touched Haein's arm, appreciating his effort despite his busy day at work. He had managed to get a cupcake and adorable Hello Kitty birthday hats for her. She was aware that someone else had done the actual getting, it was the thought he put into it that made it so heartwarming.

He raised the cupcake up to her and said, "Make a wish." Jisoo closed her eyes, silently getting out in the universe what her heart really wanted. Haein set the cupcake on the nightstand and turned to face Jisoo. Their eyes locked, and she grabbed his t-shirt, pulling him closer. He willingly followed her lead. Just before their lips touched, he whispered softly, "Thank you for existing, Jisoo Si." Her smile widened and their lips finally met in a tender kiss. As they deepened the kiss, she drew him even closer. Just as his body was about to be pressed against hers, Dalgom began to wail.

Jisoo reluctantly broke the kiss and picked up Dalgomi and took the hat off his face. She showered him with affectionate kisses and comforting pats. "Thanks for the birthday wishes, Dalgomah," she told him, "but it's bedtime now." Haein offered to help, saying, "I'll take him." He carried the little pup to his room, tucked him in, and gave him a loving pat and a treat. "Goodnight Dalgomi, thanks for your help."

When Haein came back to the bedroom, he saw Jisoo leaning against the headboard with a content smile. He got into bed and pulled her close, their bodies finally entwined together. "I missed you!" Haein exclaimed. "I missed you too," Jisoo responded barely above a whisper. They lay there in quiet companionship for some time, savoring the warmth of being close together after what felt like a lifetime apart. The peacefulness in the room was palpable, and all the day's events seemed to fade away. Haein tenderly kissed her forehead and held her even tighter.

"How was your day?" Haein inquired.

"It was amazing," Jisoo began, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "I slept for almost sixteen hours!"

Haein chuckled, feeling a sense of comfort knowing that Jisoo had been able to rest so well. "Only you could make sleeping for sixteen hours sound like an adventure," he teased, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"It was! So many amazing dreams and adventures! You should have been there!" Jisoo replied with an failed wink.

Pretending to be shocked, Haein exclaimed, "Are you telling me you dreamt for hours and your dreamy boyfriend was nowhere to be seen?"

Jisoo playfully smirked, "I had to recast! My dreamy boyfriend is just too busy!" she teased.

Haein gasped in mock outrage, pretending to be offended. "Recast? Jisoo Si, how could you?" He chuckled and shook his head as he held her close.

He chuckled, shaking his head while keeping her close. "Guess I'll have to make it up to you in real life, huh?" Pulling her now even tighter against his chest, Haein could feel Jisoo's laughter mingling with his own.

"So, how was your day?" Jisoo inquired. Haein sighed and confessed, "It was long, and for once I didn't want to be there. But knowing I'd see you later made it all worth it." A soft smile appeared on his face as he continued, "I'd endure a thousand long days just for a moment like this with you."

Jisoo rolled her eyes and jokingly replied, "Don't wait a thousand days next time!" Haein laughed and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I promise," he sincerely whispered.

Haein gently pressed his lips against hers and kissed her slowly and passionately. He used his lips to convey all the emotions he couldn't put into words. Soon they were a tangled mess of limbs and sheets, their breathing heavy and deep, each lost in the passionate embrace. Time seemed to slow down, everything outside of that moment dissolving into oblivion. The tenderness and love with which Haein held her struck her hard, the realization that he was indeed with her on her birthday made tears well up in her eyes. She felt his soft lips brush away her tears before he whispered, "Happy birthday, my love," followed by another loving kiss. With that simple statement, all the complications of their relationship suddenly seemed surmountable.

As the night wore on, the two of them continued to share stories and laughter while wrapped in each other's arms. The struggles of their day-to-day life seemed distant and unimportant, replaced by a sense of warmth and belonging that only came from being together. Eventually, Haein drifted off to sleep. Jisoo remained awake for a while longer, admiring his peaceful expression and listening to the comforting rhythm of his steady breaths.

"Why am I missing you even when you are here?" Jisoo whispered. A small smile played on her lips as she realized how much being with Haein truly meant to her. She gently traced the outline of his face, taking in every detail, committing it to memory so that she could carry it with her even when they were apart.

"I hate how addicted I am to you, and how much it hurts when we're not together. Before you, I never felt lonely on my own, but now I do. I know I don't say it often – how much I miss and need you. It's selfish, but I want to be the center of your universe again. I want you to answer my weird questions as soon as they come up because my thoughts move so fast. Remember those late-night talks we used to have? We'd both be struggling to stay awake, but we'd push through just to hear each other's voices a bit longer. Why haven't we had one since November?"

Jisoo stopped for a few seconds to take a deep breath. "Please keep your promises to me. I know it isn't fair since I'm busy too, but back in July, you swore to adjust your schedule for me. And so far you haven't. If it keeps hurting like this, it might become too much for me and I'll withdraw—I really don't want to lose us, Oppa." Jisoo whispered ever so gently, careful not to wake Haein as she placed a loving kiss on his forehead. She absorbed the warmth of his skin on her lips, let her eyes close, and drifted off into peaceful sleep tangled with him – feeling truly content for the first time in ages.

End of Flashback
