Chapter 20

For Jisoo, their second Valentine's Day together held special significance as it was a chance to reconnect. Their busy schedules had kept them apart since her tour began, with both the time they spent together and their communication suffering as a result. It heightened the need for some dedicated time together. Fortunately, they only had to endure for a few more months—at which point her tour would conclude, her solo debut would launch, and Haein's filming project would wrap up— hopefully returning their lives to their unique version of normalcy.

Although technically on a month-long break from her world tour, Jisoo still had a packed schedule with her solo music video shoot and appearances at events sponsored by Cartier and Dior. Despite the hectic pace, she was delighted to have the opportunity to spend Valentine's Day with Haein It was no mere chance; the tour's itinerary was strategically planned to accommodate significant personal occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and major holidays whenever feasible. This year marked their third Valentine's Day together—their first spent on the set of Snowdrop, where they had filmed together for the very first time.

A few weeks earlier, she had been inspired to prepare a special Valentine's day theme. The inspiration came when he sent her a photo of herself in a Hanbok from an episode of Blackpink house, accompanied by the affectionate words, "I wish I could be spending this day with my girl. Happy Seollal, my love." Motivated by this gesture, she ordered a daringly colorful Hanbok, reminiscent of the one she wore in the "How You Like That" music video. She planned to pair it with a black lace bodysuit from La Perla to wear underneath.

This morning, she dedicated several hours to crafting his present. She attended a private jewelry-making workshop where she created a pendant plaque for him. Although it wasn't suitable for him to wear publicly, it symbolized their connection with simple yet meaningful icons: a bunny, a heart, and a baby chick. Despite their wealth, they both treasured sentimental and handmade gifts over flashy luxury items. In addition to the keepsake she made, she purchased an exclusive 25th anniversary bottle of Macallan Whisky for him—a perfect gift for someone with his appreciation for whisky. On his days off, he savored it slowly, glass by glass. She had even developed a taste for the whisky herself.

She expected him to return home by 1pm since he had started his filming session at 3am. However, it was approaching 4pm and she hadn't received any message from him indicating that he was on his way back. She had spent some time after lunch playing with Dalgom before picking up the Harry Potter book she had begun reading a week earlier. The series was captivating to her, increasingly difficult to set aside. She had already given instructions to her team to upload a new vlog onto her channel and later decided to engage in a brief interaction with her fans on Weverse. During this online session, she shared a picture of Dalgom that she had taken earlier. The photo showed Dalgom lying listlessly on a mat in her office, accompanied by the caption: "Hi Blink, what are you up to? Oh, come hang out with me." Her time on Weverse was short-lived; midway through the fan chat, she noticed a message from Haein appear on her screen. She thought he was updating her of his journey home, which prompted her to leave the chat.

Chuperman 💖: This Blink is waiting for them to reset a scene so he can finish his day and come play with Dalgomah.

Unfortunately, he was just teasing her and when she teased back, it took him almost an hour to reply.

My Judy 🐰: No tonight you'll be playing with Dalgomah's Eomma!

Chuperman 💖: YA KIM JISOO! Please send a warning before you send me a message like this. I almost died.

My Judy 🐰: Why are you blaming me for your dirty mind? I was asking you to play an actual physical game!

Chuperman 💖: That's what I thought too! What "physical" game did you have in mind?

My Judy 🐰: It's a surprise. Come home and find out.

Chuperman 💖: You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?

My Judy 🐰: I have no idea what you're talking about? Doing what? I'm just patiently waiting for my Hallyu star of a boyfriend to come home and celebrate valentines' day with me.

Chuperman 💖: You deserve better than an idiot who dares to make you wait for him.

My Judy 🐰: He isn't all bad but he better hurry or I'll start without him.

That was the last valentine's day she had meticulously planned to celebrate. She'd waited for him, dolled up and excited, and had put in a lot effort but she didn't bank on him showing up 9 hours later than he said he would, citing filming issues. Ordinarily level-headed, she had managed not to overreact when he nearly missed her birthday; yet on this particular evening, something inside her snapped. The disappointment cut deep, and all the pent-up worries about their long-distance relationship came crashing out. Jisoo realized that evening that regardless of gestures, grand or small, if the connection wasn't an integral part of their daily lives, it couldn't be created through occasional romantic pauses. It was a painful revelation that ultimately led to the end of their relationship.

She pretended to sleep when he got home, and felt his lips press delicately against her forehead in a silent apology. She knew then that their love, once exciting and consuming, had been reduced to these silent gestures of regret – too little too late. By morning, he had vanished, but left behind bagels, her favourite cream cheese, and an iced americano with a note of apology. She barely touched the food, got ready, and went straight to YG, determined not to let anger dictate her choices. Alone in the studio later on, as she replayed a recording, the reality hit her hard. The words in the song about love and its loss struck a chord more profound than ever. Jisoo reclined in her chair, eyes shut, letting the melody envelop her and allowing herself to feel the full weight of her emotions. Did she jinx her relationship picking a break up song as her first solo? Could she say "Anyeong" or "Goodbye"?

Ever since that day, Jisoo made a silent vow to herself to never acknowledge that particular day again, and she stayed true to her word, that is until two years ago. Following her divorce, she spent Valentine's Day not in Korea, a Blackpink and baby pink vacation in Antibes. Maëlle and Ara had plucked roses from the bushes they knew very well were off-limits. When asked about it, Maëlle innocently blew the cover on her parents' clandestine Valentine's day celebration; her dad had sneakily delivered the most beautiful red roses and sweet chocolates that very morning to both mommy and her. Her heart was simply set on sharing that joy with her dear "taties" and cousins. As they attempted to educate her on Korean customs—where Valentine's Day honors men rather than women—Maëlle objected. Their location wasn't Korea, after all; it was a day of love and she intended to celebrate it with those she loved.

That's how a new tradition started. From then on, on that day, they celebrated the love they had for each other. Ji-Ho was particularly happy to celebrate his Eomma. The improvised Valentine's Day was heartwarming and slowly refashioned Jisoo's standpoint on the day. It became a day not about romantic partnerships but about the familial and fraternal bonds that have withstood the test of time and trial. Valentine's Day morphed into a celebration of steady, unconditional love they all shared as an extended family, where cousins were just as cherished as siblings, and friends were honoured no less than blood relations.

Haein's POV

Haein has never been a fan of the cold air, the kind that bit at your skin and seeped through your clothes as if they were made of paper. His acting career often required outdoor shoots for hours on end during winter's peak, under a punishingly cold sky. The wardrobe, often chosen for aesthetics rather than warmth, left him shivering between takes. Lightweight jackets and thin shirts were no match for that kind of weather. Even as he memorized lines and immersed himself in his character, he couldn't help but envy those with indoor roles or the crew bundled up in their heavy coats and scarves. Even as he stood there waiting for the director's call, he found himself missing the warmth that seemed so far away.

And a heated living room with a glass of whisky wasn't the kind of warmth he was craving the most. The warmth he yearned for was the soft, comforting presence of someone who could thaw the frost from his tired bones with just a smile. It was the warmth of human connection, the shared laughter and whispered conversations under the dimmed set lights. This kind of warmth felt incredibly near yet just out of reach. He reminisced about an early morning on the set of "Snowdrop," standing atop a roof in weather that was likely icier than today's, and the wind more biting. Yet in that moment, an inexplicable warmth enveloped him, defying the frigid air surrounding him.


As the word 'action' echoed across the set, he emerged from his hiding place, a maroon backpack in hand. He swept his gaze across the supposedly empty roof, feigning a search for Young-Ro before spotting her and coolly walking over. Her smiling face, supposed to be hidden during the shoot, peeked out when she thought the cameras weren't on her. With every step, he attempted to steel his nerves, determined not to let her grinning face throw him off. Yet the sight of her smiling from ear to ear chipped away at his composure, making it increasingly difficult to maintain his serious on-screen demeanor. It was like trying to suppress a sunbeam with a hand.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, the scene was over with a loud "Cut!" from the director. Breaking character completely, he couldn't help but close the distance between him and Jisoo with a few eager strides. "Why are you smiling like that?" he asked her, his voice tinged with mock annoyance but his eyes crinkling in amusement. She responded with a shrug and an air of feigned innocence that didn't fool anyone, least of all him. Turning toward the director with an exaggerated sigh, he playfully protested her distracting grin. The director exhaled resignedly and cautioned Jisoo in a tone reminiscent of a parent scolding their child not to disturb him during a take. "Don't distract him while he's trying to act." His tone had that familiar half-stern, half-amused quality to it.

Despite the reprimand, Haein caught glimpses of that irrepressible sparkle in Jisoo's eyes and found himself basking in it. The surrounding cold seemed to melt away; irrelevant in comparison to her presence. She stood there just over five feet tall, exuding an energy so vivid it radiated like heat. It was Jisoo's laughter though—that clear, free-spirited sound—that enveloped him completely and effortlessly dispelled any sense of winter's bite. In those moments, no coat or sip of warming whisky could rival the comfort provided by her laughter echoing in his ears and warming his heart.

He could vividly recall that chilly morning, the way she hugged herself and shivered, complaining of the cold seeped into her legs and feet. The desire to fall to his knees and gently massage warmth back into her limbs had been strong. But their relationship was still budding, a playful dance of coy smiles and subtle winks, so he restrained himself, shifting his weight from one foot to the other to distract from the urge. That day was full with spontaneous laughter, multiple takes, and just pure fun. The pictures she took of him were so genuine and unguarded, he cherished them still. He played photographer as well, focusing his lens on a beautiful girl in a pink dress— moments that he found utterly captivating.

Regardless of the crowd around them, it seemed to him that they were in their own world. She would spin, her long skirt swirling around her, in an attempt to keep warm when she thought he wasn't looking. She became uninhibited, almost childlike until she caught his eye on her. The sight of her shy, fleeing smile as she dashed away was something no camera could ever do justice but lived warmly in his memory.

End of Flashback.

The once vibrant atmosphere of friendship and budding romance had shifted to its polar opposite. Where there once was laughter and warmth, a creeping silence now filled their space. Jisoo would pass by, her eyes fixed on the scripts in her hand, lips pursed in concentration, her laughter now reserved for interactions with the crew and cast that didn't involve him. He couldn't blame anyone but himself. He was so preoccupied with his daughter's issues, which thankfully were improving, that he let it affect his behavior at work. He didn't know how to make amends for his abrupt departure on their first day of filming. So he did what seemed easiest: he avoided her. It wasn't like him; he was the same friendly, open guy with everyone else... Everyone except Jisoo.

It had grown difficult to assess the damage done to their relationship. The air felt heavy with tension whenever Jisoo was around–exchanging even a simple 'hi' felt like too much effort. His greetings became brief, forced. Sure, Jisoo's eyes still held that familiar twinkle, but now when she looked at him, there was a cool professionalism where warmth used to be. This awkward dance had been dragging on for weeks and today? Today was par for the course. He woke up to the realization it was February 14th – a date drenched in memories of Jisoo, leaving him awash with a twinge of nostalgia laced with a bit of longing for what once was.

Valentine's Day held a particular significance for him; it marked both the beginning of his romance with Jisoo sixteen years ago and, ironically, signaled the start of its decline. Throughout his brief marriage, he hardly ever celebrated it. His ex-wife never hid her indifference towards romantic gestures, like that time he tried to make their 100 days together special since it coincidentally fell on White Day. It didn't bother him then; he let the day pass by without creating any new memories attached to it, until now. Watching the woman he once knew so well burst into laughter, her hair being styled for a scene, something within him woke up – a visceral need to reconnect and fix what time and circumstance had torn apart.

