Bad boy 😏pt. -2

Next day (in the college) ~

Y/n 's pov :

Yesterday was like a nightmare to me ,'cause i can't able to sleep because of that alien 👽 boy. *sigh *

Now, i don't want to see him. he will again irritate me. i'll walk carefully while looking around to check and make sure to not seen by him.

I'm walking towards my locker slowly and sneakily like a thief 🤣.while looking right and left but i forget to look in front of me and then boom 🤯.

I bump into someone 's hard chest.
I look up and saw 🙁

(photo is very funny lol 🤣🤣)


Taehyung :yaah, why are you screaming like you saw a ghost?

Y/n:you are more scarier than ghost. (while holding her chest)

Taehyung :wtf, first alien and now, you're calling me more scarier than ghost 😒.

Y/n:but that's the fact 😌.

Taehyung :common, I'm your boyfriend.

Y/n:but, i never made you my boyfriend 🙄.

Taehyung :but,i made myself your boyfriend 😏.

Y/n:yaah , you're not my boyfriend understand.

Taehyung : yes ,iam.

Y/n:no, you're not.

Taehyung :yes, iam.

Y/n:no,you're not.

After 1000yrs later😂~

Taehyung :yes, iam.

Y/n:no, you're not.

Taehyung :yes, iam.

Y/n:no,you're not.

Taehyung :yes, iam.

Y/n:yes,you're.( realision hit faster then bullet train) *widened eyes*😲

Y/n: oops~ (while covering her mouth with her hands)

Taehyung :*smirking * see you accepted too. 😏

Y/n:no,i didn't mean it. (face full of red) 😳

I ran from there faster than jin's angery rap and reach my classroom .

Y/n : *panting heavily * that was really embarrassing.

Lisa: what was really embarrassing? (coming out of nowhere).

Y/n: wtf, why all people are coming out of nowhere? 😕

Lisa: yaah,first tell me what was embarrassing? 🤨( confused asf)

Taehyung : (out of nowhere)  should i tell you? 😏

Y/n: * widened eyes * no.

Lisa: something is suspicious what is it y/n ?

Y/n: lisa, this is noth---

Taehyung : actually, she is my girlfriend and iam her boyfriend. 😌

Lisa:WHATT~( screaming her lungs out 😱) Y/N OMG ~OMG  YOU ARE DATING HIM AND DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME 😱😱.

Y/n :NO,  HE IS LYING 😣.( also shouting) 

Taehyung : NO, SHE IS LYING. WE ARE DATING BUT,  SHE DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU. ( also shouting pt. 2)


Y/n: FIRST STOP SHOUTING YOU TOO. ( scream like a cow)

Lisa/Taehyumg: fine.

Y/n: and second he is crazy we don't even know each other and he claim himself my boyfriend. we are not dating okay!

Lisa: really?

Y/n : yes.

Taehyung : we'll date soon, don't worry. 😏

Y/n: no,  you'll not, stop your day dreaming 😤.

Taehyung : I ----

Lisa: taehyung do you like her?

Taehyung : no,  i love her.

Lisa: really?,  i'll support you then.

Y/n: wtf, lisa?

Lisa: yaah, he loves you. you should atleast give him a chance.

Y/n: but---

Taehyung : please, give me a chance babe. (puppy eyes attack pt. 1)

Lisa: yes,  give him a chance. (puppy eyes attack pt. 2)

They both gave me puppy eyes and not gonna lie, they are looking so cute.

Y/n: *sigh*ok.

Taehyung /lisa: yayyy. (jumping like a kid, who got his favorite toy.)

Author 's pov :

Just like that , y/n gave taehyung a chance and told him to not fight with others and be a good boy. taehyung quickly agrees with her conditions and they both happily live after with each other. 😇

Happy ending ~

Author's note :

I know this ending was boring but i run out of ideas to end this,yeah i'll upload next oneshot really soon.😇 Thank you and borahae .💜💜
