Bad boy 😏

Author's pov:

Here you can see ( I know you can't see just imagine in your mind 😅) one guy is beating the shit out of an another guy because he accidentally pour juice on his favorite gucci shirt and yes, you're thinking 🤔right the one who is beating mercilessly it's none other than one and only the king 👑of my heart❤,your heart 😁and millions of army's heart❤( sorry for being extra dramatic lol 😅)Mr.Kim Taehyung give a applause to him guys👏 ,ok now i'll stop this dramatic shit😂 and let's go back to the story 👉

So, two guys are fighting in the middle of hallway and everyone gather up to watch the live drama ( I also like to watch drama like this 😁) then in middle of the drama( i mean fighting)  someone shout so loud that broke everyone ears including taehyung. all look at where the voice came from and saw:

Angry kim seokjin(The principal of
Jin hit entertainment college)

(I also want to join that college lol 😂)

Seokjin: hey stob it,  what is going on  in my world wide famous college 🤨,
you little brats. ( starts rapping faster then bullet train).


After 2000 years later (lol):

Seokjin: hey ,you yes you coconut head guy go take him to nurse clinic fast ( while pointing towards the guy who is badly injured from taehyung punches)  .

Jungkook:what the hell are you calling me oldie,who claim himself world wide handsome guy (scoff)  handsome my foot ,actually you're world wide joker guy.

Everyone (including taehyung) :(bursts out laughing )

Seokjin:yaah, shut up you all and you coconut head do you want detention  huh?, go take him to the nurse clinic or else i'll hit you're coconut like head with my pink slippers .go shuuu~shuuu~

Jungkook :(rolled eyes)  fine, i'll take him.
( jk took him to nurse clinic)

Seokjin:(while glaring taehyung) and you little brat come follow  me. (walks away to his office) .

Taehyung :( rolled eyes and follows him) 

In the jin's office :

Seokjin: this is your 15th fight in this week taehyung.

Taehyung :sir, this is 20 not 15.

Seokjin:you brat do you have any shame?

Taehyung :(while shrugging) Ofcourse no.


( jin cut off by knock in the door)

Seokjin:come in.

( door open revealing a cute beautiful girl)

Y/n:hello sir, iam new transfer student.

( finally entry of y/n yayyy🤩)

Seokjin:ohh hello, welcome are you park y/n.

Y/n:(while smiling) yes sir.

Seokjin:(while smiling) here is your schedule kid. (while handing y/n schedule paper)

Y/n:(while taking schedule paper from jin) Thank you sir.

(and then she leave to find her first class.)

Taehyung 's pov:

When that oldie is going to scold me a knock cut him off and he said come in to that person who knocked on his door, then door open revealing a cute yet beautiful girl who is looking damm cute and beautiful at the same time she come in and my heart starts to beat faster then that oldie's rap. I lost in my daydreaming while watching that angel while smiling like an idiot and thought do angel really exist in this shitty world?

I never thought i'll see an angel in real life. i come from my daydreaming when that oldie shout on me.

Seokjin:hey, you brat what are you thinking while smiling like a creep huh?

Taehyung :nothing sir, where is she gone?.

Seokjin:she gone to her class and you should also go to your class, I'm last time warning you stop your fighting drama or else i'll kick your ass out of this college okay?

Taehyung :(rolled eyes)  okay sir.

Seokjin :now go to your class .

( I leave from there to my class)

Y/n 's pov :

I am searching for my class after putting my things in my locker. then i saw a girl almost my age and asked her ~

Y/n : umm excuse me, do you know where is this classroom (while showing her schedule paper)  .

??:(while looking at her schedule paper) are you new here? 

Y/n:yes, i transfer here today.

??:well, hello i'm lisa and also your classmate nice to meet you. (while offering her hand to her) 

Y/n:(while shaking hands with her)  ohh, hello i'm y/n and nice to meet you too. (smiles)

Lisa: now let's go to our class or else we will be late.

( we leave from there to our class) 

Time skip :

I sat down  beside lisa after i introduce myself to class  . we were paying attention to our teacher 's lecture when suddenly someone barge in the class. I look up and saw that alien boy who was also there in principal office when i go there to get my schedule .our eyes meet but i look away .then teacher said :

Miss yoonji : you are late mister and you almost broke the door.

Taehyung: ( while rolling his eyes) i don't fucking care.

Miss yoonji:you---

Taehyung : whatever i'm going towards my seat ( go towards his seat and sat down ) .

Miss yoonji :(mumbling) i'll see you later brat .

Wohh this guy is really mannerless let's ask lisa about him ~

Y/n:hey lisa who is this guy (while pointing towards taehyung).

Lisa:he is the badboy of this college,his name is kim taehyung and you know he always fight with anyone.

Y/n:ohh, i saw him earlier in the principal office when i go there to grab my schedule paper.

Lisa:probably he is getting scolding from principal, today also he beat the shit out of a guy who accidentally pour his juice on his gucci shirt.

Y/n:what really?

Lisa:yes,and this is  normal in this college now. (while shrugging her shoulder) you should stay away from him. he is really dangerous you know.

Y/n:ofcourse i'll lisa ( while smiling) 

She also smiles back and we start to pay attention towards teacher 's lecture.

After a while ~

I feel like someone is staring at me, i look around and saw that alien guy is staring at me without blinking. why the hell he is staring at me like that and also smiling like a creep. Uff~ he is making me feel uncomfortable.

I just ignore him and start focusing on lecture. after sometime bell rang and teacher leave. everyone start to leave classroom because this is lunch time now. me and lisa also leave classroom and went towards our locker. when we reach there lisa said ~

Lisa:you know y/nie i have more 3 friends they are in different classes and my best friends i'll introduce  you to them okay? they are in the cafeteria let's go there .they will be really happy to see you .

Y/n:oh really, ok wait a minute .

After arrenging stuffs we both head towards cafeteria.

In cafeteria :

When we enter in cafeteria lisa saw some girls and starts to waving them and told me to follow her, i guess lisa was talking about them earlier. we reach there and lisa starts speaking ~

Lisa: guys ,meet her this is y/n. my new friend and she transfer here today.

??:hello, y/n i'm jisso.

??:hello, i'm rose.

??:nice to meet you y/nie i'm jennie.

Y/n:hello,nice to meet you all.(while smiling)

We all start to talking about ourselves they ask about me so, i tell them that iam new in the city my father got transferred here so, we all shift here recently and my dad admit me in this college.

After end of the classes :

me and lisa told each other goodbye ,then i start walking towards my locker and get my things, when i turn around i flinch so hard because of that alien guy is standing so close to me.

Y/n : yaah alien guy what are you doing here?, you almost gave me a heart attack .(while touching her chest)

Taehyung : yaah iam not an alien, how can you call this handsome face an alien. 😒

Y/n:(rolling her eyes) whatever ,what you want taehyung?

Taehyung :so, you already know my name babygirl~(while smirking)

Y/n: i'm y/n not your babygirl ok (while whining like a child) 

Taehyung :but babygirl suits you better.


Taehyung :i'll get to the point i want you to be my girlfriend and future you can be my wife too. (wink)


Taehyung :yes and iam not asking you,iam telling you that you're my girlfriend from now on and i'll not let any guys near you other than me. (while coming closer to her)

Y/n: (while going backwards)  you alien guy stop coming closer to me and iam not your girlfriend. (traps between him and wall)

Taehyung :oh, really ?(whispering into her ear) i'll will make you fall for me soon babygirl~(smirks and kiss her cheeks before leaving)

Y/n: what the hell happened now?

To be continued........

Author 's note :

I hope you like this mess ,yes, this is a mess 🙃i'll upload next part soon and if i have made any mistakes ,iam sorry for that because iam new athour. hope you all understand my situation 🤧and please support me 🙏,for now bbbbyyy👋and borahae.💜💜
