Tree Talkin

Stiles POV

It's been a week since the whole spider monster thing and it has been one of the best weeks of my life.  I attend all my classes and I'm actually passing, I have become friends with Josie, Hope, MG, Landon, Lizzie, and Rafael.  For some reason Kaleb doesn't like me but he's currently on a no blood diet right now because he's been feeding on humans.

I'm at another school assembly with Dr. Saltzman speaking,"Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future. And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students."

As he said that I noticed Lizzie and Josie high five and I smiled at the interaction glad to know they were getting along.

I heard whispering from behind me,"MG is such a narc,"I heard people say and MG right next to me also heard it but he kept his eyes forward trying not to acknowledge it, I turned slowly to look at the people who were whispering straight in the eye till I was certain I had their attention and I raised my right hand and flipped them off.

I turned my attention back to the front,"Now I have to go off campus.  In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and vote wisely.  That's all.  You are dismissed."

I got curious wondered why Dr. Saltzman was going off campus so I did a loose follow as he made his way to the front of the school where a car is parked when Rafael ran up to him, "Dr. Saltzman. Um, is there a decision coming about if Landon can stay here?"

"We are running tests on him to figure out once and for all if he's supernatural."

"What if the results aren't clear?"

"Well, then I have a decision to make."

"Well, can the honor council decide? Isn't that the point? You know, that we have, like, a say in stuff like this?" Rafael asked with hope in his eyes.

"If it comes to that, and we determine he's not a danger, than yes."

"Thanks," Rafael said before walking off.

Dr. S continued his walk to the car before he was interrupted by MG,"Dr. Saltzman. Hey. Hi. Um, do you have a minute to talk about Kaleb?"

"I'm late, MG."

"It's really important."

"Thirty seconds," Dr. S said letting MG know how much time he had.

"Okay, thank you. 'Cause when I told Lizzie about how Kaleb was feeding on the girls at the high school, I didn't think that my big mouth would get him sent to vampire prison."

"Your big mouth had nothing to do with that.  Kaleb's locked up because he needs to dry out.  When young vampires feed on humans, they become a threat not only to innocent people, but themselves."

"That's cool, but, um, I was wondering, maybe you could show him some leniency so that the-the vamps won't be so pissed at me?"

"Trust me, the punishment fits the crime. Unless, of course, you think I'm wrong, in which case you can feel free to bring it up at the honor council meeting." Alaric suggested.

"I've got to go," MG said and left.

Alaric opened the door but it closed and I looked at Hope who was standing there with a pointed finger at the now closed door.

I chuckled seeing at how Dr. S can't get a break,"Am I under assault today?" Alaric asked no one in particular.

"You get to interrogate a tree nymph, and I have to run Landon's 23andMe,"Hope said a little angry.

"First of all, it's a dryad, not a nymph. Second of all, I need a witch to run the testing spells."

"Get Emma to do it."

"She can supervise, but she's busy managing the school in my, I'm sure, unbearable absence. Plus, if Landon can convince you that he belongs, he can convince anybody." He said with a laugh at the last part.

"Your enjoying this," Hope said annoyed.

"I am," he stated with a smile," I left instructions for you in my office, And Hope try not to kill him."

My mind sparked with curiosity about the dryad I came up with a plan quickly, but I tried to talk my self out of it thinking of the good life I had already made for myself at this school.  I couldn't resist and I sped into the back of the car.

Time Skip

I was really regretting going into the back of the car instead of just flying above the car, but now I felt every jostle and sharp turn.  Alaric really needs to work on his right turns and his choice of music.

We finally came to a stop and I tried keep my self unknown and as soon the door opened I zoomed out leaving only a gust of wind behind.

I watched from behind a near by tree as Dr. Saltzman greeted Mr. Williams, they both walked inside. 

I got closer to the house and used my x-ray vision I saw through the wall and I saw a leaf covered woman in a circle of what looked like mountain ash.  And they started talking to the Dryad but she said she would only talk to some guy named Oliver and HOLY SHIT a kryptonian.

The Dryad would only talk to a Kryptonian should I make myself known and come up with a lie to explain or remain hidden.

I came up with a decision and I knocked on the front door to the cabin and when Alaric opened the door I gave him a awkward smile as his eyes widened.

"Stiles what the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well uhhh you see umm," I said trying to come up with an explanation,"Well I heard a about the dryad and I'm a very very curious person so one thing let to another and now here I am."

I looked at around Alaric to see the dryad and when our eyes met and hers widened, she opened her mouth and spoke in a accented voice," I will speak to him," she said and Alaric spun around looking at her like she was crazy.

"Why him you said you'd only speak to Oliver or a Kryptonian what ever the hell that is,"

The dryad looked at me again and I shook my head slightly so only she would notice," He holds a noble heart.  But if I am to speak to him it must be alone,"

And Alaric reluctantly left the room after giving me a series of questions ask her.

I sat in a chair in front of the circle of mountain ash.

"What house are you descended from," she asked.

"El,"I answered.

"Hope," she said knowing what my kryptonian family stand for,"Why are there not more of you."

I thought for a moment before answering,"Krypton was destroyed because they went against nature, my birth parents sent me here right before it happened,"

"Were there any other survivors," the dryad asked with sad eyes.

"I am the last," I said this and tears fell from her eyes.

"I am sorry, you have felt much loss in your life."

"Psychic tree, check."

"Does your humor help with your feelings?" She asked curious.

"Sometimes it does other times it feels like a lost cause.  The woman who raised me taught me not to bottle up my feelings but to funnel them into something that could make other people happy, so in my case, jokes."

"But anyways down to business, why are you after the knife," I said gesturing to the knife on the small table beside me.

"I know not why I am after it only that I must have it, it calls to me," And we continued our conversation and she told me about the spooky Malivore place and I told her of my life growing up and learning to control my powers.

We talked for about a hour or two when I got a phone call on the burner phone that only my Dad and Malia knew.

"Excuse me for a moment," I told the dryad, and I got up to walk outside where Alaric and Dorian were waiting, they gave me a questioning glance and I pointed to the ringing phone in my hand.

I flipped the phone open,"Hello."

"Stiles it's Malia you need to get to the animal clinic fast," My dad's panicked voice told me and he hung up.

"I have to leave family emergency," I told both of the teachers.

I didn't wait for a reaction I was just gone running west to California and when I was a safe distance I flew up into the air and I arrived at the animal clinic and walked in worried about Malia.

When I walked into the backroom I saw my Dad, Deaton, and Malia.  Malia was on the operating and she looked bloody and broken.  Malia's face is swollen with bruises and her arm and legs were wrapped in a splint.

Seeing Malia like that the girl that become like a sister to me made my vision go red.

I looked to Deaton and I shoved the druid against the wall,"WHO DID THIS TO HER," I yelled at him.

The druid looked surprised at my strength that I showed,"Stiles don't do something you'll regret," Deaton said in a attempt to calm me down.

The pieces clicked in my mind, I let go of Deaton,"Scott did this," I said and I was filled with a burning rage and I was gone.

Third POV

The pack had gathered at the loft to talk about what had happened with Malia and Scott blamed it on a non-existent rouge werewolf.

The alarm in Derek's loft went off telling them there was danger near.

Derek hit a button and the titanium door locked in several places.

"What's going on," Lydia asked.

"I don't know but something powerful and pissed off is here," Derek told the banshee.

"Will the door be able to hold it?" 

"It's solid titanium not even a alpha could get through that," Derek said, confidant in what he said.

There was a loud bang and you could see an impression of a fist trying to break through, there was three more impressions like this before the door knocked down sending dust everywhere.

When the dust cleared they saw the person that they thought they would never see, Stiles Stilinski, the only way to describe his face was pure rage.

"Stiles," Scott said completely flabbergasted at the sight of his former best friend,"What are you doing here?"

Stiles walked up to the werewolf that had hurt Malia,"What I should have done a long time ago."

Stiles grabbed Scott by the shirt and through him into a nearby brick wall with strength that no werewolf could match.

Stiles started to punch Scott in the face and torso with unbelievable speed, sending out a seismic wave with each punch, and Scott couldn't even defend himself without exposing his secret.

"Stiles stop," Braedan said pulling out her gun and fired three bullets at him.

The pack watched in horror as the bullets went flat against his skin.

Stiles turned and looked at Braedan and his eyes glowed red and two beams of red light left his eyes and hit the gun in her hand, the gun glowed red hot and Braedan let out a scream and she dropped it.

Stiles turned back to Scott grabbed him and dragged him in front of the pack,"Show them your eyes," Stiles said, in a deadly calm tone.

Scott shook his head and that pissed Stiles off,"SHOW THEM YOUR EYES."

Scott whimpered and his eyes glowed a cold blue.

"This is your alpha, he is the one that beat Malia, but his eyes changed the night he kicked me out of the pack," Stiles told the pack before he dropped Scott and left.
