
Caroline knocked on Stiles' apartment door, she hadn't heard from him in a few days ever since Josie announced she would be getting married to Finch. And she was a little worried.

"Stiles!" She said as she knocked on the door for the fourth time.

"I'm not home!" Stiles shouted back,"I probably shouldn't have said that."

"Open the door before I rip it off the hinges!" Caroline shouted, and one of the neighbors peaked her head out, looking at her suspiciously.

"Sorry," She said, flashing the neighbor an embarrassed smile,"I'm his best friend."

Caroline could hear the door being unlocked, and she was surprised to find everything spotless.

"Can I help you?" Stiles asked, closing the door behind her.

"Are you okay?" Caroline asked.

"I'm fine, it's been a few years since I've even touched her. I'm happy that she's happy," Stiles said,"I'm trying to move on."

Caroline inhaled deeply,"Why does it smell like takeout?"

"I may have ordered some for last night," Stiles said.

Caroline walked to the trashcan and looked inside it,"You mean for the last few days."

"Maybe," Stiles said.

"Did you clean up at superspeed before I came in?" Caroline asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's what you're supposed to do when you have company over," Stiles said, putting his glasses on.

"Why haven't you gone to the Planet yet?" Caroline asked.

"I'm just... sorting things out," Stiles said.

"You know that they're having the engagement party on the roof of the Daily Planet?" Caroline asked.

Stiles sighed and nodded,"I know."

"You could help decorate," Caroline suggested,"Hope's helping too."

Stiles' eyes brightened a little bit at the mention of Hope's name,"Isn't Lizzie going to be at the wedding? She might recognize me."

"Just become the nerdy and clumsy Clark Kent and you'll be fine," Caroline said,"She never looks past the glasses when it comes to these sorts of things."

"You do realize you just called your own daughter shallow?" Stiles asked.

"I realized that halfway through the sentence," Caroline said,"Now put on something clean," She said, her nose wrinkling as she inhaled Stiles' scent.

"Whatever," Stiles said, rolling her eyes.

Time Skip

"Can you hold this real quick?" Hope asked, handing off a heavy box to him,"Careful it's heavy."

"What is it anyway?" Stiles asked, as Hope climbed a ladder to fix a crooked streamer.

"The fancy silver decorations. And it's real silver so be careful," Hope said, as Stiles set the box down on a table.

"So... how long have Josie and Finch been dating?" Stiles asked.

"It's been on and off for a few years," Hope replied, the other streamer barely out of reach as she leaned back trying to fix it,"Come on, damn it," She muttered, reaching back a little more.

Hope reached too far and she slipped, falling backwards, she let out a small squeal in surprise.

Stiles caught her before she even fell four feet, her arms instinctively wrapped an arm around the back of his shoulder to balance herself.

"Thanks," Hope said, looking up at Stiles.

"Anytime," He said, smiling at her.

"Can you... put me down now?" Hope asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said, setting her down.

Hope cleared her throat as Lizzie walked onto the roof.

"Hey, H-Lois," Lizzie said, almost making the mistake of calling Hope by her real name,"Who are you?" She asked, looking at Stiles.

"Oh, Clark Kent," Stiles said, stepping forward to shake her hand but he stubbed his toe, making himself trip and fall,"Ow! Damn it," He muttered to himself.

"That was painful to watch," Lizzie said, looking at him in amusement, completely oblivious to the fact that he was actually Kal-El.

"Lois, can I talk to you for a moment?" Lizzie asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's my cue to leave," Stiles said, walking back into the building, looking up to glance at the giant rotating globe before entering the building.

Stiles pressed the button on the elevator and the doors opened, he stepped in waiting for the doors to close, pressing the button for the fourth floor where his and Hope's desks were.

"Hold it!" A voice said, and he stuck his hand out to stop the doors from closing just as a woman stumbled into the elevator, and several of the papers she was carrying fell out of her hands.

Stiles stooped down, picking them up with a little more speed than he meant to.

"Wow, you're really fast," The woman said.

"Thanks," Stiles said standing up straight, handing the papers to her and he froze.

"You're Clark Kent, right?" Josie asked.

"Uh, yeah," Stiles replied, trying to remain composed.

"I've read some of your articles," Josie said,"The one with the corrupt DA was my favorite."

"Thanks," Stiles said again.

"Is that all you know how to say?" Josie asked sarcastically.

"N-No," Stiles said, as the elevator doors closed and they started to descend,"You're Lois' friend?"

"Lois? Oh, you mean Lois Lane. Yeah," Josie said, not accustomed to Hope's alias.

"The engaged one?" Stiles asked hesitantly.

"How'd you know that?" Josie asked with surprise.

"Engagement ring," Stiles said, nodding to her ring finger.

"Oh, yeah," Josie said, looking down at her finger with a smile,"Still not used to wearing it," Josie said.

The lights in the elevator flickered and it rumbled,"Oh, crap," Josie said, her eyes going wide with worry and fear.

"Cable snapped," Stiles said, x-raying the elevator,"Emergency brakes kicked in."

"How do you know that?" Josie asked, starting to hyperventilate.

"It's... just a guess," Stiles lied.

"What do we do?" Josie wheezed.

"Claustrophobia," Stiles mumbled, remembering that she told him that when they were together,"Just keep breathing," Stiles told her.

"Oh, shit," Stiles said as he x-rayed the elevator and the emergency brakes were about to give out.

"What?" Josie whimpered.

There was the sound of snapping metal, and then they were falling, Josie screamed while Stiles remained silent.

Grabbing hold of the railings on the sides of the elevator, Stiles slammed his foot through the metal wall, going straight through it and getting lodged in the elevator shaft but it kept going down, and it gradually slowed till they reached the first floor.

Josie gasped for breath as Stiles subtly tore his foot out of the wall, keeping his now ruined shoe hidden from her.

The elevator doors were literally pried open by a small girl, her eyes flashing yellow.

"Baby," She said, throwing her arms around Josie.

The siphoner looked to where Stiles was, but only found empty space.

Time Skip

Stiles took a deep breath as he watched the party from the two buildings over, watching everyone laugh and dance. He had changed into his red and blue flannel, and discarded his glasses for the rest of the night.

"Is there a reason why you're stalking my sister's engagement party," Lizzie asked, landing beside him.

"Just making sure that everything is okay," Stiles said.

"I've been watching you for the last ten minutes," Lizzie informed him.

Stiles saw Josie and Finch kiss and he looked away,"Don't worry about it."

Lizzie's eyes went to Josie and Stiles, and her eyes had a look of sympathy.

"Were you with Josie before you went to Malivore?" Lizzie asked.

Stiles hesitated a moment before nodding,"She was pining over Finch by the time I got back."

"How... Did you escape exactly?" Lizzie asked hesitantly, knowing it was a sensitive subject for him.

"Because of you Hope and Josie," Stiles said,"I was in the prison world for what felt like years, in Malivore for even longer. Then out of nowhere I heard a portal open, and I raced through it."

Lizzie remembered that day very clearly, Hope had manipulated Josie into trying to take her magic back, but Lizzie intervened.

"That was years ago," Lizzie said, and Stiles nodded.

"I'm glad that everyone moved on," Stiles said, looking at the blonde twin.

"It's hard not to move on from something you don't even remember," Lizzie said,"You never even thought to come back?"

"I did a lot," Stiles said,"But all of you seemed happy without me."

"Because we didn't even know you existed!" Lizzie said.

"And I was fine with that!" Stiles shouted,"I was happy to go on my merry way never having to worry about who might come after you because you know me. I told my secret to all of you and it backfired. I didn't want that to happen again."

Lizzie was silent for what felt like forever,"Maybe you just need a release?" She suggested.

"I can't get drunk," Stiles said,"And flying hasn't really been working as much."

"I'm talking about sex," Lizzie said, making Stiles' gaze shoot up.

"What?" He asked, not sure if he heard her correctly.

"S-E-X," Lizzie said,"You're not a virgin, are you?"

"No," Stiles said, his brows furrowing,"And I can't exactly have a one night stand because I might crush them like a toothpick."

Lizzie shrugged,"There's always me."

Stiles scoffed,"You do realize that you're the sister of my Ex, and the daughter of my best friend?"

"I know, and I don't care," Lizzie said, walking over to him, invading his person space as she pressed her chest against his,"And I don't think you do either," She purred, taking his hand and placing it on her waist.

Stiles grit his, the material of her dress bunching together as he grabbed a handful of it.

Their lips met in a bruising kiss.

Lizzie moaned into his mouth as his tongue brushed her lips.

Lizzie's hands drifted up his blue t-shirt feeling the indestructible muscle of his abs.

Hope's face filled Stiles' mind and he broke away from the kiss, zooming away ten feet from Lizzie.

"No," Stiles said,"I don't want to distract myself with sex. I'm not that guy."

"Y-You don't?" Lizzie asked, completely shocked, no one had ever turned down sex with her. And it kind of hurt that he did.

Stiles shook his head,"No. And if you ever try anything like that again, we're done with the powers, the training, all of it."

Stiles then just flew off into the sky.

Change Of View

Hope looked out over the edge of the building, wondering where Clark had gone off to.

"Hey, Hope," Josie said, walking up to her.

"It's Lois," Hope corrected.

"You're really going by that name?" Josie asked,"How did you even come up with it?"

"I don't know," Lois said,"I'm not even sure if I made it up."

"What do you mean?" Josie asked curiously.

Lois shrugged,"I don't remember."

"Where's Landon?" Josie asked, and Lois' eyes darkened.

"I haven't heard from him in months, and I don't care," Lois growled, her eyes flashing yellow.

"I'm sorry," Josie said,"I didn't know that you were still bitter."

"He cheated on me. I have plenty of reasons to be bitter," Lois said.

"Have you thought about moving on?" Josie asked,"Going on a date with someone else?"

"Yeah," Lois admitted.

"Anybody in mind?"

There was a loud boom and Lois looked up to see a red and blue blur flying into the sky.

"Maybe," Lois said.

(A/N) There will be quite a few Smallville references in the future, which ones would you like?  What do you think will happen next?  Please comment.
