Chapter 4: Cleaning The Beach

Chapter 4: Cleaning the beach.

After Izuku's little 'dream', he noticed part of his room was damaged. Fortunately Hisashi knew some good people. He made a call to the Uraraka Enterprises to have the area cleaned up. Meanwhile, Izuku arrived at the same location at the same time. He saw All Might arriving at the area.

"Ahh young Midoriya, right on time," he said, "You seem happy."

"I got the quirk," Izuku said, "Its finally in my blood. My arm hurt a bit afterwards, but this lady healed it."

"That's wonderful news young Midoriya," All Might said, "I can't tell you how much work you saved me with all of this. With this muscle mass I say you should be able to control at least 5% as of now."

"Well that's a good starting block," Izuku said with a smile, "So why exactly are we here All Might?"

"A lot of heroes get credit and fame for fighting big bad guys and saving people from buildings, but one of the other important aspects of a hero is community service," All Might said, "This beach will be the spot where you do your first act as an aspiring hero! Well your second act anyway. In addition to this you shall also be learning new ways to improve your new quirk!"

"Yes sir!" Izuku said,

The boy was eager to begin his training. He spent a few days cleaning up garbage and pushing objects around. All might even sat on a fridge to help him. There were other days where he did some workouts with schedules made by Hisashi. He was also there to make sure Izuku didn't overwork himself. However he did just that.

"Whoa there buddy, take it easy," Hisashi said.

"Why are you pushing yourself so hard there?" All Might asked.

"Because *pant* i'm trying to *pant* work just as hard as *pant* anyone to become pant a hero..." Izuku said lying on the ground. He tried to move but his body felt like jello.

"Let's rest for now," All Might said, "Its not good for a hero to push themself too hard."

The next day, Izuku was working on a few smashes of his own. Hisashi and All Might were watching. They were joined by Recovery Girl and All Might's mentor and father figure, Gran Torino.

"So, he's the one," Gran Torino said.

"Yes," All Might said, " The funniest thing is he was already at the muscle strength he needed in order to receive the quirk."

"Why is every OFA user a muscle head," Recovery girl said as she shook her head, "But at least he's doing well with the quirk. He's actually doing better than I thought he would be, and making a lot of progress."

"Yes that's true," Gran Torino said, "However....."

Gran Torino then approached the boy.

"Hey kid, I got a question," he said, "How come you're using One For All the way you do?"

"Its how I summon it," Izuku said, "Like if I wanna punch something, I channel OFA into my arm."
"Honestly kid, Its like you're depending on OFA as a super move, but its much more than that," Gran Torino said, "What output are you using?"

"5% sir," Izuku said, "And so far it doesn't hurt my arms."

"That's a good sign," Gran Torino said, "However, you should look for a new angle and try and use OFA that way."

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked.

"You won't get it if I tell you," Gran Torino told him.

Izuku thought of something. He looked back to his book of heroes and quirks. One page in particular got his interest. It was his sister and how she used her fire quirk. She had the idea to cloak the fire around her to make a shield. He decided to do something similar, but with One For All.

Izuku began to focus OFA throughout his entire body and not just his hand. His hair was starting to glow, and sparks of green were dancing all around him. Gran Torino was watching him do this and smirked.

"Now try and attack at this level!" Gran Torino said.

"Ok sir," Izuku said.

"And also stop with the 'sir'," Gran Torino said, "I have a name. Call me Torino."

He started moving faster and also started gliding through the air as he jumped. Izuku was amazed at all he was capable of. Hisashi and All Might were amazed by this increase in progress. He was making OFA truly his own.

"He's learning quick!" Hisashi said.

"Yes Hisashi, yes he is." All Might said.

It was a normal day in middle school. Izuku was grabbing his belongings for class. Suddenly his stuff was knocked down.

"Well well Well if it isn't the useless Deku," Said a familiar voice.

Izuku turned around to see Wings and Fingers, his two tormentors.

"What's it to you?" Izuku asked.

"You're quirkless And you Might as well give it up!" Wings said, "Honestly why do you dream so much about a false dream! You're worthless."

Izuku was getting mad.

"You better stop," Izuku said.

"I'm only telling the truth you quirkless reject," Wings said.

Izumi stepped up.

"You two better leave Izuku al..."

She didn't get to finish as wings slapped her in the face and she fell to the ground.

"Speak when you're spoken to bitch!"

This pissed off Izuku greatly, seeing his little twin sister attacked like that, and for no reason! That was the last straw for Izuku. It's one thing to mess with him, but mess with his twin then that's where he draws the line.

"Maybe now you'll learn not to disrespect your su...." Wings said before being grabbed by Izuku.

OFA was flowing through his arm as he glared at him. People were minding their business when they heard walls crashing, Wings was thrown through 4 walls until finally stopping at the lockers. He groaned in pain. People saw Izuku. He looked at the readers who just witnessed this action. He literally, and figuratively broke the 4th wall....

".....Uh oh....." he said

Later that day, Izuku was in the principal's office. He had his head down and felt ashamed of his actions. Wings and his mother were glaring at the boy, infuriated with what he did. After a few minutes, Inko, Hisashi and Izumi walked in. This was when the principal started giving the riot act on how bad of an influence Izuku is.

"Showing up late to class? Inappropriate school attire, arguing with classmates , and knocking out one of our star students?!" The principal shouted, "Ever since day one he's been NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!!!!!"

"And on top of that, using his quirk on my son!" Wing's mother shouted at the boy, "That boy is a menace and he has no place in this school! I want him in handcuffs and sent to Tartarus prison. NOW!"

"Sir In his defense his quirk just..." Hisashi said trying to defend the poor boy.

"Don't you dare give me any of your excuses Detective," the principal sneered glaring at Izuku, "If your son doesn't shape up soon and stop with this ridiculous behavior, I will have him arrested for assaulting a student!"

"Excuse me! If you're gonna do that then how about doing the same for some of the other kids!" Inko snapped, "They pick on my son constantly simply because he was quirkless. And you all do nothing but stand by while he suffers!"

"They're just doing their job by making Izuku face reality," the principal said, "He's a dreamer and deserves everything he gets! He deserves everything just like the rest of the quirkless rejects! Its their duty as future pros to make quirkless people face reality that they will NEVER be heroes!!"

"Now wait just a minute!" Inko snapped

She then got in his face, infuriated with his behavior against her baby boy.

"He's gotten all of those bruises and occasional broken bones and was told to give up, because YOU think other kids are DOING THEIR FUCKING JOBS!!! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT SCHOOL ARE YOU RUNNING HERE!!!???" Inko shouted with her face red with anger, scaring both Izuku and Hisashi, both knowing Inko never curses.

"And what the hell kind of mother lets their son do the shit he's been doing to another human being?! If you ask me, THAT piece of shit of a child deserves everything he got, and let me give you advice! Stop being a goddamn prostitute and actually be a good mother!" She shouted.

"Wow, you have a temper," Wing's mother said, "No wonder you never got to be a pro hero."

Inko used her quirk to grab something and whack the mother in the face with it. Hard. The woman then got back up.

"Do you have any idea who I am?!" She shouted, "I am a woman with power and money on my side. I can have you sent away in a heartbeat!"

"No, you're a Krazy, Atrocious, Rude, Evil Narcissist," Inko Said, "in other words you're a Karen!"

"I'll show you Karen!"

They began to fight each other. The principal was pissed off. He slammed his hands on the desk to get them all to stop.

"I want you two out of my office," he said before turning to Izuku, "And you. YOU'RE EXPELLED!!! You're nothing but a quirkless WORTHLESS dreamer who has no place in the world! You're worse than your parents are!!"

Izuku ran out of the office. Inko and Hisashi were infuriated with what he just said.

"I hope your son fails the entrance exams," the principal said.

Hisashi spat fire on his desk, scarring him before walking out. Izumi left the room but not before flipping off the principal.

"I'm gonna get even with him if it's the last thing I do," Hisashi said, "If it costs me my detective license, then so be it."

He suddenly got an idea. He got his phone out and made a call to a trusted colleague. If there was anyone who could stand up to this injustice then it was him.

Meanwhile Izuku was found at Degobah Beach. He was taking his frustration out on the piles of garbage with his quirk. He punched a fridge with one hit, effectively breaking it. He then grabbed another piece of garbage and threw it far. All Might overheard this and approached the boy.

"Young Midoriya, is everything ok?" he asked.

"Not really..." Izuku said, as he let OFA cool off, as his arms were in pain.

Izuku sighed before speaking. He had his hair covering his eyes.

"I got expelled from my school for defending my sister..." He said.

"You were what?" All Might asked.

"One of my bullies approached me and my sister got involved. My sister got slapped in the face by a wing and... well..." Izuku said, pausing for a minute.

"And then you attacked them out of anger," Toshinori said, finishing the story.

"Yea," Izuku said.

All Might approached the boy and gave him a hug.

"I can't say I blame you for defending your family who's been with you through thick and thin." He said.

Izuku hugged him back.
