Chapter 18: 3rd Round

Chapter 18: 3rd Round

Later on she went to the back where she was greeted by her friends, primarily Izuku.

"Uraraka that was really amazing what you did out there!" he said with a smile.

"Hehe, thanks Deku, though I surprised myself by flying," Uraraka said.

"Well, since you don't have the full power of 'my quirk' what you do have must've helped improve your quirk a bit, apart from enhancing your body a bit," Izuku explained.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you two got offers from all around America," Yoshito said, "You're both eating up the competition!"

"You gave Mr. Manly a run for his money," Izumi said with a smirk.

"Well, I did get a lot of compliments from this one pro," Izuku said, "She looked like a bunny, and said maybe I should try other methods more than punching."

"Yep, just like Rumi to give out some ideas for future pros to improve" Yoshito asked.

Everyone turned to Yoshito the minute he opened his mouth about that. It was at this moment that Yoshito knew...... he fucked up.

"Shit..." he cursed himself.

"You know the Bunny Hero Miruko?!" Mina asked.

"Tell us how you know her," Izumi said.

"I'm interested as well."

"Well.... When I was younger she babysat me when Aunt Midnight was away, and sometimes I sparred with her, and that's where I learned Leg Combat," Yoshito explained.

"And?" Momo asked gesturing him to continue.

"What do you mean?" Yoshito asked.

"Well, you start to sweat a bit when you're hiding details, and your hair starts losing a bit of color whenever you get nervous," Momo said with a smirk.

"Wait... how did you...."

"Woman's intuition dear," Momo said sweetley.

Yoshito looked to the others, and then turned to Momo. He took her by the hand.

"A word, in private," he said.

He brought her away from the others. Momo was a bit confused.

"What's going on here?" Momo asked.

Yoshito looked around to make sure nobody else was around to listen. He then turned to Momo.

"I'm about to tell you something that I have never told another human being. Ever in my life," Yoshito told her.

"Even your best friends?" Momo asked.

"Especially my best friends," Yoshito said, "If they heard a word about this, they'd never let me live it down. Plus Izuku is too innocent and I'd rather not corrupt him with this. The point is if I tell you what happened, you will have to swear, you will not tell anybody."

Momo nodded.

"Cross your heart," Yoshito said.

Momo did as she was told. Yoshito looked around to make sure nobody saw. Afterwards he took a deep breath before looking to the ravenette once more.

"Ok," Yoshito said, "So you know how Rumi babysat me when I was younger. Well...... there was one time where she may or may not have allowed me to cuddle her."

There was a moment of silence.  Momo looked at him in full surprise, but then she smiled.

"Wow, looks like you got yourself some fan service!" Momo said with a smile, "To be able to hug those chocolate muscles up close must be a dreama for any Miriko fan. No wonder you didn't tell any boys about it, cause they'd more than likely be jealous."

"So you're not mad?" Yoshito asked.

"Mad?! If anything I'm jealous," Momo said as she giggled slightly, " I understand that was a long time ago."

"Well, you know, if you want, maybe one day after class we can have some alone time, and I'll cuddle you," Yoshito whispered in Momo's ear, making her blush.

Later it was time for the third round to start. Izuku's match was against the dancing queen herself, Mina Ashido. The two contestants started walking onto the stage. Most of Class 1A cheered for their favorite people.

"Alright, its time for the third round!" Present Mic said, "We have the dancing queen herself, Mina Ashido against the super strong All Might Jr, Izuku Midoriya!"

"May the best person win Midori," Mina said.

"Agreed," Izuku said.

He channeled OFA into his body at 10% believing it would be enough to handle this.

"CLASH!" Midnight said.

Mina started skating around Acid dashing at Izuku. Izuku jumped out of the way. Mina then began shooting acid his direction. Using OFA, Izuku dashed out of the way by dodging to the left. He was being careful not to run out of the stadium boundaries.

Mina dashed close to Izuku. She then started attacking Izuku. She was doing this while breakdancing. Her kicks were quick and she managed to get aa few licks in on Izuku. Her last kick pushed Izuku back a bit. He realized that he needed to get serious. He channeled OFA into his arm and put two fingers together.

"Delaware..... SMASH!"

He flicked his fingers emitting a strong gust of wind. The output was at about 20% of his power. The attack hit Mina sending her slying. Everyone was watching the match with anticipation.

"Damn, Ashido is really getting down with her dancing!" Present Mic said.

"She knows how to mix her hobby into herowork, which makes her a force to be reckoned with," Aizawa commented before mumbling, "If only her grades were as good as her fighting style."

Izumi was watching her brother kick ass. Izuku and Mina were continuing to go at it. He decided to end it soon. He dashed forward towards Mina. He then grabbed her by the arm and started to spin around as if he were a cyclone.

"Oklahoma........ SMASH!!!"

When Izuku got enough momentum, he threw Mina. The power was so strong he managed to throw Mina out of bounds and she landed on the grass. She was surprised at this.

"Mina Ashido is out of bounds! Midoriya advances!!" Midnight said.

Izuku went over to Mina and gave her a hand.

"Wait, where's Iida?" he asked.

"He had to leave because of a family emergency," Mina said, "So I won by default. You fighting him would've been a bit more interesting," Mina said, "But I'll take what I get."

Afterwards was Yoshito's match against Uraraka. Her zero gravity vs his super speed was a match to behold. During the match, Yoshito used the tactic he used against Tokoyami. Fortunately, Uraraka saw Izuku's notes on his quirk and she knew how to handle him, especially with her enhanced quirk. 

"Not bad Tainaka but now it's time to get serious," she said.

"Couldn't agree more," Yoshito said with a smirk, "Let's go!"

When the timing was just right, She dodged Yoshitos oncoming attack and she stayed in the air. Yoshito moved too fast and ran out of bounds, and so he lost.

"Uraraka advances to the next round!" Midnight said.
