
                               (no one's pov)

       Stiles and Derek were at the loft sleeping. It was a rough night, the pack was being chased by chimera and went home, had a fuck session, bugging the other people, then went to bed. Stiles was curled into Derek's chest, a blanket covering their bottom halves. Both of them were naked and I was Sunday so Stiles was allowed to stay with Derek until tonight. <Whoosh> Derek and wolves woke up and raced downstairs to see a group of 5 (Vanya isn't there) in the room. 

          Derek wrapped another blanket around his waist and flashed his red eyes to the group. "Whoa naked wolf boy, we're cool." A guy named Diego put his hands up to Derek. "Shit." A junkie named Klaus said. "What?" 'kid' called Five asked. "Ben said he saw these kids on the roster as we put you in that school for this week." He pointed around to the wolf kids and lastly the covered Stiles on the bed. 

        "He's right, I saw that one." Diego pointed to Stiles. "Wait, how'd you even get in here?" Isaac asked, really confused. "I spaced jumped to the wrong loft." Five stated calmly. "Okay, bye." He smiled, took Klaus's hand, Klaus took the other's hands and left. Everyone was awake now, so Derek got dressed after everyone went upstairs to give him privacy.

       Derek left to go shopping as the twins woke Stiles up, pick up Scott, and went to school. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac were late for the locker room meeting the boys had everyday. "Stilinski, McCall, Lahey, and Dunbar will be taking you around the school this week." Coach said to a student so the four could hear. The late three walked up to Liam and stopped.

        "Where were you, guys?" Liam whispered-asked the boys. "You really don't wanna know." Isaac side eyed Stiles and winked. "I'm going to kill you with your own teeth." Stiles growled, the group laughed and Isaac back away knowing not to mess with their Alpha's mate. "Stilinski and friends!? This kid is new, show him around for the week!" Coach shouted at the group, "Roger that, Coach." Stiles smiled and turned back to his pups.


       "Hi, I'm Five." The 'new kid' walked to the group of four. Isaac was laughing so hard when he did. "I'm Stiles, this is Scott, Liam, and.... Isaac." He glared at the laughing boy. "Why are you laughing so hard?" Jackson asked walking to the group. He didn't answer just laughed and went to his next class. Five, Liam, and Stiles had next period together. 

         Stiles disappeared quickly and left Five to with Liam. "Do you know why Isaac was laughing when he saw you?" Liam asked Five, "Yeah, I think I do. You're not in their grade, are you?" Five looked at him.

       "i'm Liam, I'm a Sophomore. They're Juniors." He stated. Five nodded his head. "Why was Isaac laughing, by the way?" Liam asked recalling Five saying he knows why. "Oh so I can teleport and I jumped into their loft. Isaac was there, I believe the cause of his laughter was because He saw Stiles naked body covered up only by a blanket." He explained seeming un-phased.

      Liam was stifling a laugh now. "Lemme guess, he was with the big bad wolf?" He knew what they did on weekends, he wish he didn't. Five nodded and chuckled and started to explain his family and himself.


        There was plenty of moaning coming from the loft. Derek wasn't often home during free period and Stiles loved when he was. Derek was kissing Stiles down his torso and holding his hands down. Stiles was moaning in pleasure as Derek's kisses reached his pant line. Stiles always aroused him and he wasn't controlling his wolf. Stiles pulled Derek back to his face and kissed him roughly on his soft lips.

       Derek put his head down in the crook of Stiles neck and sucked on a spot on his neck. His claws were out, still holding Stiles hands down, not noticing he was scratching his wrists. Stiles didn't really care, it happened every time. After a few more minutes an alarm on Stiles phone went off. He set it 10 minutes before he had to get back to school. "Der, I gotta get back to school." Stiles wined. Derek got off of Stiles and put his shirt on.

        Stiles stood up and fixed his shorts. He put his shirt on and kissed Derek before leaving in his jeep.


          Stiles showed up at his locker just in time to get his stuff for Chem class. "Hey bro." the twins and Five came up to him. "Look who we found." Ethan laughed recalling that morning as Isaac did. Aiden sniffed the air and looked at Stiles's neck. "You didn't." He laughed along with his brother. Stiles shamefully nodded. "Did what?" Five asked, wondering what was going on. Before anyone could speak, Aiden grabbed Stiles's collar and showed Five marks down his neck and collar bone.

        "Oh." Five smirked and giggled. "Do that again and I'll rip your fur covered face off." Stiles growled at Aiden. Five was wondering how a human could scare a werewolf. They walked to their class to be greeted by Mr, Harris, great. "Glad you decided to join the class boys." He scolded. Stiles was hiding his neck as best as he could.


       By the weekend Stiles had forced Isaac to let him wear his scarf and the twins' gloves all week. They had fun with their new friend, but he had to leave on Tuesday anyway. Derek was still horny to mate but Stiles was fine with it. Peter was bugging them all week about it. Everything went to normal after Five left again. With th teachers he was actually under the name Aiden Gallagher.

       the end
