FBI: Crime Scene

 This will be a SuperWolf short.                                 

                                       (Jordan Parrish's pov, at the crime scene.)

           We were at a crime scene. His father nor anyone else besides his pack knew, It was Stiles, or Void. The pack plus me all took turns watching him since this morning. It was my turn first. I told the Sheriff it was to protect him, we didn't want hi to worry about the nogitsune. Two FBI agents were here a the scene, luckily I learned to lie from Stiles. I don't know if that's good or not. 

      Stiles was sleeping but he just woke up and started screaming. I ran to the car and opened to door. "Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Stiles you're awake. Everyone is safe, you're safe." I recited what Derek told me to say to calm him down.. He was in my arms crying but he stopped screaming. Thank you.

                                                     (Sam's pov)

        Dean and I were near the body when he heard faint screaming. We looked back to see the Deputy running to the car and opening the door. From the car there was a kid screaming in pain and agony. I shared a look with Dean and we ran over to them. At his point Parrish was holding the boy in his arms while the boy was crying and looked empty.

      "What's going on, Deputy?" I ask seeing the boy tense when we talked. "He gets awful nightmares. His father is the Sheriff and he helps with the cases his dad can't solve. He's seen some stuff." Parrish answered. It was understandable. This kid looked no older than 17 and has probably seen stuff that would make Dean shiver. Like Hell.

       Dean walked up to the boy to comfort him. "You okay buddy?" Dean asked knowing the feeling of pain and agony. He pulled Stiles into his grasp and held him a while. Dean and I barely survived our memories from Hell. Whatever this kid's gone through was not good for him. It was obvious he didn't know a stranger was holding him, just that it was calming him down.

       All we could hear from the kid was "It was my fault." He kept repeating until he regained his senses. Dean gave him back to Parrish quickly and we were off. "Poor kid." I say as we make our way to the motel. Dean nodded and stayed silent. "Why was that kid there anyway? I mean I know he's the Sheriff's son but why was he there?" I asked, Dean shrugged. "I don't know Sammy, but I do know how he feels, that real question is how he's surviving nightmares like that. Or how he got them." He stating, it was a valid question. 

      How did the kid get nightmares like that?

                                                                 (Stiles pov)

        "All I do is create chaos all around me, Scott." I say remembering my nightmare earlier in the week. We were in the school, it was free period and I was telling Scott about last night. "He's not you, Stiles. He can't be controlled." He tried to comfort me. "That just it, I think he is me! Like Kira is her Kitsune's holder. I think it the same for me." I said after thinking og why Void was still alive. 

      "You can't trust a fox." Kira said as she came into view. I nodded and we ment Isaac, Liam, the girls, the twins, and Corey at my Roscoe. (Roscoe is stiles's jeep btw) We all got in because apparently I was their chauffeur now. To the loft. Isaac knocked on the door and Peter opened it. 

     "Hey guys, Derek went out." Peter said moving so we could get in. "Where'd he go?" Ethan asked look around to find somewhere to sit no one was gonna kill him for. "I don't know. he said we had to run some errands and left." We said while eating ice cream. "That disgusting." I say watching him walk around a little to loose for my taste.

     "Just because you eat healthy, doesn't mean I have to." Every face-palmed themselves. "I don't think that's what he meant." Lydia said laughing. The rest of the girls started laughing leaving Liam confused, along with Scott, Isaac and the twins were indifferent, and me, still worried I would lose control again. Control..

                                                  (Derek's pov)

      No one knew but I was there at the crime scene watching what happened go down. I saw the FBI agent comfort Stiles. As if he knew the feeling. He felt bad for my possessed boyfriend. Both of them did. The comfort they gave Stiles was genuine, they wanted him to stop hurting but they lied. I was there listening in and they lied about who they were. 

      They had good intentions I'm sure, but they were no FBI agents. I'm at their motel looking for any signs of who they really are. "They're hunters, dumbass." I hear Stiles say from behind me. "Why did you follow me?" I growled at him. "I didn't, Peter told me you went out, I just..found you." He shushed me and looked through the window. 

     "Have you met them before?" I ask wondering how he knew they're hunters. "No, just the salt around their room, the plaid and the denim. It's obvious." Alright then. "Sammy, did you hear that?" The guy from inside asked. The two were soon in view and starting walking towards the window. "Get down!" Stiles whispered-shouted to me and we both ducked our heads and got to either side of the window. To be continued...
