Chapter 15: Destined as one

Many days passed. Jungwoo continued meeting her in the cafe. She gave all her hardwork to her work. Finally it was the day she would receive her payment and leave the job.

"You are a hardworking person. Our cafe needs more people like you." Taeyong said.

"Thank you sir, it was my pleasure to work with you."

"So shall I consider you as permanent here?." Taeyong asked.

"I'm sorry I chose this as temporary job, actually I had my own personal reasons. But in future if I ever get a chance I will surely work here." She smiled.

"That's okay all the best." He smiled back.

"It was an honour to work with you sir." With these words she started packing her belongings.

"Jae." She called Jaehyun.

"You called me Jae?." He smiled.

"Yes, thank you for being my work partner, I loved your company."

"Wait? You are leaving?."

"Yes, my goal is achieved."

"Ahh okay, I will miss you."

"Wait I ain't going anywhere we will meet at school." She chuckled.

"Yes we will but I will miss you by my side."

"Me too."

She picked her bag and started to walk out of the cafe. Someone took her luggage from her hands, guess who? None other then Jungwoo.

"I was waiting." He smiled.

"You don't have to pick up my bag, I have hands I can do it."

"Come on, you should stop ignoring me it's high time."

She continued walking. Ignoring his words again and again. But he didn't lose hopes. He followed her. Few steps later she turned back and saw he wasn't following her anymore. So she released a sigh and continued walking to her home. Suddenly he appeared from nowhere and kissed her forehead.

"What was this?." She questioned

"Can't I express my love?."

"You never did it." She murmured.

"Did you say something?."

"Why do you have to always go deaf when I say something important." She said in whispering tone.

"To whom are you talking with?." He asked.

"To myself, is anyone else here?."

"Who am I?." He got pissed.

"I didn't tell you to follow me." She said.

Jungwoo got a call from hospital.

"I will see you tomorrow, now I need to go."

"I'm also coming with you, I want to meet halmeoni."

"Yes you can surely."

"I'm not asking your permission, I'm telling you."

They reached hospital, Y/n already knew his grandmother is going to have a surgery. That was the reason y/n did a part time job. She wanted to pay for her surgery, she also knew Jungwoo couldn't afford all the fees. This was the main reason she made money from cafe.

"Halmeoni, you will do great. I know it will be successful." She hugged his grandma who was sleeping. And went out.

"Mr Kim Jungwoo, you have to sign these papers, and pay half of the fees." Nurse approached him.

"Don't worry I will pay remaining fees soon, but please don't stop the surgery." He begged.

"We aren't going to stop, your all fees are cleared."

"What? But I didn't pay it?."

"The girl who came with you, she paid rest of the fees."

He searched for her everywhere but she had disappeared.

"This is her childhood picture, she was too clumsy." Her mother and doyoung giggled as they flipped the photo album.

"Eomma what are you doing?."

"Nothing Doyoung was free and I was cleaning this shelf so I found your childhood album, so I'm showing it to him."

"It's not worthy let's do something else." She snatched the album from them.

"Where are your manners Y/n how can you snatch it, we were looking at those pictures."

"It's not a movie to watch Eomma." She protested.

"Calm down Y/n I won't look at it anymore." He chuckled.

"Thanks, this made me comfortable."

- Next day -

"Doyoung hyung I'm going for school we will hang out today evening." Sungchan picked up his bag.

"Yes Sungchan I will wait."

"You guys are gonna hang out?." Y/n questioned as they started walking to school.

"Yes, we both were bored at home, you want to join us?."

"No please I don't want to embarrass myself anymore."

"What did you get embarrassed for?." Sungchan laughed.

"Nothing, you will laugh, you know right if I'm not comfortable around new people I tend to do mistakes, those things embarrass me."

"Such a lame reason." He laughed.

"Shut up don't call it lame, it makes sense." She glared.

"Hey Sungchan." Jaehyun came running.

"Hey Jaehyun bro."

"Wait? What's this?." Y/n questioned herself.

"Hey y/n how are you?." Jaehyun asked.

"You both know each other?."

"We both are friends, best friends you should say."

"Oh, I didn't even knew you made friends too quick."

"We are friends too aren't we Y/n?."

"Yes we are Jaehyun."

"Jaehyun you are coming today evening right?."

"Yeah bro surely, what about Y/n? You should also enjoy with us."

"I asked her, but she denied."

"Why Y/n? We will enjoy I promise it won't bore you." Jaehyun pleaded.

"Sorry jae but I don't want to come, maybe next time."

"Never mind, but next time promise?."


She sat on her place and saw a letter. That letter was from Jungwoo.

Dear y/n,

It's too late I think but I want to confess before it gets more late, I love you. I love you from bottom of my heart. I don't why it took me so much time to say this, but this feeling is true. I don't know if you love me or not, neither I will force you. I just wanted to convey my feelings, so I thought this way is better. I will be leaving tomorrow. I have to shift to other city due to dad's transfer, that's why I want to meet you one last time. Will you meet me? Please don't ignore otherwise I will have a guilt that I annoyed you by sticking everywhere around you, but trust me I did that just to protect you and my feelings towards you are genuine, please meet me on terrace one last time.

Yours Kim Jungwoo

"You can't do this!." She ran towards the terrace.

Jungwoo was facing other side when she entered the terrace. She was breathless as she came running. Tears dropped her face.

"Kim Jungwoo, how can you do this?."

"Y/n." He looked in her eyes.

"Don't play with me."

"I'm so sorry Y/n it's okay if you don't like me back."

"Are you crazy? Who gave you the right to leave me alone? Once you entered my life without my permission, later you made me fall for you first, I tried my best to ignore you when you loved someone else and now you want to disappear? Are you kidding me."

"Y/n I'm so sorry please listen." He held her hand.

"I'm not going to listen anything, do you even have any idea since when do I love you, many times indirectly I conveyed my feelings but you never looked at me, you never looked at my feelings. I didn't wanted to force you to love me." She cried.

"I know I'm a fool Y/n, I didn't cared for anything you did for me, whatever you did to me was a blessing, I will always remember those."

"You can go wherever you want to go Mr Kim Jungwoo, you are free." She pulled her hands away from his.

He held her by her arm and pulled her closer to him, so close that her face hit his chest. He stared into her eyes and leaned down. His lips brushed of hers, he kissed her softly and delicately. They felt warmth of each others skin. He gently wrapped his hands around her waist bringing her more close to him.

"I love you." He said breaking the kiss.

"I will wait for you, don't forget me." She wiped her tears.

"If I wanted to forget you, I would have never called you to meet me, I will come back soon." He smiled.

"What if you find someone else while I'm not here, you got so many friends." He teased her.

"Shut up, you teased me enough, if I can wait for you then why will I find someone else." She shouted as her cheeks turned red.

"But it's questionable." He said.

She stood on her toes and cupped his face with her hands and pressed her lips against his. It grew more intense as he kissed her back. They held each other in their arms. Both of them had butterflies in their stomach. He gently caressed her back, and she run her fingers into his hairs ruffling it. They broke the kiss and opened their eyes.

"It's only you, if it's not you it's not anyone." She smiled.

"I will come back soon, I can't be away from you, it will always bother me, those flirts who stick around you they have me going crazy."

"I know." She chuckled.

"Be away from that Jaehyun too."

"He is just a friend."

"He bothers me a lot."

"How much time will you take?."

"Just a year, let everything settle." He kissed her forehead.

They silently drowned in each other's eyes.

"I love you Jungwoo."

"I love you too Y/n."


The End
