Chapter 12: Hesitation

"I think I should go and tell her sorry directly, or I should wait for sometime? I'm going crazy."

"Bang Chan." He waved to him.

"Hey Jungwoo."

"Actually yesterday I shouted at Y/n and said her many unnecessary things, do you think she will forgive me?"

"I really don't know what she will do at this point, but I know what happened yesterday, you should have gone easy with my buddy, you should have heard her part before scolding her."

"I was really out of my mind."

"I can't help you here, it's her decision, she was really hurt."

"I just want to say her sorry from all my heart." He sighed.

"Hey Y/n dearie." Someone called her name

She was confused she turned back.

"Who are you?."

"I'm Hana, your classmate." The girl spoke.

"So? What do you want from me?."

"Let's go to eat somewhere." Hana said.

"I'm not hungry nor you are my friend."

"We can be best friends."

"Hey hold up, weren't you the one? You and few girls were surrounded by my ex best friend when she left me, now why on earth suddenly you want to talk to me? Just tell me the purpose you have."

"I really want to be your friend."

"First of all if you are here to show sympathy towards me, I don't need you I'm better by myself, second just tell me if you have any purpose to call me suddenly because you never talked to me in my life."

"Okay fine let's go easy, I want Sungchan's number." Hana said.

"So this was your damn reason to talk to me? No my brother ain't your type."

"He is totally my type, we both will look good together."

"My brother has a girlfriend in US now can you buzz off?."

"Let's make a good deal, we both will be at profit, I will give you the number of the hottest boy of our school, in return give me your brother's number." Hana said playing with her hair.

"My brother ain't money that I will trade him with you or get profit, nor I believe in these stupid number game, if I like someone it's by looking at their heart not by their hotness so better buzz off." Y/n gave her death glares.

"You are so stupid to lose this golden chance."

Y/n started walking to the library. Jungwoo followed her from behind.

"Y/n is really nice by heart, if she wanted boys then she would have taken his number which she didn't." Jungwoo talked to himself.

She walked past of Hana and made her way to the library.

"Hey Y/n." Jaehyun called her from behind.

"Oh hi Jaehyun."

"Where are you going?

"To the library."

"I'm going there too! Shall we go together if you don't mind?."

"Sure Jaehyun, I don't have any problem."

They started walking to the library together. Jungwoo was still following her.

"Aish why this guy is being so sticky to her? How will I meet her and apologize for my mistake? I'm going crazy now." Jungwoo thought.

"So why are you so quite?." Jaehyun asked.

"I'm not quite, I just don't talk to the people whom I don't want to."

"Does it mean you don't want to talk to me too?."

"No, it's nothing like that."

"So shall I consider we are friends?."


"I'm glad you considered me." He smiled.

His smile is cute. But not more than jungwoo's. I don't know why he always comes in my mind whenever I try to forget him. She thought.

"You have a cute smile." She said.



"Thank you."

"His smile is cute? He is just a sticky person y/n, just leave him. Don't talk to him." Jungwoo murmured.

They sat on the table and started reading their respective books. Jungwoo was still there.

"Which book are you reading?." Jaehyun asked her.

"Oh it's Fault in our stars."

"What about you?"

"I'm still searching for it." He said scratching his neck

"Y/n you are reading the book I was reading once, the day we met in the library does that mean you still consider me? Will you please forgive me I will never hurt you again I swear." Jungwoo talked to himself.

"Can you help me choose the book?." Jaehyun asked.

"If you want help then sure. Let me see, first tell me what genre you like?." She asked.

"I like sci-fi, but sometimes romance goes well."

"I don't know much about sci-fi I will help you with other genre." She said.


She was searching the book. But suddenly her leg got twisted and she was about to fall but Jaehyun gave her support and she fell into his embrace.

"I'm so sorry and thank you." She replied and turned her face due to embarrassment.

"It's okay don't be sorry."

"But still and thank you."

"What's his problem? Can't he stick to his place and read book just as he sticks everywhere around to y/n " Jungwoo was annoyed.

"Jaehyun." Jungwoo called him.

"Yes Jungwoo?."

"Taeil is searching you, it's something important." Jungwoo lied.

"Where is he?." Jaehyun asked.

"He is with seniors."

"Okay thank you."

"Y/n I have to go now, but see you soon." Jaehyun smiled at her.

"Bye." She replied.

Y/n saw Jungwoo entering the library so she ignored him and started reading her book. Jungwoo still couldn't had gutts to say her sorry so he was searching ways.

He got seated and started reading a book.

"Sometimes it takes much time to realise the mistakes we do." He pretended that he was reading it from book.

He looked at her to see her reaction. But she didn't look at him.

"Forgiveness doesn't change the past but it does change the future."

She looked at him. He was looking at her. She quickly turned her face to her book.
He was going to talk to her but he was interrupted.

"Y/N!." Jaehyun called.

"Can you help me with science? I really need your help." He pleaded.

"Sure." She said.

"Jungwoo, you told me Taeil called me, but he said he didn't." Jaehyun asked.

"Oh! so sorry I was mistaken." He lied.

"Jaehyun, what query do you have?" Y/n interrupted.

"Please help me with this chapter, I can't understand anything."

"Whole chapter?."

"Yes, I didn't understand a single concept."

"It will take too much time." She said

"Doesn't matter, just teach me. I want to learn it from you." He said.


"I mean I know you are good at science that's why you will make me understand it easily." Jaehyun said.

"Y/n I want to talk to you." Jungwoo interrupted.

"Yes." She said in cold tone.

"Not here, in personal." He said.

"Sorry I don't have time, I need to help jaehyun." She said.

"Can we meet after school?." Jungwoo asked.

"I will try." She said.

"Sure then I will meet you." He said.

"I will also accompany you after school Y/n." Jaehyun smiled.

"I said I want to talk to her alone, why are you poking your nose." Jungwoo raised his voice.

"Because I'm her friend." Jaehyun replied.

"It's my personal matter why should you listen to it." Jungwoo raised a brow.

"Okay cool down I will come from tomorrow." Jaehyun said.

"Do you want to understand this chapter too?." Jaehyun asked jungwoo

"No." He replied.

"Then can you leave us alone, because this is my personal matter." Jaehyun smirked.

"This ain't a matter this is study, don't you understand difference?." Jungwoo mocked.

"I totally understand but can you please leave, I want to study silently without disturbance." Jaehyun mocked him back.

"I was about to go, I'm least interested in your things." Jungwoo said.

"Who said I'm interested in you?."

"Please can you both stop fighting." Y/n interrupted.

"I will see you after school." Jungwoo smiled at her.

After school -

"Lazy ass let's get going." Sungchan patted her back.

"You guys go, someone is waiting for me."

"Who's is that?."

"It's Jungwoo, he wants to talk about something."

"What does he wants now? Isn't he satisfied with the amount of harsh words he told you."

"You go home with chan, don't tell Eomma about this if I get late."

"I won't tell, but this time if he does something I may not regret to punch him."

"Don't worry Sungchan I will come soon." She said.

Jungwoo got a call from the hospital. He was called urgently, so he couldn't meet her. Y/n waited for him but it was too late so she ended up going home.
She went home and saw someone.


A/n: I'm reaching 500 reads soon. Thank you guys. But please do comment, it's needed. Anyways meet you in the next chapter.🖌
