As they started to organize the snacks, Y/n watched their actions and movements ever so sternly. She was extremely confused on their return with barely any items, despite the 2 hours they had been absent. The older members were sticking to Jungkook quite repeatedly. Unusual. Had something happened while they were gone? What did she miss? "Earth to Y/n," someone's voice rang out. She shook her head, making eye contact with the owner of the voice. "We thought you would like to come to join us for a small talk for tomorrow," Namjoon said. Smiling, she nodded and walked over, glancing at Jungkook, and for a split second, she noticed him staring at her, eyes full of love. As she sat down, she was never more prepared for what was coming.

They'd talk for hours. The finale had to be perfect, the best one yet, as Namjoon had stated. Corrections were made. They were as prepared for this one as every other concert they held, but specifically, this one had to be the best yet. Of course, they knew every step, every choreography, yet this had to be perfect. Soon, they were in their rooms doing their things. Sleep, that's what she thought. It was tomorrow. The big day, then they would get as much rest they needed. She prepared herself for the night before standing in front of Jungkook's door and knocking. A boy in his pyjamas answered. "Y/n?" he said. "You're not going to sleep?" he rubbed his eyes and stared. She shook her head. "Can I come in?" he nodded and moved aside. She sat down on his bed and waited for him. As he laid down beside her, he pulled her down with him. She didn't know why she was there, but at that moment, it mattered. She peered over to Jungkook and wrapped her arms around his torso, earning a pair of arms on her back. His hugs always made her feel better. "It's the last day tomorrow," she murmured. "Last day of the concert, but never for us," he answered. "I love you so much, Park Y/n." The last she heard before falling asleep. He caressed her hair and kissed her. "Love you so much."

She didn't realize she was sleeping in the wrong room. She woke to someone's voice. "Y/n, wake up. We need to get going." As her eyes fluttered open, Jimin sat beside her with his hand on her shoulders. He grinned. "It took you long enough to wake up." "What time is it?" she yawned. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked at her best friend."Half-past nine," Jimin replied. "Come on. They're waiting for us. Be down in ten." She groaned as he left. Soon, she was up and brushing her teeth. She was never a lazy person. Her schedule was always full, but she always found time to do other things. Except for the mornings, where the other members had to come to wake her. Mornings were the hardest for her. "Y/n!" Jin's voice echoed in the hall. "Breakfast is ready.""Ye, naega ganda," she said as she ran down the stairs. Two big plates of pajeon (Korean Scallion Pancakes) lay in front of the members. They hadn't started eating yet. It was a rule to wait for all the members to sit down before enjoying the food, which sometimes made Y/n feel guilty. She quickly sat down and apologized. "Sorry to keep you waiting.""It's okay," Jin said. "They just woke up." He gestured them to eat. Jin always woke up before the rest of the band. Besides Namjoon, he was in charge. He took care of them each day and was able to do many things as the "parent" of BTS. A mistake in cooking, you could get under his skin. Scolding the younger members might be one of his hobbies.

After eating, they changed into casual outfits and waited for the vans to arrive. The car ride there was quiet since they separated into two vehicles. The window was a one-way view, only could be seen from the inside. That kept them from being followed or recognized by saesangs or their fans. You would find many of the members on their phones, perhaps sleeping as well. As they turned a final corner, a tall building reached the stars. HYBE Entertainment was a big company with a lot of money. The entrance was quite luxurious, filled with pictures of all the members of the BigHit family, BTS, TXT and ENHYPEN. The memories flashed before their eyes, BTS' first daesang, TXT's debut performance and ENHYPEN's Golden Disk appearance. All loving achievements made by the family. The members greeted the staff and a few lucky fans who were just passing the building. They entered their usual training room and waited. A light knock on the door brought everyone's attention to the front of the room. Bang Sihyuk dressed in a gray suit and tailor shoes, holding eight paper bags. The members stood up and stood in line, waiting once again. Bang PD walked to all the members and gifted them a bag, which BTS his gratitude accepted with a bow. The CEO of BigHit always brought them gifts on the last day of a tour. He gave one more word of luck before exiting the training room. They scrambled to open their bags and pulled out each separately a shirt, with "BTS PTD WORLD TOUR" on it. They all looked at it in awe, measuring the size in front of their chests. 
