Don't Look At Him

Olivia shifts uncomfortably in her chair, trying to force herself to focus on the presentation taking place in front of her. One of her agents is giving a presentation on the Russian porn case they've been working and she's heard the information a thousand times, it's taking in everything in her not to fall asleep.

Her phone rings for the third time and as she moves to silence it the Director clears his throat. "Deputy Chief Benson, if you need to take that, we can continue without you." 

Olivia knows he's not exactly pleased but she's painfully relieved to be given an excuse to leave the meeting and she grabs her phone from the table, standing up quickly. "My apologies..." She excuses herself, "One of cases is a joint task force with NYPD and it seems they need my attention."

The board nods at her and she leaves quickly, answering Ayanna's fourth phone call since nine AM.

"What is so important?" She asks, exasperated.

"Hello to you to." Ayanna says sarcastically, "I thought you'd want to know we have Reggie Bogdani in custody for the murder of Diana Garcia. We pulled Stabler, he's done. We're trying to get Reggie to flip while we've still got the grand jury."

"You pulled him? The case is over?" She asks, her heartrate picking up as she tries to convince herself she actually heard Ayanna say the words. 

"It's over." She says, kindly, giving Olivia a moment to process. "We could use your help with Reggie. And you're up soon with the grand jury."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I'm on my way." She says hanging up quickly.

She takes a second to take a deep breathe in the hallway, her hand on the wall holding herself steady. It's done, he's really coming home to her. She pokes her head back into the conference room and Director Wright looks up at her.

"I have some things to attend to with the K.O. case, it's wrapping up, I hope you'll excuse me." She says, bracing herself to be told she needs to wrap the meeting and go later.

He nods his head. "Very well, good work there, Deputy Chief." He says, "I'll fill you in later."

She jogs out to her car and speeds towards the precinct. As she walks towards the building it occurs to her that she hasn't seen Elliot in over a month. She is one very carefully worn blazer away from everyone finding out she's pregnant. The last think she wants is for him to find out in front of everyone. She needs to be able to tell him. In her own way, in their own time.

She pulls her jacket forward nervously, sucking in her stomach just a bit as she walks in.

Jet immediately points her towards the interrogation room and she sees Ayanna standing outside, looking exhausted. "Thanks for coming." She says, "They've been going at him for four hours."

Olivia watches quietly as Elliot and Sergeant Brewster go back and forth, making no headway with a clearly overwhelmed Reggie.

Ayanna shakes her head, "We thought he was going to flip when we sent Stabler in but he's held it together."

Olivia nods, watching for a few more minutes. Brewster's always been too heavy handed, he's never known when to pull back to get results and now certainly isn't an exception. He's working too hard for it and she knows exactly how to finish this.

"Pull Brewster out."

Ayanna raises an eyebrow.

"Just trust me." Olivia says.

She opens the door and motions for him to step out. Olivia positions herself just in Elliot's eyeline and out of Reggie's. He nods his head ever so slightly and she smiles.

"I was getting some--" Sergeant Brewster starts.

"Shhh." Olivia says, "Give him a second." Sergeant Brewster shoots her a death glare but she ignores it, watching Elliot intently.

"Come on, Reg, I don't believe that for a second.." Elliot says, "I'm giving you one more chance to tell me what I want to know because you got about two minutes before the FBI walks in here and takes over your case. They do that, no more witness protection for you and your Mama." Reggie looks at Elliot for a second and Olivia holds her breath, waiting for him to crack. "You don't know nothing about family..." He says, nearly spitting at Elliot.

Brewster smirks and Olivia stares daggers at him. Elliot looks up, somehow seeming to meet her eyes even through the two way glass.

Olivia pulls her blazer forward again and pushes open the interrogation room door. Standing directly in front of Reggie, not saying a word. Reggie looks up at her and then back to Elliot. She lets him squirm for a moment.

"Mr. Bogdani, my name is Deputy Chief Olivia Benson, I'm with the FBI's C-SEC  unit, do you know what that means?"

He shakes his head no, looking to Elliot again for help.

"It stands for Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children." Olivia says, letting the words hang in the air.

"What do you want with me? I never sexually exploited no child." He says after a moment.

"No?" Olivia asks, an eyebrow raised, "You never.. had your way with any of those underage waitresses in the diner?"

Reggie looks up at Elliot again and the fear in his eyes says it all. She's got him hooked.

"Don't look at him." Olivia says, her voice booming with authority in the small concrete room, "You're talking to me now, he can't help you."

"Look, I never knew anything about them being underage." He starts.

"Come on, Reggie, you can do better than that." She says.

He looks back to Elliot again. "You heard the lady, Reggie, I can't help you." He says, holding his hands up, "You shoulda talked when you had the chance. These FBI people, they don't care about you. All they care about is closing a case and right now, you're in the way..."

"He's right Reggie, I don't care about you." Olivia says coldly, "And I don't care what you know or what you didn't know. I care about Jon Kosta. And your Uncle Albi. I know you know how they're getting their girls into the country. And if you don't tell me what I want to know, I'll send you to prison for the rest of your life without another thought. No witness protection, for you or your mom."

He puts his head in his hands and goes completely silent. Olivia looks up at Elliot and she can see he's having to work to keep himself from smiling. They stand in silence for several minutes before Elliot nods at Olivia.

"Alright, Reggie, you had your chance." She says, "Deal's off the table. We'll send you to Rikers." Olivia walks out, leaving Elliot alone in the interrogation room with Reggie and she takes her place next to Ayanna.

Elliot sits in front of Reggie, lowering his head to meet Reggie's eyes. "Reg, I'm giving you one last chance before Chief Benson comes back and I can't help you anymore." Elliot says, gently but firmly, as if he's speaking to a child, "Tell me what I want to know."

Reggie's cries into his hands. "Alright, alright..." He says quietly, "But you gotta promise me, me and Ma can go together."

Olivia grins and Ayanna shakes her head in disbelief. "Fours hours with me and Brewster and he folds after three minutes with you and Stabler..." She says, still shaking her head, "You didn't even speak to each other.. How the hell did you do that?"

"We were partners for a long time, Ayanna." Olivia says with a shrug, "I told you we'd be fine."

Brewster glares at her. "Oh come on, Bill. You could at least act happy to see me." She teases.

"You think you're gonna swoop in here and take all the credit for months of our work?" He says angrily, "You do not get to take this away from us just because you and Stabler are put on some kind of goddamn circus act and got lucky!"

"If you recall, Bill, I've never cared about the credit. That was always you." Olivia says with a sly smile, "And look where it's gotten us."

He grumbles about something and Olivia follows Ayanna back to her office. "Oh, and Sergeant Brewster," She says, stopping when they're should to shoulder "I think the words you're looking for are thank you."

He looks as though he's going to explode and Olivia continues walking, leaving him by himself in the small hallway. She drops into a chair in front of Ayanna's desk and laughs when she sees her smiling and shaking her head. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?"

"Oh come on, I don't work here anymore, I've earned it." Olivia says with a smirk.

"If memory serves, you've always talked to him like that." She says, pushing a couple cases files over her desk for Olivia to read. She reads through the shooting report and Diana Garcia's autopsy, as well as Reggie's arrest report. They built a rock solid case.

Ayanna's just finished briefing her when she gets called up to the grand jury to testify. It goes over smoothly and the jury listens to her intently as the district attorney runs through his list of questions. As she's stepping down from the witness stand she see's Elliot in the back of the room, one hand holding a cuffed Reggie. He smirks at her as she walks past them.

He walks him to the witness stand and the attorney begins his first line of intense questioning. Olivia watches from the back of the room, eyes focused on Elliot, who sits at the front, directly in front of Reggie. She's hardly listening to what he has to say, having poured over all of the information for weeks in preparation for her testimony. She watches Elliot for a few moments, smiling when she catches him looking back at her, and then again a few minutes later.

When the district attorney finishes his questions, Elliot disappears with Reggie and Olivia makes her way downstairs to speak to Ayanna.

She pulls out her phone to send a text to the Director to provide a case update and she quite literally runs into Elliot while she's typing.

He makes sure she's steady on her feet, but he never drops his hands from her arms. Still holding on to her as if to make sure she's really standing in front of him after all this time. They duck around a corner for some privacy as he pulls her into a gentle kiss. "God, it's so good to see you." He whispers against her lips.

They're interrupted by Jet who looks at them for half a second, clearly embarrassed to have disturbed them and keeps walking.

The stand in silence for a moment and Elliot looks down at her hands as he holds them.

"I noticed you put the ring on." He says quietly.

Olivia's cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I put it on--"

"Liv.." He says, cutting her off with a gentle and reassuring smile, "I gave it to you and I told you that if you ever wanted to put it on, nothing would make me happier. And I meant it."

She smiles softly as he runs a finger over hers. The stand quietly for a few minutes, soaking up each others presence, both of them happy just to be able to set eyes on each other after so long.

"So, Olivia Benson..." He grins, Does this mean I get to call you my fiancé?"

"I guess it does." She says with a nod. She had put the ring on weeks ago, but nothing felt real until a few seconds ago.

Elliot looks at her and he's overcome with emotion. Olivia wants to marry him. Of all the news he expected to get today this was not it and he's not sure that will ever settle in.

As he looks at her he sees how tired she is and he knows she's been doing her best to hold down the fort while he's been away and he falls that much deeper in love with her. Olivia Benson, the mother of his children and his fiancée... He wants nothing more than to take her home. Though sex is the farthest thing from his mind, he wants desperately to take her home and take care of her, to fall asleep next to her for the first time in months.

He smiles at her and reaches a hand out to stroke her cheek and she turns to kiss his palm, so happy to feel the warmth of his touch again.

Olivia's overwhelmed with emotion, having been brought so much comfort by being in his presence, feeling his touch, and yet she's still unable to think about anything other than how she's going to tell him she's pregnant. They're done for the day, and Elliot gets to come home with her. As soon as they grab their keys, they'll be alone, and finally able to talk.

"So when do I get to marry you?" He asks quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear. Soon, he hopes. He'd marry her tomorrow if she'd let him.

"Benson! Stabler!" Ayanna yells down the hallway.

Elliot groans and Olivia holds back a laugh as they walk quickly into the bullpen. Ayanna shoots them a look but quickly returns her attention to the room full of people in front of her. "The grand jury handed down indictments for the entire KO." She says, "We need to roll out and we need to do it fast."

Olivia feels Elliot's hand on her lower back, bringing her just a bit closer to him and she looks up at him. His brow his furrowed as he listens to to Ayanna's instructions. He's worried, about both of them. He knows the KO isn't going to surrender easily, they'd rather die fighting than be caught and that terrifies him.

"Deputy Chief Benson is going to lead a team into the house Flutura keeps the girls in, and SSA Kaufman is going to lead a team into the diner, I want C-SEC to be the ones to bring the girls back to the station house." She says, "The rest of you are each going to be given a location and a SWAT team will assist. Stabler, you and I are going to the Briscu house, Cho and Maldonado, Jon Kosta's house."

Elliot and Olivia look at each other, both more concerned for the other than themselves. Elliot's concerned about the security at the house where the girls are kept and Olivia knows just how heavily armed Albi is bound to be. Neither want the other to guy and Olivia can't help but think how much better about it she would feel if they were on assignment together.

Elliot gives her hand a gentle squeeze as he gives up trying to work out how they could stay together. He can't come up with a reason that would make sense and they've run out of time.

"The hope is we surprise them at home, I've got Jet watching the cameras and they've all left the gym for the day so we should be good to go." Ayanna says, "Get your vests on and we're rolling out. Check in with Jet and stay safe."

Everyone moves quickly to grab their things and head out the door. Olivia places a quick phone call to let her team know it's time to move and when she turns around Elliot's holding her vest out for her. She pulls it over her head and as she's pulling her hair out from the collar, Elliot begins to strap it for her. She smiles softly as he pulls the straps tight. For nearly a decade the small intimacies they shared at work were the only ones, she's missed a lot of them, and forgotten even more but this is one she thought about often after he left.

Olivia leans against Elliot's desk as he straps on his own vest and puts a clip in his gun.

"What is it, Liv?" He asks, not even bothering to look up as he tucks a smaller gun into his ankle holster. He knows the look she's giving him, and he knows they share the same fear.

She can't help but worry about him, she knows the K.O. case inside and out and she knows how Elliot's betrayal is bound to go over. She also knows that a bullet proof vest only stops so many rounds. If Albi sees him coming through the door and aims for his head, it's all over.

"Just.. Be safe, okay?" She says quietly, knowing he already knows what she's going to say, "I need to come back to me in one piece."

"I always am."

Olivia raises an eyebrow at him and he chuckles.  "Okay maybe not always but I will be, okay? Nothing to worry about."

He gives her a reassuring smile, and looking over his shoulder to make sure Ayanna's still in her office before he gives her a quick kiss.

"No heroics, you have my word." He whispers.

And just like that he's gone again. Olivia tries to shake the worry that's sitting like a log in her stomach as she speeds towards the address Jet programmed into her phone. When she arrives, the house is already surrounded buy big black FBI issue SUV's. As she hops out of her car, all eyes turn towards her, awaiting orders.

As she takes stock of her team, she's more nervous than she usually is. She doesn't trust them in the same way she did her squad at SVU. "There are at least a half a dozen teenage girls in that house, we play it as safe as possible, if anyone fires their weapons there better be a damn good reason." She says, drawing her gun and putting her ear piece in.

Her agents nod but none of them say a word as they wait for her to give them the go ahead. "Cooper, I want you first through the door." She says. Agent Cooper stares at her blankly. Seemingly unsure of himself. "Can you handle that?" Olivia asks, her tone biting. She shakes her head as he hesitates.

Olivia sends half her team around back and gives the rest orders to follow her closely so they can clear the first floor and then the second. They follow her in a tight line against the wall of the house and up the front porch. She knocks and leans out of view of the peephole.

The door opens and a teenage girl peers out, startled by the FBI presence and she freezes, glancing behind her quickly. Olivia holds a finger up to her lips, signaling for the girl not to make a sound and she takes her hand, pulling her out of the house quickly, letting an agent hurry her away from the building as quickly as possible.

She looks back to her team and gives them a nod before she pushes open the door, letting her agents fill the house. She peeks around a wall and sees two of Kosta's men in a room full of teenage girls. She signals to the men behind her to cover the entrance's to the room.

She counts down from three on her fingers before they enter the room. "FBI, get down on the ground." She says loudly, her gun pointed at the back of the guard's head. He's silent and still for a second but reaches for his waistband. Olivia presses the barrel of her gun into his head.  "Don't even think about it. Get down on the ground and put your hands behind your head."

He lays down on the ground, giving little resistance as Olivia plants a foot firmly in the center of his back, pulling the gun from his waistband. She cuffs him and let's an agent take him away.

By the time they clear the house they've made four arrests and rescued at least a dozen girls, all of whom look to be in their early teens.

Olivia sees the girls off to the shelter and makes sure they're comfortable and warm. The whole process takes hours and she knows that the entire team will be here at the crack of dawn to conduct interviews and try to find appropriate placements for the girls. She sends her team home with a thank you.

She peels off her vest and drops it onto a chair in her office before she all but collapses into it, beyond relieved for a moment of peace and quiet.

She sits up quickly to check her phone, disappointed that there aren't any messages from Elliot. She calls Jet for an update and she hesitates on the phone. "Jet.." She says, already knowing she's not going to be pleased with whatever news she's going to be met with.

"Someone tipped off Albi and Jon Kosta, there's a manhunt for them." She says finally. "Detective Stabler and Sergeant Bell are on their way to raid the gym."

Olivia hangs up the phone and sits silently in her office, her stomach turning. She has a gut feeling Elliot and Ayanna are about to walk into a trap.
