~ Parties.. Am I right? ~

"I mean.. He DID say 'party hardy' y'know.."

There was something weird about this party..


It was about 6pm by the time you got home. You went up the elevator, walking to your apartment. You fed Bolt and went to your room to change.

"I forgot if this fits.. I hope I didn't accidentally pick the smaller size.." You mumbled to yourself as you put the outfit on.

And as expected, since everything bad happens to you apparently, you got the size small.

"Shit.." You mumbled, trying to pull it past your FATTTTTTTT ASSSSSSSS.

It barely fit, just a string away from completely falling apart.

"Just don't sit down then.. Alright." You said to yourself sarcastically. You put the rest of the outfit on, looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You fixed your hair, trying to make yourself look decent for this party. After all, you knew NOBODY but BD. At this point, you were halfway done, until you got a notification from your phone.

50 missed calls from BD

Hold on.. BD?!









You closed your phone, rushing out of the apartment. BD almost drove away until he saw you in your fit.


"Oh my god. BD THERE IS PEOPLE AROUND!" You yelled, embarrassed. 

You remembered earlier how it would've ripped if you sat down. You sighed, trying to adjust the outfit so it didn't rip. This was clearly a standing up outfit.

"Girl what are you doing?" BD asked, speeding to Ethan's house.

"Im fixing my outfit.. I accidentally bought a size too small." You sighed.

"Oh.. Okay then. Anyways we're here bestie." BD got out of his car, and you followed suit. You followed behind BD, a bit nervous for how many people were gonna be here. BD pounded on the door.


A guy with black hair and bright red underneath it opened the door, unamused. 

"Ye- Oh. It's you." Ethan faked annoyance, laughing. 

"Can you let us in, puh-lease?" BD said with some sass in his voice.

"Oh yeah, but you gotta tell me the password." He joked, chuckling.

"I gotchu. The password is: You are an ugly emo bitch and you look like branch on steroids." BD checked his nails.

"Mkay.. And who's this?" Ethan gestured to you.

"She's my bestie actually FYI." BD crossed his arms, "Now let us in bitch!" BD got close to Ethan, trying to scare him. You stood there awkwardly, listening to their conversation.

"Alright enough, come in." Ethan chuckled, opening the door wider. 

You followed BD inside, a bit nervous. The lights were off, and the only sources of light in the large house was bright neon lights. You followed BD everywhere he went, until you accidentally lost him.

"BD? Where did you- AH!" You felt yourself being grabbed at by the waist.

"Come on, Cecilia.. You shouldn't have left me alone.." ??? said, massaging your hips.

"What the hell?! Get the fuck off of me, dipshit!" You pushed the stranger back.

"Cecilia please-" The man came closer to you. He was obviously wasted or something.

"And my name is not Cecilia!" You retorted, walking away from him. You looked for BD, bumping into several people as you searched for him. You saw BD come out from the kitchen, covered in some white liquid.

"Oh- sHIt-" BD leaned on the wall, a shot of alcohol in his hand.

"I just got harassed and you were giving someone a blowjob?!" You crossed your arms.

Bd hiccuped, a bit wasted. "Oh- No I was eating from the ranch dispenser.." He laughed.

You looked behind him, and there was a massive ranch dispenser by a table with food. You sighed. 

"What do we even do here?" You asked.

"We could-" He hiccuped "We could play spin the bottle!" He grabbed your wrist, moving you into a group of people in a circle.

"BD-  ugh.." You sighed, putting up with it. You had a sip of alcohol, not wanting to get as wasted as he did. 

"Ugh.. Are you serious?" A voice said.

"Oh come on! Its your turn." Another voice responded to the first.

You heard the two familiar voices, looking up to see who was spinning the bottle.

Tension filled the room as the bottle was spun by- wait- IS THAT KEVIN?! BD laughed, nudging you with his elbow.

"Fine.." Kevin sighed.

Kevin was just such.. a person. Every time you saw him, you wanted to run away and hide forever. It was like you were head over heels for him. You always looked forward to seeing him, but your fear of rejection stopped you, and that was why you wanted to hide.


He spun the bottle, and you swore your heart stopped beating as soon as you saw the bottle slowly turn to you. The circle of people bursted into laughter as soon as the bottle turned to you, almost like they knew something you didn't. Kevin's face turned pink, and he gave Ethan a mean glare. BD grabbed your wrist.

"Go kiss your man!!" BD pushed you towards Kevin. You stumbled onto your knees, and this was your worst and best nightmare coming true. All of these feelings at once, in the worst spot and time. 

'Who the hell is controlling my life?!' You thought to yourself.

Kevin scooted closer to you, his face completely pink. Your heart was going a million beats per second. You squeezed your eyes shut, grabbing his jawline and kissing him. He let out a muffled noise in surprise, kissing you back. Before he could pull you closer, Ethan came closer to him. He pulled away, staring you for a good 3 seconds until Ethan grabbed him and bursted out laughing. It was like he was in a daze. The circle of people laughed. You sat there in embarrassment, sitting next to BD.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom." You told BD. You speed walked to the bathroom. You locked yourself in there, sitting in your own pool of humiliation. You wanted to cry, but It would fuck up your makeup. You just sat there, your knees up to your chest. You stared at the ground, waiting for this feeling to pass. You sighed and eventually got up. You stared at yourself in the mirror, trying to make yourself feel better by focusing on your appearance. You stepped out of the bathroom, going to get a snack. Unfortunately, you couldn't leave since BD drove you there and you don't have a car. You noticed Kevin talking to Ethan by the couch. Kevin seemed embarrassed as hell, and his face was still pin, but less bright. You tried to sneak a snack quietly so they wouldn't notice. The glass platter shifted slightly and made a noise. Luckily the music was super loud, but somehow Kevin still heard you. He turned curiously to the sound, and upon seeing you, he groaned and covered his face. Ethan looked at you, chuckling.

"He wants your number, by the way." Ethan leaned on the couch. 

"S-Shut up dude!" Kevin punched Ethan softly. 

You couldn't help but blush. You gave Ethan your phone to put in Kevin's number.

"I-I'll do it myself.." Kevin mumbled, snatching your phone from Ethan and putting his number in. He handed you your phone, not looking at you. Ethan chuckled, turning back around to continue his conversation with Kevin. 

BD stumbled towards you, pulling you away from the snack bar. "BESTTTIIEEEE!!!" BD yelled, his words slurring. 

"BD- I think we should go home soon. You're like- super wasted.." You shrugged.

"UGhhhh!! BUt that woulD ruin the FUn!" BD drank more alcohol.

Suddenly, a man grabbed you by the waist again. "Ceciliaaa....~" 

You sighed, throwing a punch into this guy's face. "Get the fuck away from me." The guy fell onto the floor, wasted as hell. He passed out, snoring. You sighed.

"C'mon BD.." You grabbed his wrist, getting into the car.

You drove him to his house, and decided to stay the night there. You took his heavy ass to his room. You passed out on the couch.

(1343 words)
