~ First Day ~

ok y'all so I did spin the wheel and Bolt came up soo!
the cats name is bolt 🤑

Chapter 3:

You were sleeping peacefully, until you heard your annoying as alarm again.


You slapped your alarm off your nightstand, and it stopped beeping. You got up, seeing your phone spammed with notifications.

"SHIT!" You looked at the emails.

One job was declining your offer, another one was full of workers, and the other one was currently on fire right now.


But wait? What's that?


Is that..


You saw a email from a manager. It was the job you applied for! I guess the donut shop accepted your request. You were going to get interviewed today, but..

You're almost late.

You jumped out of bed, and got ready so fast not even the speed of light could fucking catch up to you. You put on a decent outfit, running out the door. You took the stairs instead of the elevator, sliding down the rail. You ran out the front office, your keys flying everywhere on the chain. You made it to the store, perfectly on time. You asked the employee where the interview would take place, and you walked through office. You saw the big room, and saw the manager sit in a chair, with a computer on the fancy table. He began to introduce himself.

"Hello. I am Mark Zuckerberg. I am the manager of this establishment. I will interview you now." The manager said.


"Okay." You mumbled, intimidated by this rich ass man.

"I will now start off with question one. What is your name?" Mark questioned you.

"Y/n L/n." You answered.

"Alright." The manager typed on his loud ass keyboard, "What's your favorite color?" He asked.

This was a stupid ass question..

"Uhhh.. F/C?" You answered, confused.

(F/c fav color btw)

"Amazing. All I need to know. Your hired. Put on that damn uniform!" Mark shooed you out of his office.

You awkwardly looked for a name tag in the back room, grabbing a spare uniform and putting it on. It was a bit tight around the hips and chest area, but it was the only one left near your size. You put the name tag on, looking around. Mark didn't even tell you what you were even going to do. You left the back room, awkwardly standing in the middle. A worker noticed you, waving at you. They looked at your name tag.

"Hello! Y/n, right?" The employee asked.

"Oh, yeah." You mumbled nervously.

"I'm Stuart. You can just call me Stu or somethin'." He had a deep voice, not much of an accent.

He was pretty cute, but you had eyes for another man, who was MUCH more. You shook his hand.

"Since your new, I guess that means your toilet duty!" He laughed, leading you to the bathroom, "Sorry! We do this to newbies who show up. Good luck!" He closed the door.

At least someone talked to you today. You thought people would stare you down awkwardly. He was pretty nice, though. You began to scrub the toilets, (with gloves ofc nasty af) and finished cleaning the bathroom. After a few hours of work, and cleaning other dirty tables of people who left the shop, it was time to clock out. You grabbed your paycheck, and walked out the door. You were so tired today. You went home, and got ready for bed. You fell asleep on the toilet, snoring so loud the neighbors became deaf.


(597 words)
