Chapter 18

Chapter Eighteen:

He's terrified, absolutely petrified, Kade could feel his mind racing a million miles an hour his heart barely keeping pace but he couldn't do anything to stop it. The redheaded cause of this terror still laid next to him, Kade's arm wrapped around Daniel's shoulder as he casually curled up against Kade's side. Daniel had been in and out of sleep for the whole night only waking up to readjust his position and then promptly falling back asleep. Kade hadn't slept at all.

"What's wrong?" Daniel mumbled, repositioning himself once again, this time turning more on to Kade's chest, carelessly settling his leg over Kade's til he was practically splayed across the older man's chest. Kade ignores the questions, silently hoping that Daniel would nod back off to sleep if he just waited long enough but between the sunlight coming in through the curtains he figured that probably wouldn't be the case. His hopes completely disappeared as Daniel's looked up at him, green eyes fully awake and demanding an answer to his question.

Kade shrugs slightly, bringing his free arm up to wrap around Daniel's waist holding him closer as he allows himself to get sucked into the racing thoughts of his mind. Kade had been through a fair share of relationships none as bad as his ex-fiance Charolette and definitely none as scary as Daniel, if he could even consider what he and Daniel had a relationship. What they had seemed more one-sided than a relationship or at least Kade had tried his hardest to keep it one-sided. Kade wasn't sure what finally made him cave but he had and now he wasn't sure what would happen.

He thought back to what Daniel had said to him the night before and no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't sure he believed any of what Daniel had said about wanting more than just sex. A part of him desperately wanted to trust Daniel and toss aside the idea that this was all just some elaborate plan to use him but the small part of him was screaming, it had to be too good to be true. Casual sex was never a good idea, friends with benefits was something he couldn't ever do, it only intensified every insecurity Kade had in relationships already and when it came to Daniel there were far too many insecurities to even know where to start with.

"Kade?" Daniel pressed, bringing Kade halfheartedly out of his racing thoughts and back to the impatient freckled boy demanding an answer to his question.

"How many men are you sleeping with?" The words tumble out on there own accord, leaving them both shocked as awkward silence creeps in around them. Daniel blinks a few times, trying to clear his mind as he sits up on his elbow looking down at Kade with slight disbelief.

"It's not that I never expected you to ask but I certainly didn't think you'd ask before the cum in my ass was dry." Daniel seethed causing Kade's shoulders to stiffen instantly at the offended tone of voice. He sits up, moving to the edge of the bed, his freckled back facing Kade as his feet to dangle off the side of the bed before pulling his knees to his chest thinking for a moment. "What does it matter, it's just business."

Daniel took a deep breath as he felt Kade shift behind him, sitting up as well. He ignored the older man's movements smoothing his nape length hair back into a small messy ponytail letting out another sigh of frustration when he realized there were no scrunchies on his wrist and let the hair flop messily back into place, just raking his hands through his hair haphazardly. His shoulders slump slightly and Kade can't help the urge to tell him it doesn't matter or that he actually doesn't want to know, but he knows he'd just be lying to himself.

"I need to go." Daniel huffed moving to get out of the bed only to have his arm caught by Kade pulling him back against his chest, large arms circling around him caging him close to the older man.

"Stop, at least let me run you a bath, before you go." Kade mumbleds against his freckled neck, Daniel opens his mouth to protest the urge to be difficult bubbling under the surface desperate to reject Kade's kindness but he can't seem to make himself. He blames it on the warmth of Kades arms wrapped around him as he bite his tongue only giving a slight nod instead. Kade shifts from behind him standing up from the bed a steady grip on Daniel arm pulling him into the conjoined bathroom.

He's pushed towards the toilet seat and takes the cue to sit down staring daggers into Kade's back as he walks back into the bedroom returning wearing just a pair of low ride track pants, he moves to the tube and begins filling it with water. They sit in silence for a while until Kade seems to be satisfied with the water tempature settling his hand in the bath to continue monitoring the water as he turns back to Daniel

"I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry. It seems like I'm always upsetting you."

Kade sighed, grey eyes locking in on Daniel's green ones searching for some sort of sign from Daniel only to be met with silence. He hesitated, looking away for a moment then back to Daniel as he decided to continue despite his uncertainty. "Look, let me be honest, I have issues I'm possessive, I'm aggressive, I want you. I promise I want you but I need to know."

"Why does it matter? It's just sex-"

"What part of possessive don't you get?" Kade interrupted, his brows arching in disbelief at Daniel's response. He turned back to the water, cutting it off before he moved back to Daniel a gentle grip on the younger man's arm, guiding him into the tub. Daniel stepped in without hesitation, sinking down into the warm water, suddenly realizing just how sore he was. He leaned back into the water slowly sinking deeper and deeper til his whole body was submerged in the warm water.

"So what exactly do you want?" Daniel asked slowly, leaning over the side of the tub, watching as Kade searched around in the sink cabinet for a while before coming back to him with a loofah and bath bomb. He handed the bath bomb to Daniel who accepted the ball with hesitant hands sniffing it cautiously before dropping the assumingly peach scented ball in the water. Daniel watched as Kade sat down on the edge of the tub, popping the tag off the loofah before slipping it in the water.

"I don't know what I want to be honest." Kade sighed, his free hand sliding in the water grazing over Daniel's leg, pulling him slightly closer as he began moving the loofah over the freckled boy. "That's not true, sorry, I know what I want I just don't think you want what I want honestly."

"Well, sixteen men and four or five women on my book." Daniel mumbled, feeling a wave of embarrassment flow over him as he began sinking back into the water suddenly feeling awkward as all hell but not really sure why. He'd never felt this way anytime someone had ask him about this kind of thing. He could feel Kade's grip tighten on his thigh for a moment, his eyes narrowing as his brows furrowed in thought as Daniel continued. "It's strictly business to me but, I would give it up if I had a good reason, I guess."

"And what's a good reason?" Kade asked shifting his gaze to meet Daniel's in a harsh glare.

"I'm not sure." Daniel started shifting onto his knees getting right in Kade's face, a catlike smile playing on his lips as he purposely splayed his wet hands across Kade's clothed thighs, enjoying the feeling of his wet skin against the nylon fabric. "Probably a possessive boyfriend, who wanted an exclusive relationship with amazing sex."

"I want an exclusive relationship but it has to be about more than just the sex." Kade replies dropping his face to the redhead's neck kissing him gently there as one arm circles around the younger mans waist pulling him close. The feeling of Daniel relaxing against him is enough to calm Kade's nerves slightly, but only slightly. He kissed up and down his neck, pressing harder with each kiss.

"Ow!" Daniel yelps pulling away suddenly fingers flying to where Kade had bit him, he looks back at the older man confused but Kade had no answers, no reasoning or at least none that he wanted to share. This was his problem, this was why he didn't do casual sex, he was too possessive so much so it tended to blind him. It blinded him with Charlotte he knew it would be far worse with Daniel, but he wanted him so badly. He wanted to own every inch of this person, but no one could own a person who didn't want to be owned, Kade wasn't blind enough to think otherwise.
