Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven:

It wasn't til the Friday before Halloween that Daniel finally got the date Kade had promised him. He had every intention to be a little difficult and make Kade put in a bit more effort the way Amber had told him he should but when Kade had told him he'd planned something more interesting than coffee Daniel couldn't really seem to hold himself to his own promise. Kade had told him to make sure to wear shoes he could walk in for a long time via text the night before but refused to tell Daniel exactly what they were doing.

Figuring the date would still be casual Daniel decided to go with a pair of pink shorts and an oversized panda sweater paired with his favorite black vans. Trying not to appear like he was trying too hard Daniel decided to forgo most of his make up settling with just mascara and a nude lip. By the time he finished getting ready it was a few minutes before eight-thirty in the morning, the time Kade had decided he would pick him up. He wasn't sure why they had to go wherever they were going so early in the morning but he tried not to question it too much.

When he finally showed up at eight thirty Amber was finally up and ransacking her way through the kitchen adding more food on to her plate including what Daniel had made for them for breakfast. He didn't bother have Kade come up to the apartment since it seemed like they had a time frame to work in, instead, he told him he'd meet him at the lobby. Buzzing him in, he grabbed a few essentials stuffing them into his mini panda face backpack and headed out locking the door behind him. Opting to take the elevator over the stair Daniel spotted Kade immediately.

He smiled walking over to the older man, who was currently too preoccupied with something on his phone to notice Daniel approaching. Daniel let out a bit of a sigh of relief when he realized Kade was wearing a casual outfit as well, a simple graphic tee and black jeans paired with some comfortable looking black and purple running shoes. After somewhat awkwardly greeting each other they set out deciding to take Kade's truck since he was still refusing to tell Daniel where they were going. The drive was barely over a half an hour but Daniel didn't mind.

The ride was filled with small bits of conversation and subtle attempts to get Kade to expose the secret, all of which failed. Finally, they pulled into a parking lot across from a rather large building where Kade easily found a spot and parked his truck. Daniel searched around for clues as to where they were noticing quite a few people funneling into the building but he got the feeling Kade had purposely parked on the side away from any signs that would give it away. Getting out of the truck Daniel let Kade lead him up to the building passing by quite a few people who were waiting at ticket purchasing stands.

"Hi! Welcome to the National Lewisberry Aquarium!" An overly enthusiastic woman greeted them as they stepped inside. Kade handed her their tickets causing her to smile a bit too sweetly up at Kade taking the tickets and handing him a map of the aquarium back. Daniel had been to an aquarium once in his entire life when he was about twelve, it had been to accompany his father on a 'work trip' so unfortunately, he didn't remember much of the aquarium itself. He was shocked Kade had thought of this, Daniel couldn't help but wonder if it had been the twins idea.

Daniel tried to wait patiently as the greeter seemed to be taking her sweet time explaining the shows and exhibits they had going on that day to Kade, noting that other people who'd come in just behind them were already done talking to their greeters. It was obvious she was purposely dragging out the greeting process to flirt with Kade even though Kade seemed to be oblivious to the whole thing. 

"Do you guys have Fairy Bass?" Daniel asked, deciding he was tired of waiting but more than that he found himself annoyed with the woman's constant attempts at flirting. He smiled at her when she looked slightly confused by his interruption. He waited a brief moment, making sure she was paying attention then wrapped his arm around Kade's smiling at her once more. She was average and he didn't mean that just to be cocky but they both knew looking at him if Kade was with Daniel she had no chance.

"Uh, if you mean Fairy Basslets yes, they're um, on the third level. I believe." She answered eventually, clearly embarrassed.

"Do you want to start there?" Kade asked looking over at Daniel seemingly still oblivious to the situation despite Daniel now being practically glued to his side. Daniel could tell Kade was the kind of guy who'd want to follow the layout of the museum the way it was designed to be followed, to make sure he saw everything not skip around only looking at certain things so he simply shook his head no, not bothering to explain he really didn't care about that particular fish. "Okay then let's just start with the ground floor okay?"

Daniel nodded his head agreeably and let Kade lead him, not letting go of his arm as he smiled back over his shoulder at the now dejected greeter who was scrambling to get back into the swing of her job passing out maps. Daniel usually wasn't the type to feel good about having shown up someone, especially when they weren't much competition but there was something about Kade that made him want to be very clear with anyone and everyone that he wasn't available. Even if he knew deep down that Kade wasn't completely his yet.

"Daniel? Are you okay?" Kade's voice broke through his thoughts causing him to look up at the taller man for a moment confused as to why he would ask him that so randomly.

"I'm fine why?"

"Your nail's are really digging into my skin." He replied easily, causing Daniel to look down realizing he had in fact been clawing at Kade's arm. He loosened his grip immediately, mumbling an embarrassed apology but still refusing to let go of his arm completely. "You don't have to cling to me you know."

"But I want to, don't you want me to?" Daniel asked him his voice coming out a bit more agitated than he'd meant it to, perturbed that Kade had even brought up the topic. "I thought this was a date why wouldn't you want me close?"

"Wow, okay, don't get so upset. I'm just saying you don't have to cling to me. What if you wanna look at something else and I'm still back here?" He asked trying to make Daniel see reason but only succeeding in upsetting Daniel even more.

"That doesn't make sense the point is for us to see it together so I would just wait for you to finish looking, don't be stupid." He could practically see a nerve tick in Kade's jaw when he called him stupid and it made Daniel smirk a bit knowing he'd pushed one of Kade's buttons. As childish as it was Kade had ruined Daniel good mood just a little so it only felt fair for Daniel to ruin his a little too. After a moment of awkward silence they stopped walking, Kade was reading the sign to an exhibit.

Daniel looked down at his arm still wrapped around Kade's before looking up at his face noticing Kade's eyes were looking off towards an exhibit of a whole range of exotic frogs. Daniel leaned in knowing Kade wasn't paying much attention kissing the side of his neck feeling Kade jerk away in response. He looked down at Daniel not confused but seemingly a bit startled after a moment Daniel tilted his head upwards hoping Kade would get the message, instantly relieved when he did and leaned down to kiss him. It was gentle, just a simple press of his lips to Daniel's but neither one seemed to mind that.

"I haven't been on a date in like eight years, so I'm sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass." Daniel told him quietly to which Kade nodded dropping his lips back to Daniel's as he placed another gentle kiss there.

"It's fine, I get it." He assured him finally turning his head back to the exhibits for a bit then continued walking. They had to take an escalator up to the first level then another up to the second before another back down to the first to exit into the main part of the aquarium where Daniel was already confused.

"I should have gotten my own map." Daniel mumbled as they passed through the doorway out of the entry area of the aquarium instantly greeted by a large hallway that led multiple ways. Kade laughed at him handing Daniel his map as he led them forward into the main aquarium. Daniel looked at the map for all of two seconds before becoming instantly absorbed in the sight around him. Glass up to the ceiling with all sorts of beautiful fish behind them.

He was instantly drawn in, like a moth to a flame, finally releasing his grip from Kade's arm, opting instead to intertwine their fingers as he stepped closer to the glass. He stared into the glass walking slowly as he watched the fish swim around til his eyes caught it moving slowly and gracefully across the tank not even bothering to spare a glance at anyone in its path. Daniel lifted a hand to the glass completely mesmerized by it even as he felt Kade's presence against his back.

"It's a Blacktip Reef Shark." He explained, his voice a gentle whisper in Daniel's ear, he shivered, nodding his head as he stopped walking. They stood there for a long moment just watching the sharks move back and forth between the other fish and creatures in the tank Daniel's hands pulling Kade's arms around his waist. At first, he hesitated holding Daniel as if he wanted to leave space between them but gave up after Daniel gave a few more pulls, bringing him tight against his body resting his chin on Daniel's shoulder. "You know there's an underwater viewing area if you want."

Daniel sighed loving the feel of Kade's voice on the curve of his neck, not really wanting to move from this spot but found himself nodding anyways. Kade led them to another escalator taking them another level down. The area was much darker than the rest of the aquarium a few cool blue lights decorating the floor as most of the sparse light poured in from the tank above. Daniel was amazed watching the creatures all swim back and forth overhead. He squeezed Kade's hand excitedly looking back to find Kade looking at him with a slight quirk in his brow as he waited for him to say something.

"This is really awesome." Was the only thing Daniel could think to say and Kade just gave him a small smile in return. Daniel tugged Kade along by his hand making sure he got a good look at every fish and creature in the tank. Kade followed along silently for the most part, quietly reading every information board they passed. He only spoke when Daniel asked a question about the creatures behind the tank occasionally joking that Daniel could read the information off the boards as well but he chose to ignore those comments opting to sneak a quick kiss instead.

Eventually, they made their way up from the underwater viewing area much to Daniel's confusion not coming out where they'd came in. He struggled with the aquarium map for a bit but in the end allowed Kade to lead more or less. They somehow managed to work out a system where he was able to pull Kade around the floor exhibits until Daniel was ready to see the next and Kade would somehow figure out how to get them to the next one til eventually, they found themselves back at the main hallway they'd started.

"Do you want to eat something?" Kade asked even though he was already leading the way towards the cafe area with Daniel following wordlessly beside him. He opened his mouth to tell Kade yes when his eyes caught the gift store causing Daniel to immediately changed course pulling Kade along with him. Kade didn't say anything against it or even huff impatiently as Daniel dragged him around the gift shop picking up and putting down several overpriced items. Eventually, he settled on a shark plushie and began approaching the counter til he saw the shark necklaces sitting in a display on the counter.

They came in a variety of colors ranging from neon pink to the classic metal silver. Daniel stared at them for a while contemplating outfits he could pair each one with before finally Kade reached around him and picked a simple silver one from the display. It was cute the shark was about the size of a quarter the body was silver with black diamonds on its fins and tail, Daniel took it from Kade nodding excitedly finally making it to the cashier who smiled at him and asked cash or card as he began ringing the two items up.

Kade told him he'd put them on his card and Daniel let him pay for the items without a fuss. Daniel didn't bother letting the cashier bag them much to Kade's annoyance but it didn't matter to him.

"Stop whining and just help me clasp this." Daniel mumbled, holding the necklace out to Kade who took it rolling his eyes as he undid the packaging.

"I have a hard time believing a guy who wears as much makeup as you do can't put a necklace on by himself."

"Mmm, but my hands are full." Daniel sassed squeezing the shark plushies as Kade clasped the necklace in place rather easily. Turning back to Kade, Daniel grinned reaching a hand around the taller man's neck, pulling him in for a kiss eagerly pushing his tongue into Kade's mouth slightly shocked when he let him. Kade's hands running up his sides teasing the edge of Daniel's shirt as he pressed his fingers under the fabric there. Daniel felt like his body was on fire, letting out a small whimper as Kade drew his tongue over the roof of Daniel's mouth breaking their kiss slowly.

"You're such a handful." Kade mumbled pulling Daniel from the shop resuming their course to the cafe. It was a cute cafe, and big enough to stand as a restaurant on its own but Daniel didn't question it. The hostess sat them as soon as they arrived assuring us their waiter would be out soon. Daniel eagerly picked up the menu curious if they served fish at the aquarium and instantly giggled when he saw that they did causing Kade to shake his head and mutter something about him being immature.

"You know I met your mom the other day she told me something interesting." Daniel started opting to ignore Kade's comment on his immaturity. Kade looked up from the menu briefly raising an eyebrow as if encouraging him to go on but didn't look the slightest bit worried about what he might say. "Well she told me two interesting things, one being she said you have a tattoo and two she said you recently broke off an engagement. Pick your poison?"

"Both are fine, I'm not hiding anything." He smirked setting his menu down leaning back in his seat, the smug look on his face turning Daniel on in ways that made him want to forget this conversation and fuck him then and there but he restrained himself forcing his mind to focus on what Kade was telling him. "I got a tattoo on my left bicep when I turned sixteen my mother took me as a birthday gift. Its yin and yang dragons to represent my family. And her name was Charlotte we were engaged for a few months but I was obviously not the guy for her so we broke it off."

"How come I've never seen it?" Daniel questioned thinking back to the match, he'd had a pretty clear sight of Kade topless and had seen no tattoo. That's why he was fairly certain his mother had been joking.

"It's here on the underside of my arm close to the armpit, I got it there cause my mother and I did it without my father knowing." Kade laughed pulling up his tee shirt sleeve, stretching out his arm at an odd angle to show off the tattoo. It wasn't very large either, Daniel could understand how people missed it.

"And Charlotte?" Daniel asked. "What do you mean by not the guy for her?"

"Yeah, she cheated so I let her go." Daniel could feel himself cringe at Kade's tone, the word choice 'let her go' seemingly rubbing him the worst way possible. Daniel could tell the topic was bothering Kade even though he was being nice about it, Daniel knew if he had it his way they wouldn't be talking about this so he smiled and changed the topic.
