"Should I just try and run at it?" Niall asked apprehensively, and I just shook my head at his stupidity. Whoever had blocked the door in the first place wouldn't have made it so easy to open, there was obviously something on the other side that they didn't want us to see.

I went to Coby's workshop, making sure that I didn't make too much noise, and grabbed the nearest large tool I could see. Taking it back to the illusive door, I handed it to Niall who held it in his hands like it weighed nothing; I couldn't help looking at his biceps which were illuminated by the light, but I shook off those thoughts when Niall raised the tool in the air.

Smashing it towards the door, some of the door's wood came away to leave a small hole where the tool had hit. Running towards the hole, I placed my eyes against it to see if I could make out anything but all was pitch black.

"We need a torch," I whispered to Niall and he ran off grudgingly to find one for me. I was surprised that nobody had woken up after the banging on the door, it had made a massive amount of noise.

Once given the torch, I shone it through the small gap and tried to make out what objects were in front of me. And then I realised what I was looking at. It was the outside world.

"It's the front door," I whispered slowly to myself as I pulled my body away from the sight in disgust; slowly I crawled to a wall where I sat with my knees against my chest. I hadn't been ready to see the world again, the wasteland that it had become.

Niall came and sat down next to me, I could see the shock on his face- we weren't expecting to find that. I knew from one look what I had seen, it was the remains of a city. There were derelict buildings, ones filled with rubbish and corpses. The streets would be littered with dust and ash, fire had burned through every country.

"Why did it all happen?" I mumbled to Niall who looked up at me with sad eyes, the reminder of the past was like opening a wound that had partially healed.

"People fought as they always did, war waged on. We were missing the real opponent- global warming. Food ran out, havoc reigned," he spoke quietly and softly, in a tone that I had never heard from him before. I could hear regret in his voice.

"We should fix the door and vow never to go out there," I kept thinking of my sister, all the times we had almost died out in the harsh environment. The world was unforgiving, it would take any life regardless of how old you were.

"We will have to at some point," he held my hand in his to reassure me, there was something comforting about that.

"Just not now," it was then that I noticed how close our faces were, I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks. Pulling away, I felt stupid for even getting that near to him; we were just friends, nothing more than that.

We sat in perfect silence for a few more seconds, both absorbed in our thoughts; I couldn't help wonder what Niall was thinking about. We had never really talked about the past much after the first disastrous attempt which we promised each other that we would forget.

"What do you regret about the past?" I turned to look at the blond boy who looked as if he was deep in intense thoughts.

"I wasn't able to save anyone," he murmured to me slowly, "I watched them all die. Why did I live? Why wasn't I taken with them?"

"You were needed for this," I waved my hands around slightly and he gave me a weak grin, "You are needed to help rebuild humanity, they couldn't have you dying."

"I don't know why I was chosen, I don't have the best voice or the best songwriting," he looked down at his lap with a sad smile and I stroked his cheeks softly. I hated it when he talked badly about himself, he was a talented young man whose songs would be the background music for the new world. Secretly, he had played me a few that he had written and I had cried at every one; he had that power, he knew how to write a good song.

"What are you two doing?" Suddenly a voice shouted down the corridor and we both looked up frightened, "What happened to the door?"

Azul walked towards us at the speed of light, smoke almost coming out of her ears- she was definetly angry! Niall rolled his eyes and stood up slowly, knowing that we wouldn't be allowed any more time to just talk. We would need to explain ourselves. Looking back at the door, then at us, then back at the door, I could tell that Azul was trying to figure out what to do. Clenching her fists, I saw her open her mouth and then close it again as if she was lost for words.

"HOUSE MEETING!" she screamed and walked off mumbling to herself about how we were a 'disgrace'. When she had gone to wake people up, I burst out laughing and looked at Niall who was holding in his laughter. Azul really was annoying.

The door led to the outside world! Mystery solved by the top two detectives Niall and Dara. But Azul had to ruin their alone time together. Do we think that something might be going on with #Nara?

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