Two days later

I was woken up to an unbearable pain in my stomach, and slowly I got out of bed, expecting another bout of sickness to hit me. But as I stood up, I felt something trickle down my leg. Something warm.

If you looked at my bedsheets, you would have assumed someone had been stabbed. Blood coated the pristine white linen, and all I could do was stare at the scene in horror? What was going on? My mind tried to calm me down, but I was hyperventilating, trying my best not to faint where I stood.

Running out the room, I began to scream. People rushed out their rooms in a daze like state, most wearing their pajamas and a pissed off expression. This expression left their faces when they saw the trail of blood I had left behind and concern took over. Still running, I made my way to the resident doctor at the base,hoping she could tell me that nothing was wrong. That I was freaking out over nothing.

She was sat typing at her desk when I entered in a rush, and the blood ran from her face when she noticed the state I was in. My white pajama bottoms were stained bright red from the blood, and I think she could see the shaking of my body.

I lay down on her operating table, praying wildly that everything would be ok. That nothing bad had happened.

"Dara," the woman's voice was quiet, somber, fearful, "I think you've miscarried. I don't know why just yet but I'm guessing its to do with a chromosome imbalance..."

Her words faded as my brain slowly shut down, not able to take the news. A miscarriage. My baby gone. I thought I had felt pain before then, but the feeling that consumed me was more than any agony I had ever felt. All I wanted to do was ask why, why it had to be me that such bad luck fell upon? And why my baby, my beautiful unborn baby, had to suffer?

The world turned black and I fell unconscious.


"Dara! Dara!" An unfamiliar voice was shouting my name when I awoke again, but the minute I was conscious again the pain began again.

It ripped through my chest like a skillful swordsman, and the tears that welled in my eyes were like acid. Wiping them away the minute they fell, I looked around me to see the concerned faces of around ten people who I didn't know. I felt so alone. So heartbroken.

After another few hours where I fell in and out of sleep, I decided to finally go back to my room. The placenta and tissue had been expelled from my body and the doctor told me that some light bleeding may occur for the next few days. I felt empty inside, like I was a hollow tube.

Lance greeted me in the hallway, he took my hand gently and looked into my eyes with a sad smile. It was then that I broke down. Tears streamed down my face and the only thing I could do was cling onto him as he took us both into his office. Rubbing my back, he whispered words of comfort into my ear although his attempts of consolidating me did nothing to calm the pain inside.

"Is this some kind of punishment? What did I do to deserve this?" I cried out, my words became stuttered as the lump in my throat grew. Lance didn't reply and instead handed me a tissue while I sobbed.


Laying in bed that night, I stared at the plain white walls, trying to conjure up some emotion that wasn't emptiness. It was the kind of emptiness that hurt, it felt like I had nothing left.

"Just kill me now," I whispered to God, although I don't think he heard me through my tears.

I had lost everything.

Sorry this is so short/maybe inaccurate. I've never experienced a miscarriage, but I did some research before writing this so I hope that it wasn't completely wrong. Sad chapters ahead guys, brace yourselves.

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