Shapeshifters>> Sam

Prompt: Shapeshifters are little bitches

Y/n's POV:

You shook in fear as you woke up. Everything was dark. Scary dark. The kind of pitch black that is so thick you can't see your hand in front of your own face. You try to move but you find that your hands are tied behind your back.

A light bulb hanging by a string turns on above you shedding some light into the area. You seemed to be in an old abandoned building. Something like a shed or barn. The old door creaks open and two figures walkthrough.

You don't have much memory of how you got here. You and the boys had been on a case in Pennsylvania. Then you went to bed that night and you woke up here. The only people that knew you were there were Sam and Dean.

As the figures get closer you can see one is taller than the other. Soon they become clear.

Sam and Dean.

"Oh thank God your here, help me untie these." You say hastily. Sam hits you across the face. You stare at him in shock, your face burning from the impact.

"Shut up!" He bellows.

"Sam? Sammy, it's me, y/n." You whimper.

"No, you not! You're the fucking shapeshifter we're looking for." Dean growls. "Where is y/n?" He says.

"It is me!" You say.

"No, it's not! Don't lie to me!" Sam yells. You shrink away in fear.

"Sammy please." You say, tears beginning to run down your face.

Sam holds out his hand to Dean and Dean places a sharp knife in his palm. Sam walks towards you with the knife and presses it against your arm, dragging it down. You bite your cheeks but you don't give them the satisfaction of hurting you.

"Boys, please it's me." You plea.

Dean delivers a hard punch to your left cheek. Sam brings the knife to your wrist and drags the knife along there as well.

Then Sam drags the blade down your cheek cause a cut you know will scar.

"Where is y/n!" He says.

"Sam I'm right here!" You cry out.

He stands up and kicks you in the ribs, hard. Then Dean delivers a kick to your stomach. A sob lurches from you.

Then the old door they came through flies open but your eyes are drifting shut. You only see two more figures run in before all goes black.


You awoke in a soft bed with a fuzzy blanket laid over you. You turned your head and saw it was the blanket you brought with you everywhere that was draped over you. That meant...

You sat up straight to see Sam and Dean across the room. Both of their heads perk up like meerkats and they look at you.

"Oh good your okay," Sam says headed over to you. You begin to panic, breathing becomes difficult and you try to move away from him. He sees the fear in your eyes and is confused. "Y/n it's me, Sammy." He says.

"Don't hurt me! I'm not a shapeshifter I swear!" You cry. Dean is at Sam's side now.

"We know y/n, we killed the shapeshifters. They were beating you up." He says.

Then it clicks for you. It wasn't Sam and Dean hurting you. It was the shapeshifters.

"O-oh, yeah, my bad. I'm just a little freaked out still." You stutter.

The boys probably didn't realize that the shapeshifters took their form when they beat you. You didn't want to make the boys feel bad so you kept quiet.

"Hey, it's okay sweetheart," Sam says wrapping his arms around you in a soothing manner. He presses a kiss to the side of your head and you snuggle yourself closer in his embrace.

"Ugh, okay well while you two go be mushy and lovey I'm gonna go get a drink," Dean says sauntering out. You both chuckle. You and Sam lay down together and he holds you safe in his arms.

"I can see why you keep this blanket with you, it's really soft." He chuckles. You laugh.


"Sam no!" You yell sitting up straight in bed.

You had all returned from your hunt a week ago but nightmares still plagued your sleep.

"Y/n?" Sam asks flinging open your door in worry. He sees the tears running down your face. "Hey, hey, baby it's okay." He coos as he walks over and holds you in his arms. You cry into his chest and let him hold you. "Shh, it's okay baby girl." He soothes, rubbing your back.

"I-I'm sorry." You cry.

"Hey, you got nothing to be sorry for y/n." He says softly.

"Hey, S-Sammy?" You say.


"There's something I didn't tell you a-about when they took me." You whimper. "They, Uh, they looked like you and Dean." You say softly.

"Oh y/n." He coos holding you close. "I'm so sorry baby." He says stroking your hair. "I promise you, I will never hurt you. Never baby." He says. You nod and nuzzle yourself into his chest.

He lays down and pulls your fuzzy blanket over both of you.

"Sleep tight, my love." He says kissing your forehead.

Surely enough, your eyes slid shut, into a dreamless sleep.
